Year 2006 is almost over and done. 2 more weeks and we can kiss 2006 goodbye.
Hello 2007.
Early this year...
Got booked an hour into the new year.
Still reminiscing about the past, literally living in it.
Still unsure about alot of things.
I run for hours just to mentally run away from mindfcuking thoughts. (although i never like jogging~ - figured that it worked)
Was a one time movie freak. No more. I'm so outdated now.
Worked hard, played hard.
Realised that I trust people too easily. I was entangled into a single sided story. Silly~
As the days passed by, I am emotionally retarded. Partially handicapped.
I'm too far from that Word. Nor was I looking for it.
I'm tired.
Sometime mid year...
Badminton became a part of my life again.
Played like its nobody's business.
A drastic change of lifestyle.
(thats why I dont have time to catch all the movies in the cinema~)
I'm glad that its towards the "healthier" side..
The more people you mix around with presents new problems.
Secrets, stories, and backgrounds.
It's a challenge.
Nearing the end of the year..
I'm still in one piece, bracing for the brand new year ahead. =)
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:16 AM 2 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, December 09, 2006
What? Who are you blaming?
Sexual harrasment. Why are policewomen blamed instead of sharing the blame?
Promotions. Women should not indulge themselves in pursuing for promotions, because they have to take care of the family. Guess the definition of women as housekeepers remains.
Stray CCTV. Blamed on women who dressed sexily. She attracted stray cameras, so its her fault.
Malaysia Boleh!
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:31 AM 1 drop(s) of dew
Game Plan
They say different people have their own views on things. It's perfectly normal to look at the same thing in different ways. Bite this.
Love needs a game plan. Your every step and every move should move you closer to the person you label as the "Ultimate Aim". If you stutter when you talk to the person you like, drag your friends in to do some human marketing. Think of yourself as a brand. Do you want to be Prada or Bata? Of course Prada. Therefore you need friends to help you connect to your Ultimate Aim since you're hopeless at that. Bring a fortuneteller wannabe with you. He/she should be able to "read" your Ultimate Aim; at least that's what he/she thinks.
Never give up, keep trying day in and day out until you reach your goal. *Repeat if necessary
... Since when Love became WarCraft?
From my understanding, you're not dealing with robots. There are no game plans. Plans arent failproof. It's a person complete with feelings, thoughts and a personality, with a sense of judgement. Do you still think that a game plan is what you need?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 1:28 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, December 07, 2006
This vs That
I barely have time to watch tv. No CSI, no documentaries, no MTV.
Hello early mornings. Goodbye late-nights. (mental & physical torture~)
TTDI is my new place, for now. Bye bye M Tower.
A place where the the 13th floor were labelled 12A.
I spend more time on the roads and in front of the computer than anything else.
My eyes are getting a good beating out of it.
I am seated in a place where I can't tell if its day or night; other than my faithful Swatch.
Cramped, messy and noisy.
Stinks, its warm and I think its perfect for fungus to grow.
Computer terminals are yellowish white in colour and Dusty (I miss seeing all-black Dell computers complete with LCD monitors)
I am not used to seeing H.U.G.E servers being planted everywhere in a cramped, already - overcrowded room.
I missed the slim rack servers.
I'm a spoilt brat. M Tower spoilt us~
Missed the strawberry scented floor polish in the washroom that gets cleaned twice a day.
It stinks. It's small. Has got stale air that can kill a fly in an instant.
Missed the 26 high speed elevators servicing all 44 floors. (I have 8 elevators servicing 22 floors now~ pathetic)
Missed the security.
Miss the convenience of having a bank underneath my feet..
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:10 AM 4 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, November 23, 2006
It's going out of Control
Rape cases are almost regulars on the dailies. Not surprised and is almost completely unfazed. We only shake our heads in disgust, and thats that. What more, since our politicians can come up with the most peculiar-sounding comments, why should we bother then?
Someone called up earlier on, telling me that her half a year old kitten is pregnant - I'm a cat lover (also other animals in general). So which perv feline would do that to a barely a year old kitty? Gee. I guess in the cat society, there are evil-minded cats too. Perverts. After all, we've all heard of the glove-stealing feline. No big deal, its just another title that cats earned.
Apparently the kitten wasnt raped. It was because of her gatal-ness, she went "clubbing" day in and day out, and ended up getting herself pregnant; she should have stayed home like others. I guess cats learn from our politicians as well, hence the infamous remark : women get raped because they dress sexily. DuH.
So what do we do to the pregnant kitten? Someone asked if vets can perform abortion for a cat. Heh. Seriously, I'm not sure if there is such a thing. If the termination of a human pregnancy is unacceptable (according to our Laws), what about cats? Will the cat owners be subjected charges against infringement of a ridiculous law we might not be aware of?
Considering the options that the kitten has, the worst is yet to come.
1) Kitten carries on with the pregnancy, gives birth to a litter of kittens, but didnt have the slightest idea of how to take care of the newly born kittens - kittens emerge in a thin,membranous sac which is bitten off and eaten by the mother cat. That's not all. Newborns will have to be kept warm by its mother, otherwise they are at risk for death due to exposure. Sounds scary, don't it?
Thats not all, what about choosing a location to give birth? Cats are private animals. They prefer hidden places with no one else present. Sometimes we think that we're being nice by setting up a place for your cat to give birth in, but most of the times, that will not happen. (People have a bad habit of doing things you try to refrain yourself from doing)
So what does an inexperienced and immature kitten do? Giving birth in the bushes seemed like a good idea. Dense leaves give enough shelter and privacy, away from people.
But, is she aware of the other dangers of giving birth in the dense bushes? Fireants. I've seen what fireants can do to newly born kittens. Believe me, its not a pleasant sight. It was painful. One of my cats, once gave birth to a litter of kittens in the midst of the bushes. Guess thats what she learnt from her own mother - that's where she was born. Selecting the wrong location exposed her kittens to the unexpected danger - fire ants. Leaving her kittens to fill her empty stomach, she left them unprotected. While their fur is still damp from the membrane that they were born in, it attracts the fireants. In minutes, the kittens are almost entirely covered by fireants, and they were unable to defend themselves. I'm sure you are aware that fire ants can inflict a painful sting. Imagine being bitten all over. The cries led me to find out where the kittens are. By the time I found them, constant twitching made them look as if they are having spasms, which is actually their reaction to each sting. I cringed, and immediately start removing the ants from the kittens. Squeezing smacking pinching them flat. The mother cat stood by as I tried to remove the ants. There's nothing she can do. The panic look made me go faster. Each bite leaves a sensation a sensation similar to what one feels when they get burned by fire. Their tender skin covered by the minimal of fur was not enough to protect them from the stings. They did not survive the ordeal. My cat spend a couple of hours licking clean her dead kittens, spend hours with them. She knew it was all over. Guess cats have emotions too, and it shows in their faces. It was a sad picture. I lost my appetite for 2 days. I cried. I still get goosebumps each time I think about the whole incident; even when I was typing this. It was a bad experience. But my cat learned from her mistake, bringing up a litter of 4 in the next pregnancy, all cute and cuddly and healthy.
*Source: Years of cat/dog observation at home
2) Hungry male cats who takes kittens as food. -.-"
The most disgusting one I've even encountered was seeing a male cat with a kitten's head between his jaws. Enough said. Thats sick.
Missed my late cats and dog.
p/s: We know that this world is going crazy when sick things happen.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:42 PM 3 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
2's Company, 3's a Crowd
Alot of things happened lately. I never saw this coming, not this one. I almost freaked out when I found out.
I guess I had some sort of phobia regarding certain things. I'm not gona drop names, and to those who knows what I am talking about, bingo, those who doesn't, go figure!
It gives me chills just thinking about it.
You see this group of people with common interest. It stops there. Normal conversation revolves around that common interest that we have and all things general. In your mind, you draw lines clearly, as not to allow them to penetrate into your private life, you feel there is no need to. It's funny how intuition decides for us who we can trust and who we cant. Sometimes its not entirely about trust, its about being comfortable telling things that you normally need to dig your guts out to tell. However, there are times when you meet people that you simply felt ever so comfortable to talk to, and you can just yak away about your private life as if its just another ordinary story.
But what if some people tries to cross that invisible line that you've carved in your mind? Unnecessary dramatical stories, unnecessary questions that require answers, unnecessary phone calls and short messages. The frequency? Endless.
From their point of view, you are their close friend. Just because you never fail to lend an ear each time they need to spill their inner thoughts? What if you only see them as just friends? Not that close friend we-share-every-single-thought kind? It has to be mutual, isn't it?
They cannot understand the fact that being part of a group doesnt mean that everything has to be done together. What is wrong if you choose to mingle more with certain group members whom you click well with, or already share a close bond with? The fact that if the entire group were to hang out together, chances are the number of topics discussable revolves around that same old thing, cos you simply refuse to go further.
It's a big mess right now, and I didn't quite like the idea of someone I'm not willing to be held answerable to calling up all the time asking me where I am, what am I doing and who am I with.
And the fact that some other issues pop up out of nowhere, freaks me out now. Period. I feel threatened and stalked. Buddy-stalked.
Mess. Mess. Mess.
I crap a whole lot here. Too much input. Needed output. I just dont feel comfortable.
My definition: 2-3's company, more than that its a crowd~
Posted by iamjamiesher at 3:45 AM 6 drop(s) of dew
Sunday, November 12, 2006
A new place that I fell in love with. A single factor that can draw alot of Wuahs and Uhhs and Ahhs and make my jaw drop is architectural wonders. Unfortunately I didnt have my camera with me, and have to make do with my bloody phone camera, which apparently didn't quite let me down by capturing the beauty of the moment. Simply stunning.
After dinner we went round for a spin around the Garden City/Intelligent City, the view was simply breathtaking. This is not my first time here; I've been here countless of times, day or night, but the view last night simply blew me away. Turning left from the traffic lights, onto the Seri Wawasan bridge, my jaw dropped almost instantly. The bridge came into view, along with its stunning array of white lights illuminating each and every arch.
It simply gives you that instant ummph that you need, making you proud of what Dr M had done for the country. His visions. And his accomplishments.
Our beloved nation, had come a long way. Cities proceeded to grow into megacities, everything else seemed to be catching up with other megacities around the world. However, our society never seem to grow out of its old shell. We never learn to better ourselves, and judge things with a open mind.
Every now and then, we have "interesting" articles in the dailies, about people who held important positions blurting out blunt comments when questioned. Regarding the CCTV incident, this was the response: "If the dress was not sexy, the incident would not have happened. " This is simply unacceptable. In fact it made the rest of us commoners chuckled and be embarassed with such a weak excuse.
Instead of trying to move the country forward, we're moving backwards with insignificant issues being given HUGE attention.
Mat rempits.
Heh. Perhaps if given that our public transportation is efficient, safe and RELIABLE (breaks down too often dontcha think? =P ), perhaps we wont have despatch boys riding kapcais around town in the day, and REMP-ing the streets at night doing supermans!
Bahasa rojak.
I still don't see whats the fuss about already-there signages that combined English and Malay words. Touch 'n Go? It was introduced eons ago, and why is it that it suddenly became an issue now? Instead of looking into other aspects of our society, they waste their time fighting over small issues like that. Sentuh dan PERGI!! Tag Bestari? It's hard to imagine. Countless of names simply flood my mind right now, and I cant imagine what its like if they are all ripped off and replaced.
Most of us thinks that we are on par with the rest of the world. Think again. We think that we are an open-minded bunch of people. Are we, really? Are we the magnanimous people that we claim to be? Are we ready to be acceptant of differences in norms? Why is there a definition for social norms in the first place? Just to fit in nicely as just another piece of puzzle on the street?
Close friends around me, ybmaht included, will understand what crap I'm speaking about here.
We have a long way to go, dont we? Dont agree with me? I shall shoot you and blow you up. *grins* Malaysia spells FUN.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:28 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, November 11, 2006
When Patience comes second
This is what happens when people get impatient of the road. Although the road clear ahead, with slight drizzle gentle dotting your windscreen, this trailer simply skidded off the road, causing an almost 5km of cars lining up behind the obstructing trailer...
Posted by iamjamiesher at 4:19 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Scrolls and Robes, Math and Symbols
Graduating from the best universities doesn't make you a smart person.
After all, its all in the papers. And oh, a scroll, you get to put on that Harry Potter robe (minus the broom~) and the wide smile on your face.
OK. I'm kidding. It's a big deal! It is!
It makes me wonder how our brain ticks. How does symbols are being deciphered and interpreted by our brains? How did it ever mean anything at all? How do we reason things? Those math geniuses who could untangle complex mathematical equations with a breeze, is the ultimate WOW factor.
The next time you hit the streets, Look left and look right. Look around you. Everywhere you see are people who had at least a degree.
But why is it so hard for some to understand simple words and clear images?
Has universities and higher education made students a much complex individual that prevented our brains from operating in simple mode?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:38 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Just a Little bit of Sense
She hang on to him like he's her lifeline.
It was made so clear that even the blind can see.
Was it necessary? There's nothing wrong with being affectionate. But watch who your crowd is. Hello..This is not a show. We're in the middle of a meal.. hehlow.... whats with getting touchy feely? Do that elsewhere man.
There's a limit to freedom of doing-whatever-you-want. Doing whatever you want doesnt mean you can do it everywhere and anywhere. OK. The previous statement simply contradicts with the the word FREEDOM. But I guess we're brought up in a society where were taught to segregate what is considered morally acceptable and what isnt. Other "moral" lessons, we learn through the process of growing up. The basic we know getting touchy feely (especially over the dinner table)
Touchy feely over the dinner table? What does that look like? It creates a kind of uncomfortable air over it. Being publicly affectionate doesnt make you any better a couple, doesnt exert more love than those who uses a little more common sense. Its all bordered by just a little COMMON SENSE.
Stealing glances is sexy. Clinging to one another aint.
The whole world doesnt have to know that. Even if they caught you guys stealing glances and exchanging shy smiles, its still sweet.
Many will object my "kuno" thinking. It's just how I felt. It can be show in a million other ways, without making others roll their eyes and yawn.
Love doesn't always have to be the conventional kind.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:11 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Intel Beside
I used to think that it can NEVER be removed. Undetachable. You know, most of my itchy handed friends will attempt to dig the precious label, either that or they will just run their fingers on it over and over again in hope that it'll fall off just like that. Haha. Fat hope. Sticky stuff dont just fall out.According to some friends, this logo (pix, above) is the only proof that certifies the processor you're using. So, this is worth as much as the processor itself? (what theory..)
One fine day, ...
It ended up somewhere it shouldn't. By Someone who used to believe that its Undetachable (how silly's that?)
Okok. This is so wrong. Destruction of private property. But heck, I stick it back. Looks just as it was before. So hey, impossible is nothing eh?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:44 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The Little Nuisance
Remember when we were little, when we were first sent to primary schs to attend proper classes, most of us uttered "yeeeee ... kutu", at least once. Why is it that this kutu fever is so wide spread in schools back then? Of course hygiene plays a part in this, but how did it happen in the first place?! We have absolutely no idea who started the "outbreak" in schools. (of course, by the time you spotted that someone has been attacked by the K creature, check yours, you're probably Gotcha-ed by the Ks already...)
There are certain race of people whom we often assume the notorious K originated from (read: the Source). Subconsciously, we're all racists back then, not generally, of course (forgive us, we're just 7 year olds - and knew nothing about racism). Only when it comes to certain issues such as the K problem. We were racists, fellow Conventians... Simply hard to swallow. But I guess all of us eventually grew up to love the company of people from other races that made up us Malaysians.
Back to the point.
Not to forget the tedious part of exterminating these little creepy crawlies...
The thorough combing, the squashing (eeks!), and the medicament used.. ugh. Not to mention the smell and how greasy it is.. (the medicament is easily obtained from any government hospitals..for the minimum of charges or FREE)
You'll never know how far imagination can take you..
The thought of it crawling everywhere around your head, into your ears (gasps!), onto your pillows and sheets, scavenging around, feeding on your scalp *pukes*
I'm getting goosebumps by the loads just writing a piece about it. Here's why.
I wonder if kids these days still face the same problem. Nightmare.
p/s: Paris Hilton can sing. No doubt. I guess promoting yourself as a dumb blonde pays off. No dumb person can make it big in every field you choose to get involve. Initially it only attracts all the wrong kind of attention, all the wrong news in tabloids and magazines and all the wrong perceptions, all the wrong labels. Guess she makes alot of people chew and swallow their words about her? Heh. This is the best trick ever.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:06 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I Care
Priorities are what that made part of our daily lives. In fact, it was the way you prioritise that makes you the kind of person you are. More than often, negligence comes into the picture.
Prioritising is also the culprit, the reason why we sometimes shun the people we care about. It's a huge mistake to let it happen. I realised that I am taking things for granted, but I kept repeating it until it comes to a point where its almost beyond recovery, and I'm still not doing anything about it. To reverse all that seemed all impossible, and I guess I don't have the guts to make thing right again. I avoid it instead. Sigh.
People prioritise because they see lesser of something as compared to the other. They reckon that attention should be divided unevenly and things they think are important to them takes a bigger slice of attention. Occupies the most time. Common sense tells you that there's a serious imbalance among people and things that are important to you. And it took so long to make you realise that things are actually repeating itself again?
The way I am behaving right now, reminds me of my secondary school years, whom the people I shun are the ones I owed my life to, my parents. It just feels like I'm repeating my mistake again, and this time around it happened to people close to me. I took them for granted. For my love of the sport. It consumes me wholly, enough to make my relationship with my parents fail, and my studies suffered.
There's a need to find balance. The Yin and Yang of life.
I'm sorry.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:37 AM 1 drop(s) of dew
Monday, October 09, 2006
"I think I saw a picture of you. Is that you?" (I kinda forgot the exact sentence, but it sounds something like this)
Haha. Click on that link and you're dead meat. Your computer, I meant. Or just MSN.
It's pretty tempting to click on that link, especially when it mention something about YOU, and a picture of you supposedly posted somewhere on the Internet. You are just so tempted to click on that link and find out for yourself.
Curiosity kills the cat, almost. When I first saw that kind of link, coming from a friend that OFTEN send over links to funny videos and music clips, I was so tempted to click on that link. But then again, my intuition tells me something else.
It's not the first time such a thing happened. So why take the bait now?
Just last night, bro texted me and told me about the trojan. Home pc got infected, and what happens next is his msn account starts spamming all the people in his list, sending the malicious link to each of them, spread it other unsuspecting MSN users.
So becareful pals, dont fall for phony temptations. Most of the time it promises nothing but destruction.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 7:06 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Sticks and stones
We reminisce about old times, when things were how they were at that time, or at least the way we remembered it. Be it happy times or sad times. Unsuspecting stray words that come from the mouths of others simply sets your brain rolling back in time, dishing everything you put in the past back into the present. Simply flooding your mind with the past.
Hit some stones and rocks along the way. Thats when you plan a detour. Go elsewhere, do something else. All those questions come into mind. Quit, make that necessary change and never look back. Saying is easy, the execution is a bit elusive.
"When your whole life goes up in smoke, its time for a promotion".
Choosing love over career, or career over love. At least if that makes you happy, you should go for it. Both are equally important, but sometimes we're not the lucky few who get to keep both.
It's more than just knowing what you're doing at work. It's about knowing and understanding what you're doing matters more thn just blindly doing whatever you should be doing. It's frustrating at times when you dont have enough access to the necessary information, which is closely guarded by people who made themselves important by having total control over it. Of course, if you were them, you'd do the same thing to maintain your value.
Try something new. Go on a totally different route. Explore new opportunities. Evaluate options. Find the courage. Take that risk.
The pursuit has begun.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 3:26 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Dear Yahoo!: | |
How long does an average dream last? | |
Elizabeth Reno, Nevada | |
Dear Elizabeth: | |
Although it may seem like we're dreaming from the instant we fall asleep until the moment we wake up, the average visit to Neverland is actually far shorter. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, people spend an average of two hours dreaming each night. Dreams "almost always" occur during REM sleep, when the body experiences "rapid eye movement, loss of reflexes, and increased pulse rate and brain activity." Your ability to remember your dreams depends a lot on your personality. Newsweek explains that introverts tend to remember their nocturnal adventures better than extroverts. In terms of the subject matter, males and females often dream about the same things. Again according to Newsweek, 73% of men and 74% of women have dreamed of falling. OK, but how long does an average dream last? Depending on who you ask (or which site you visit), a dream can last anywhere from a matter of seconds to 45 minutes. We were unable to find an official answer, but this post from AnswerBag claims dreams last "about 15 minutes on the average." Dream Moods states people dream one to two hours per night, fitting in about four to seven dreams. If, like us, you're wondering why you dream about showing up naked to piano recitals, these dream interpreters may help you find some answers. |
*source: Yahoo!
Stumbled across this article when I was taking a break from work.
Introverts tend to remember their nocturnal adventures better than extroverts? haha. With such detailed recall of my own dream ... I'm officially an Introvert?? *grabs an "INTROVERT" sticker and sticks to forehead*
In fact, people dont always remember dreams probably because they got out of bed right away after waking up. Remember my military style wakeup procedures? With that, bet I couldnt remember a single bit.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:07 AM 1 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Cab Horror
Hot sunny afternoon. Lunch time. Lady got out of a bank, hopped on a cabbie waiting outside the building. Usually people take empty cabbies. Surprisingly, this lady, couldnt be bothered to notice that there was another guy at the front seat next to the cabbie driver. She took it.
Well. As you might have guessed, it didnt end up well. She was driven to another bank, asked to withdraw money through her ATM card, which has a withdrawal limit of 3k per day. I guess they maxed out on that...And robbed her of her valuables.
She's lucky to have survive that without any physical injuries. Or perhaps they cash in alot on her, and therefore she was released unharmed? There are a thousand other possible things they could have do to her. I'll leave that to your imagination.
You might be thinking that going for lunch without your wallet sounds like a better solution? Well, not quite. Heartless people like these, wouldnt leave without cashing in on anything. And since you have nothing for them to cash in on, they could have harmed you, maybe a stab or two. A slash or two?
So people, with wallet or without?
Its not safe anywhere anymore. Watch your own backs.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:45 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
I single-handedly sabotaged a vacuum cleaner.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:41 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Sing me a Love Song
Fairy tale endings, living happily ever after, you and me forever.
Things like that weren't exactly made up. There must be some truth to it that that makes people spread them like ferns releasing spores, winding into the sky, along with the wind. Perhaps they were attainable. Perhaps its something that's within a mortal person's reach. Perhaps I'm too much of a realist. I used to tell people that I don't believe in happy endings. Not when you're in a situation where things doesnt favour you.
Prove me wrong.
This is something very individual. You can see it which ever way you like. Suit yourself.
It's just a point of view, nobody lives by it.
We know it when its worth every single heartbeat to make the relationship work. Everything just comes naturally, without us even trying. If you think that you tried too hard, perhaps you're not meant for each other?
It takes time to build the trust and understanding about each other in any given relationship. Many thinks that a typical relationship should consist of a dominant party and another, submissive, so that it balances out the differences. I cakap, you dengar. Traditionally, male dominant, women submissive. Sadly, most women still think that it is just right for them to behave that way, which sometimes translates as "womanly behavior". While other women are fighting for gender equality, don't you think that the womanly behaviour simply contradicts the claim itself?
So much for the fight for equality, imagine the right hand trying to sculpt a sand castle, while the left is busy destroying everything the right hand is trying to make. So at the end of the day, nothing gets done. Starting a story without a beginning and an end.
Those who believed that they were born to this world to please men, sod them.
Those who believed that their very existence is to grow up, stay beautiful, grab a man, get married and get all settled down, and spend the rest of their lives clinging to their man, and hope that not a thing changes, and live happily ever after; minus a career, minus a decent education. You get the picture?
If only life was that easy.
Perhaps I was wrong about what I claimed, statistically; but I'm sure there are some truth in it. By the way, I don't need statistics to back me up, I just need some thoughts, some observations and some conversations.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:10 AM 5 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Hundredth + 1
I live in a dorm, with 9 other people. We were not segregated, gender wise. Not that it matters, I cant even remember the faces nor the names of the people I'm sharing the dorm with. It doesnt bother them either.
The dorm I live in, is just one of the many dorms at the Dorm Park. People from all walks of life. The dorms are mobile cells that can be easily moved from place to place. Think Trailer Park. Dorms were seperated from other dorms by just metal grills. It's basically a huge CELL that fits 10 people easily without any signs of looking as a cramped living quarter. The Idea? Prison cells. Difference: More Spacious and comfy, and its not black and white. It's colourful. No privacy (hence the grills). Don't ask me why anyone would choose to live in such a place.
Nothing specifically high tech is present at the Dorm Park. I'm talking about security. The dorm is accessible through sliding doors, yes, metal, and locking it means using one small pathetic padlock. Just ONE. Security: NONE. Ziltch.
When there are many groups of people living together in a small park, there are sure to be conflicts amongst the tenants. People stick to their dorm-mates, their groups, and fiercely defend themselves, watching each other's back.
I'm not that keen on internal political issues such as that, so I remained the observer and the person of a few words. Keeping mum about everything doesnt mean that I'm left out of the constantly boiling conflicts. That happens when you're in a group. I'm indirectly responsible for the things that my dormmates did, even though I had no hands on anything, but just because I am part of the group, it got me tangled in the mess.
Our belongings are simply left in our backpacks, we have no shelf units nor any storage units to keep our belongings. Oh, did I forget to mention that the people there are mostly backpackers looking for a cheap place to crash. New faces can be spotted almost everyday, perhaps that explains why I have problems remembering names and faces of even my dormmates. There is a silent unspoken rule that everyone understands, "We shall not take what does not belong".
It doesnt only apply here, in fact, it should be a universal rule that everyone know by heart.
Each morning all cells will be emptied, we are not allowed to stay in the dorm during the day, as part of a drive to make the people go out and explore the place. Or make themselves useful, earn a buck or two. Most people here travel on a shoestring, therefore they need to earn that extra cash to move along.
Emptied cells simply means that what seperates a thief from our belongings is that ONE padlock. Of course, its the rule of thumb that NO ONE should EVER leave anything valuable in a place like that. However, it sometimes slips our mind ...
We've been living here for the past 3 weeks, and everything feels safe. We formed a close knit relationship among dormmates, and everything just felt in place. Everyone fits in like pieces of puzzles. Theft rate, ZERO. However, things change when we start to take things easy, when we let our guard down, and make yourself vulnerable to threats. When you felt comfortably safe, that's when everything crumbles.
We came back one day, only to find the padlock lying in a awkward position. I knew something bad happened. Bad. GOsh. My things. MY things. NO. This cant be happening. We left the earlier the day, leaving behind all our belongings, since we decided carry nothing but IDs cos we were doing some volunteering work for the community. We don't need that extra 10 pounds on our backs for such work. Huge mistake.
I lost my entire backpack. Everything. My Oakleys, my cellphone, my PDA, my iPod, cash, and worse, my digital camera; along with hundred MBs worth of pictures that I wont be able to recover nor get a second shot of, clothes, my backpacking essentials. Everything. I broke down upon finding that. The rest of my dormmates suffered just about the same fate. Lost everything. The thought of losing so many things all at once is simply too painful. The material loss aint that bad, it was the intrusion into people's lives through their belongings that hurts. Felt "raped" of my things, and it felt dirty.
Bastards. Those who did the things they do. Taking things that does not belong. I'm disgusted. It hurts. The thought of it kills me almost instantly. Chicken shit losers who finds the easy way to get things that are seemingly out of their reach. I believe in Karma, just as how my sister use to tell me about it. It doesnt make me feel any better. Devastated, I decided to get out of that place. My trust was betrayed. I had myself to blame.
I sat at the sidewalks, mourning at my loss. It's still painful. A middle-aged couple stop by their tracks, and asked me if I'm alright. They're from Germany, residing in the hotel on whose pavement I was sitting on. Shuomo, a grand 6star hotel in the luxury strip of the city. I have no idea how far I've wandered penniless from Dorm Park, and ended up there exhausted and hungry. They offered to buy me dinner at a posh al fresco restaurant just across the street from Shuomo. God bless them. I shed tears of gratefulness and be reminded that there are still good people left in this world. Their generousity did not end there. The couple spoke in thickly accented English, we exchanged experiences over the dinner table, and there was a connection which established itself at the very moment we spoke. I spoke about giving up travelling, but the couple encouraged me to carry on. They offered to get me things that I might need for my journey, and offered some cash. They are way too nice, to a stranger like me. I didn't know how to thank them.
It's hard to trust people from a new place, because it has been broken once, and it could happen a lot more times in the future. It is not easy to build trust and it takes time. It's even harder when we had to build it from scratch, which is often the case in real life. But I guess that it is just part of life, it is something that we had to learn to deal with, so that we can train ourselves to be instinctive through experience.
Thank God it was only a dream. I guess that with this, I'd never ever leave anything behind, out of my sight. This is one of the dreams I had that I remembered with such detail. One of the meaningful things in life that we should never take lightly of.
*Based on a true Dream =)
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:29 AM 3 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Pop a cork and CELEBRATE!!!
Ok. It's my hundredth. Chill, won't be asking anyone to celebrate this with me, but heck, what an achievement. *thinks* hey.. I think I've reached the 100th mark before, through Friendster blog, until M blocked the site. Sheesh. Nevermind. The world is never short of blogging sites. Heh.
Speaking about TechnoStress (NO, I'm not talking about TECHNO, I was referring to TECHNOlogy), I just had to agree that it has taken over the traditional ways of communication, in fact, taken over by storm. *Yawns* I don't even want to go there.
For the past few weeks...
It was such an excitement to meet up with long lost friends again. Those you got to know during badminton crazy teenage years, who you've lost touch with eons ago. It's simply amazing how small the circle appears to be when you start to gather your old friends back. Still sharing the same enthusiasm for the same sport that brought us together. Cheers.
Dough chase. Everyone's got a hot feet when it comes to this. Heh. So hot are their feet that it burned the head. So F. Tak civil langsung.This is what happens when the brain isnt coordinating the motor movements properly.
I thought someone was killed last night, dismembered, and packed into a rubbish bag. Notice the brown coloured juice flowing out? Might be blood.. Hot are their feet that they don't have time to clear up the mess the make.
Cutest things on earth are Innocent looking.The looks, I was referring to.
And this is just for you, Thamby :Why was I not invited to your grand opening?!
Pictures paints a thousand words. (I'm lazy to write..that's what it Meant)
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:56 PM 4 drop(s) of dew
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Listen listen listen to Meeee..
I don't have the attention span of a flea. In fact, I pay 110% attention when I listen to people. And I remember things. As it is.
However, its a challenge to listen to this ONE person. While I normally start my day high on energy, all prepared to battle the jam and traffic police out on the roads. No problems.
Talking to this Particular person, it changes things. It's a challenge to pay attention to that person when your focused mind decides against you, and your mind start wandering off.
Not only does the mind wanders far far away from where you should be, them came the sleep-triggering talk. The kind that will make you fall asleep Immediately. It's hard to hold your head up straight and look into that person's eye when when your eyes are not cooperating with your brain. The effects are almost immediate.
I'm still trying to figure out what caused this. The face? The words? I wonder.
The most surprising part was that, it not only happened to me. Same goes for the other 2. Something is wrong. I wonder what would happen if that person gives a Demo presentation to the board of directors? The after effects can be disastrous...
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:40 AM 2 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, September 02, 2006
I've never participate in any Treasure Hunt of any sort.This was my first, and definitely won't be my last.
What is more fun that participating in a TreasureHunt, with a team made up of your own family members? It was a cross-border event, which also promotes Visit Malaysia 2007 (Hence the stickers on the participating cars)
It was a wet morning. It's been pouring since the wee hours that day. But it didn't dampen any of the participants enthusiasm a single bit. Everyone was in high spirit, and couldnt wait to get it started. As for me, I was not psyched, mainly cos I didnt get a good sleep the night before, thanks to the mat rempits burning the needle-straight 4-lane newly paved road behind my house; the other was because I spent long hours travelling.LCCT was such a sight, the first impression it gave me was that it resembles the Melbourne International Airport. It was however a little troublesome to get there, an hour and fifteen minutes ride from KL Sentral to LCCT is rather illogical, cos the flight itself only took less than 55 minutes. Perhaps they should do something about the hour long journey to get there, and make use of the million dollar ERL.
Back to the mat rempits, I should have got up and grab a bag of gravels and start throwing at them. Or make a huge oilspill so that they'll go down together. Sakit hati, sakit telinga.
The Hunt starts from Alor Setar Mall and the last checkpoint would be in a rest area in Changloon, before we head to Hatyai.
The estimated distance that will be covered is 71KM. We were given a 5KM margin, and if you clocked more than that, faham faham took another route to reach the final checkpoint. Clock in more than the given margin, you're disqualified.
We were given 4 hours to finish the Hunt, from the time we were clocked off.
But before we got it going, we had an hour long briefing (in 3 languages), explaining the rules and how to read the manuals, and also how to read the question sheet and fill out the answer sheet. While he was explaining, we havent seen the manuals yet, so we were just listening and tried to remember whatever he was saying.
We were flagged off at 10am, manuals were given out.

The questions and clues, brought us from AlorSetar, to Kuala Kedah (where you can hop on a ferry to Langkawi), right across the border to Kangar, Perlis, and all the way to Changloon before we head to our final destination at Lee Gardens, Hatyai.
The wet weather was perfect for a set up for a perfect view of paddy fields, as far as the eye can see. I was simply enjoying the greenery around me, and it feels so good to be in the greens again. The concrete jungle back in KL is simply adding on the stress.

We reached Changloon, its time for lunch. Had something light at the rest area, and we head to Hatyai. Had to catch some snooze time, I'm just drop dead tired. Occasionally I opened my eyes and see signages bearing words that curve and twist that looks familiar but incomprehensible to me. Welcome to Thailand. Zzzz..
We checked in to the hotel, had a quick shower and we're out again. Food food and more food!

And the last prize, a set of 17' Rims and tyres to come with it, 0104!!! MINE!!!!!!

Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:39 PM 6 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
When Hallucinations Crosses the Border..
"I'm hallucinating!! Lets go grab something! I crave Lok Lok! I crave Starbucks GreenTea Frap!! I want wantan mee, but only the best!" My mind can think of nothing but food! I can't sit still, I've been sitting there for two freaking long days and I have more to come! I crave ikan Bakar kat belakang tuuuu.. Dumpling soup?! Is it good is it good?! "
"We go for a quick grab. I mean QUICK. Ikan bakar. Rojak. Eggtarts. Lohbak."
"If my stomach is not filled, I cannot do my work. BYE. Quick dash! You wanna follow?"
I'm IN. Lets ciao. Over and OUT.
Off we went. That was a pretty quick dash down to KL and back. Grabbed two Greentea frap, one with cream and one without. I've been a Starbucks lover even though I quit coffee ages ago. Never tried GreenTea frap until just now. Whoosh. Was a blast. For my throat, tummy and brain. Froze in no time. kekkeke.
I was already freezing the first few gulps. (and I was thinking that its normal to freeze after taking in the freshly blended fraps..Never experience anything like that with coffee..) Hands and legs were shivering. The funny thing was, we both only came to realise that we're shivering only when we were about to reach home! -.- We're such ... cows. -.-''
Love the spontaneity. =P *hugs*
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:33 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Monday, August 21, 2006
You wake up in the morning, get a cold shower to give you that Ummmmph, to get you up and moving.
And of course, have breakfast. Never skip breakfast, unless its Sundays where waking up late is just so well deserved. But wait.. Sunday is 1,2,3,4,5,6 days away. Damn. Nevermind.
And when I was about to clean up and leave for work, I got a scare. Cos.. all my life, I've never seen something like this in a sink..
Black round eyes looking up at me. Guess it was unable to move or anything. And its F.A.T.
with Big round eyes. -.-
Got no time to do anything to it. Running late. So.. Eww, thamby! it stayed there the rest of the day!!!
When I got home later that evening, done with dinner and I wanna wash up.
When I looked down, Whoosh! The monster is still there!!
It was in the sinkhole that leads to the drainpipe.
Perhaps thats not a good place to cool yourself off, little lizzy. A Swimming pool? Didn't know lizards can swim, in a drained pool. Haha. I got a shock anyway, cos its late evening and its dark at that corner, and when you suddenly realise there's a pair of big round eyes staring blankly at you, you'd freak. Haha.
Anyway, Thamby, I thought you'd like to see this, so I got it on video. On what I did to it. Pretty smart lizard who never let go of any chances of surviving. *grins* But silly enough to get itself end up there in the first place.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:11 PM 4 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, August 19, 2006
IF I were to judge by its looks, I would NEVER never buy this CD.
Kinda messed up, aint it?
But I fell in love with what lies beneath this awful looking cover.
What I get from within outweighs what I get from the exterior.
The beauty of its contents reflects a different hue on its surface.
A beauty from within.
Soulfully satisfying.
*I love this version of their songs.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:19 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
National Pride
Shell gave Malaysians another chance to show Singaporeans that we're equally Kiasu.
Free petrol vouchers must be a pretty brilliant idea by Shell. With all the rising cost sprouting from the increase in petrol prices; therefore with kacang putih bank accounts, I oughta stick more medals on my car, and try to get myself some free petrol vouchers. But hey, paying RM50 to get a Medal? The word FREE really blinds people. Smartie idea to get the people to empty their tanks faster so that they can refuel and GET MORE MEDALS! Scam. You get what you paid for~ There's no such thing as Free.
Tinted screens are no longer the "in" thing. Medals are. Just like the proud owner of the above Proton. What better way to show your patriotism than to drive a national car bearing not the national flag but Shell Medals?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:15 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Drop it like its Hot.
Nobody sent me anything about people sticking their fingers into their noses. In public. Nevermind.
When you thought that the world had just turned its back on you, think again. It's not that bad if you learn to see it from a different angle. Not literally. Mentally.
Think you have a borrrrrring job? Try something new. Sticking your a*se to the chair, slogging away 9-5 aint your cup of tea? Switch. I've found a cool job. This.
Cool, aint it? People spend hundreds to abseil from mountainsides. This is equivalent to that, but instead of mountainside, you'll be roping down windows. Whats more, unlike mountainside where you syok sendiri and people can ass-look from below or see your big head from above,
people can see you in action. And even snap pictures of you! Hehe. Life is about making Choices.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 6:54 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Flame Grilled, anyone?
Dell's mass recall of battery packs made the headlines today. Grrreat.
As I'm typing this, the laptop was where a laptop was suppose to be, on my lap. To envision my laptop engulfed in a minor inferno was kinda scary, especially when my lap is exposed to such danger of getting flame-grilled. Gee..
I've checked my battery pack a couple of times, and it wasn't part of the recall. Won't exactly say that I'm relieved though. You know, electronic stuffs are kinda.. unpredictable. You'll never know when they decide to blow up. *gulps*
So, its time to leave all those electronic stuffs behind. Stick to the old school. Scream and shout at your pals across the streets if you need to talk, urgently. Nevermind others around you, they can choose not to hear. Or.. think of it as strong wind slapping your face. *Slaps* Stick to desktops, drop everything Mobile. Anything that has the word "Mobile".
With Liquid now officially banned on international flights and at airports, I will not have the slightest doubt that portable computers and cellphones will be next. Along with the brothers and sisters of the mobile technology, we're becoming the victim of our own inventions.
Maybe in the near future, we needn't wear anything over our birthday suits, we don't need to. After all, airports will be equipped with high end equipment that will allow them to see through the passenger's clothes. Why do we need clothes then? Save them alot more time, and our time too.
One thing interesting about being on Malaysia roads are that, there are so many things to see. Malaysians have the most peculiar little habits. Such as digging their nose publicly, which is as usual as running your hand through your hair. I'm not sure if I'm privileged, but I get to see ALOT of that everywhere. I cringe at the sight of that. I had to.
The worst thing is that, they kept doing what they were doing even though they saw you looking at them. How's that? Ugh. The next time you see that, grab your camera phone immediately and capture them. I'm sure that those snapshots wont go to waste. Just like we could submit pictures of people cutting queues, or doing the most outrageous things with their vehicles, we could do the same about bad habits. Send it to
What's not to like about being a Malaysian?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:55 AM 3 drop(s) of dew
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Walk on the Wild Side
We interpret meaning of songs just as we do facts thrown at us. Hidden meanings behind the words brilliantly used by the composer simply makes the song a mystery in its own ways. Some might never get the meaning behind it despite listening to it endlessly. Whereas for others, it hit home on the first hearing. Amazing aye?
But then again, you cant appreciate the song when someone told you to do so. Because a song that meant something to one person might not deliver the same impact on another person.
At the end of the day, what you feel matters the most. Not everything can be put down in spoken or written words. They are meant to be kept in you.
And He said, "Take a walk on the wild side."
Posted by iamjamiesher at 5:19 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, August 12, 2006
My Heart Babbles
People laugh when I said I miss home.
You have to be in one's shoes to know what it feels like. What it feels like to be so far away from the place where you grew up, away from the comforts of your home, away from your parents.
At least I know what my priorities are. I cherish what I have and I''m glad I got to where I am now. I'm glad that the distance seperating my family and I, brought me something better. Family bonds. I miss home.
I once wished I could get out from home as soon as I can. It's hard living with your parents who are constantly watching your every move, at times immobilizing you. It's suffocating. I crave freedom. Half my life was spent as an athlete. The kind of exposure you get from going places, was an entirely different experience. The more you found out about the outside world, it soon became part of your life, where you want to live in it. However, my parents supported my involvement in sports, and encouraged me. I was often reminded that my grades matter just as much, but I did just the exact opposite. I've let them down time and again, silently hurting them, but they never give up hope. I came home only for meals and for a place to sleep, the rest of the time are spent training and loitering at the training grounds. Parents paid for my tuition fees, only for me to sleep during classes. I was just too tired after each training session. I failed miserably to set my priorities right.
The chain of events happening after SPM and throughout my college years, I am glad things took a turn for the better.
People said that distance makes the heart grow fonder. When distance becomes a determining factor. Watchful parents, redefined. Suffocating no more. You take all those factors that were part of your first half of life, everything felt so much different. You missed the kind of attention you used to get.
The thought of my loving parents, reduced me to tears. I miss them.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 3:07 AM 1 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Fire Drill..
This is an emergency. Please make your way to the nearest fire exit. Take nothing else but only your belongings. *repeat a million times* The alarms went off.
Bloody hell. Why does it had to happen when I'm halfway relieving myself in the loo? Grrrreat.
*Rolls eyes* Get what I have to do done quickly, and get myself out of the lavatory.
Walked back into my office area. Found everyone there still taking their own sweet time, heehaha-ing away despite the the constant prerecorded warning that was played on and on and on, asking the staffs to evacaute the building via the fire exits.
Despite that, people carried on with their work.
You know why there's a high number of casualties when disaster struck in highrise buildings? Be it a fire, or worse come to worse : terrorist attack, or (put your own here). Reason was because people were ignorant. Ignorant about everything. Despite the state of art building with proper signage and easy to access fire exits, in cases of emergencies, they simply panicked.
Anyway, since they're gona sweep each floors to make sure that everyone's safe on ground zero, people reluctantly leave their workareas. And walked down the staircase instead of making a mad rush. I doubt that will happen in a real fire situation. Malaysians.. Making the headlines would be, "Hundreds stomped to death in mad rush down to the staircase".
The exercise was a failure. The building should be evacuated in 5 minutes. I think the people there took triple the estimated time to evacuate. We never take things seriously, some think its a waste of precious time.
Will we ever learn?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:18 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Awkwardly Natural
It's funny how we tend to do things awkwardly when we were told to do so by someone else. Sounds familiar? Or you don't get the idea? Ok. Here's the thing. Let's say, I told you that you're not funny. So you were taken aback by that wild remark that came from nowhere, and all of a sudden, you let that petty remark consume you wholly. There and then, you tried to be funny. You dig deep into your reserves for the funniest jokes (by your own term..) you can ever manage to recall. Blah.. It came out as cold as a chunk of turkey in the freezer.
My point is..
You can't do something naturally when you were asked to/because someone said so.
Correct me if I'm wrong. I think I've observed enough to prove to myself that this theory works. When you find yourself hurling remarks like that to people close to you, perhaps that was because you're unhappy with how the other behaved, or portray themselves as. You start to point out the weaknesses and everything they do is distasteful to you. You can smell the end is looming. It's hard to see anything good when you're already blinded with so much negativity. The chances you get to redeem yourself will never seem to be enough. Not enough to erase all those negativity. I guess it's only human that negativity reigns over positivity. Ah.. I'm not gonna blame the media again for this, but I would say that we're hardcoded to behave that way.
Invitations only invite Farewells.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:49 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Catch 'Em Catch 'Em Red Handed!
It's rude to cut queues.
You're late doesn't mean you are entitled to do so.
But hey, that's what Malaysians do. That's what makes us Malaysians! YeeHaa!
The best part was that, you can now report those who cut queues. Snap pictures of them, in action!! I read it from the Sun, I'll get the details on where I can send those pictures to tomorrow. Ter-lupa.
Updates: You can send those pictures to From 2nd July til 24th August. Haha. Enjoy, people.
Note: Hey, don't crash into someone's behind while you're trying to get the best shot of them cutting queue aite? Ugly sounds of metal crashing. Tak sedap dengar, believe me.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:05 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Tell me what you call Emergency
Perhaps cars nowdays are designed to pack a little more ummph than cars do 10 years ago, people tend to demonstrate speed and power of their machines on the roads. Not rich enough to rent his own private tracks to demo power to himself. Perhaps he craves people's attention, craves other onlooker's oohs and ahhs. Thats my take.
The pendulum swings both ways.
With lots of speed and power comes accidents and deaths, besides smashed up cars and ugly scenes. Sigh.
In emergencies like that, we expect the ambulance or the fireengine to reach first. Lives of the crash victims are in their hands. But guess what? They're never the first to arrive!!
The winner: Towtrucks!!
I'm always amazed at how fast they can make their way there. Count 1,2,3,4 and 5, taDA~ they're there already..The most amazing thing was that, they don't just come in one, they come in excess numbers...
If only ambulances operate in the same way...
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:45 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Know who You can Trust
"Hey, is it safe for you to walk back to your car?"
You can come up with many other versions of that. Replace "walk" and "car" with something else and you can come up with hundreds or more possibilities.
"Hey, is it safe for you to swim back to you Island?"
Haha. Kidding. Don't try that. You might get rip to pieces by the powerful jaws of the great white shark roaming the waters. (or consumed entirely *gulps* )
It's not safe anymore, not anywhere. You walk alone, you get robbed. You walk in pairs, both get robbed. Perhaps next time they'd get bolder and rob an entire group of people.
People, in fact, learn from experiences. Bad ones leave bitter aftertastes, which makes strong silent statements to make the authorities and people in power realise that things went out of hand, way out of control. It takes the death of innocent lives to start the ball rolling.
It feels rather strange to see so many RELA personnels out on the roads, on bikes and on foot, patroling the streets. I must say that all that came too late. What does the murderer do when police flood the streets? Stay in and watch Football on tv! We can only rely on the people in Uniforms to uphold safety and peace in the community. You think so? I don't.
What enrages me even more is that, those people whom we thought we could rely on, for which their sole purpose of existence was to protect the people against crimes of any sort, is far from what they seemed? One of the most outrageous encounter I've ever heard was from a friend. One of her pals was stopped by the traffic police, for one obvious traffic offence, beating the red light. Guilty as charged. She was expecting to be booked for that offence, but hey, the policeman surprised her with something else. He asked for her number instead. And further said that they should go out for a drink sometime. Freaking out, tears rolled down her cheeks, prompting the other policeman to ask her to drive away. Sicko. Tell me who can we trust?
Guess we have our ownself to defend from now onwards. You people out there, take good care of yourself and be on alert, be on radar. Pepper sprays don't work, use baseball bats. Haha. I'm kidding. If you kill anyone by accident, don't tell the cops you got the idea from me. Kekke..
Even waste metal like this get smashed up and Ransacked..
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:36 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Friday, July 21, 2006
Traffic 101
Need to be a more patient person? Try the Traffic Therapy.
It's no small feat to navigate through this sort of heavy traffic every morning.
In fact, it's a new challenge everyday. It takes the workforce of the entire Intelligence Agency to figure out the Optimum time to depart and the estimated time it takes to reach your destination. Isn't that a Cool Job?
There's an old saying, Time is money. A more appropriate saying for the 21st century motorists, Time is Everything. It amuses me sometimes on how much impact a 2 minutes delay made so much difference on the roads. I mean the traffic. Who knows that forecasting the traffic would boom into something as big as forecasting stock market shares or FOREX rates!
Traffic 101 :
1) Consider The time you take off.
2) Keep a constant watch on the level of traffic already on the road.
3) Assess the situation. (Assess all lubangs and every inch of space spotted.
4) Stick to the moving lane, of course. Static ones drives you up the wall..
5) We Malaysians need to be more considerate people. Allow those who cut queues to chip in in front of you. Don't curse or wave anything obscene at other. Be nice. (What I meant was, add extra buffer time for each car that chipped in right in front of you.)
6) Watch as magic unfolds in front of you. Be amazed by how a two lane street doubled to a four lane. Maybe 5.
7) Traffic Lights. They are to be ignored on mornings and evenings. Watch out for White gloves. And oh, you've got to triple the time of the usual stop at red lights. (Note: Extra extra buffer time) And also, you've gota put in Extra Extra time in this case, cos you'll never know when an entourage of 500ccs and golden plated expensive big ass cars are coming your way. They have the right to stop all other moving objects to make way for them.
You should be prepared for the Malaysian Roads. Good Luck.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:09 PM 5 drop(s) of dew
Work Overload?
Self explanatory.
My point is...Work does not always end up this way.
All we need is a little balance between work and play.
Play as hard at work as you did at play.
But of course put on that serious face you need when its time to work. (and a serious mind)
I can see how that situation (referring to the picture above) is potentially harmful.
It reduces your happiness level, and you don't get as hyped as you did before, even on Fridays.
The next time your Co offers you a Laptop, dont jump for joy, Ask for a Desktop, so that work stays where it should be, at the office, not tagging along wherever you go.
You wanna object my claims, want to tell me that it simply show how Irresponsible I am, I'll tell you that's crap.
Because if you're happy doing what you do, work won't have to follow you home. You'd be more than happy to finish what you think you had to.
Everyday satisfaction is far better than once off satisfaction that come by after long periods of depression? That's not right. Why torture yourself by making your environment such a depressing place to be in?
Smile more. We need that daily shots of laughter. Talk about something else besides work over meals. Work doesn't need to tag along everywhere. If you don't control work, it'll control you. Being a Workaholic isnt necessarily bitter. They know what keeps them going. Determined individuals.
Which is why we need this :Every office building must be "equipped" with this. A very positive Reinforcement, don't you agree?
*Provided the Expenses are fully paid by respective bosses.
Who said we can't make the world a better place to work in?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:13 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Privacy? I beg your Pardon?!!
M Tower. 12th floor.
The place where everyone else can use everybody elses' computer.
I was "Online" but not literally. Cos someone else is using mine.
Cant use pc based msn, had to use webbased version.
No Thamby, cant use Meebo, M blocked 'em all!
ILoveIM is what I'm using, something next to Lousy.
At least it allows you to show ya pictures,
and shows that you're connected.
But I wonder why messages are often Lost In Transit,
they never reach me.
*hey!! it rhymes!!!
Dear Venus,
"I am not am jus tryin to tell everyone dat we r livin in reality instead of FANTASY ! "
So we thought we're just one of the planatery objects.
we can flyyy...
Play with bomb dust n you play with shit dust.."
*We make reality a little animated, cos reality's ugly..
plus, I did enjoy the bombing, cos you cant do that in real life~*
I'm a dreamer, so sue me.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:57 AM 6 drop(s) of dew
Friday, July 14, 2006
Elevator, a Major Health Hazard
Just like any other elevator systems in tall buildings, the ones in M Tower is no different. There are different sets of elevators; serving the lower levels and the upper levels.
They are numbered :
I used to be on the 25th. So each time I get into the elavator, it'll always reach the 25th first, therefore I'm the first to get out. Likewise when I'm going down to the lobby, you can almost think of it like it's just one floor down, cos it goes all the way without stopping. Pleasant ride each day...
Until I moved to the 12th. the 12TH!!!...
Look at the numbers again. It's the last floor of the Lower Level!!!
Last time, a typical ride on the elevator would be like this:
From Level 1, going up.. *zaaaappppp* *Beep* Tingkat 25.. *Smiles happily and steps out..
From Level 1, going up (I've never been on an empty elevator car, yet~)
*Fingers punching buttons on the elevator wall *punch*punch*
Buttons light up as they were punched (and it lights up the fire in me too..)
The More buttons that light up, the more I'm burning..
Stops at 3, 5 and 6. Should go all the way up.
Manage to grin a little.
However, it was shortlived.
Ground to a stop, picks up Passangers from 7th. He punched button number 8.
*great.. smacks head
Passenger from 7th got off at 8th, Passenger from 8th hopped on, punched button number 10.
*I'm burning already. 2nd degree.
Passenger from 8th dropped off at 10th, Passenger from 10th got in! Punches button number 11!!!!
I was fuming. Seriously. Third degree burns.
After Passenger from 10th got off, I finally make it to the 12th. Ugh. Can you see how easily a good morning is spoilt? Haha. Damn it.
And oh, the Same case applies for the way down from 12th floor. Literally makes a stop at every other floor, I wanna cough blood and die in there.
I finally understood why people from the upper floors always pull a long sour face and sigh non stop. Because they have to stop at ALMOST every floor all the way down!!!
I finally understood...
Posted by iamjamiesher at 7:48 PM 8 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Dangerous Jobs
10 Most Dangerous Jobs.
Introducing the 11th entry.
11. Anyone in IT industry..
I wish I could buy my PM a few more shots of laughter. He really needs it.
If only laughter is for sale.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:29 PM 6 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Posted by iamjamiesher at 3:36 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
He Who Has the Right to Hog the Street.
Malaysians are ranked third rudest in the world?
I'll tell you that it is much deserved. We didn't get there by chance. We earned it.
What happens when an expensive big ass car came along, head to head, along a narrow single lane road? Share-share laH~
Common sense of space tells you that 2 cars can fit into a single lane. It's either you have bad sense of space, or your license is bought by sumbat-ing money into the tester (is that what they're called??) pocket, you're a loser either way.
Common sense also tells you that when two cars meet head to head along a narrow lane, move to the side laH~ But big ass car with big ass bald man behind the wheels, hogged the entire road. Drove right through in the middle. With no space left to budge so that big ass car can pass without scraping each other's side mirrors off, I stopped my small ass car. Until then only he came to his senses, to move to his side of the lane. So big ass man wasn't really happy that cheap small ass car didnt make way for his big ass car. So he pulled his car right next to mine, and gives a stare. I stared back, long and hard. I'm disgusted. Ptui~
Ptui Ptui Ptui~~
He who has the right to hog the street? Excuse my Ass.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 3:12 PM 4 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Rang a Bell
It's that special feeling that you had when you interact with someone, be it an old friend or strangers. Being comfortable and less threatened by the other party, and felt that you could open yourself to them.
There are times when you simply could not bring yourself to talk about certain things.
People judge people based on their own reasons and observations. There are alot of things that people could see from the appearance, but what's inside, they could only guess. Unless they hear it from that person, personally.
There are people who thinks they are some smart ass Morons who could read other people like a book. And even declare himself/herself as a Highly experienced person. No doubt that through experience we get all the help we need to wisen up and be a stronger person. But claming of being the "know-it-all" is just ridiculous, and you're making a fool out of yourself. Nobody can read another person like a book. Your mind simply came up with a "guideline" where you classify/categorized/group people under a certain label according to what your eyes fed your brain with. You're just plain guessing, and you got lucky. One time, two times, three times, four? Lucky.
When you still havent hear from the person yourself, you're still Guessing. So, stop acting smart.
We cannot always assume people know things without us telling. It's just doesn't work that way.
Assumptions can make a big mess out of a small thing.
The Truth might hurt but most people will be glad to hear it from you.
There's two sides in every story.
We'll never know who might sink a sharpened knife in your back. Perhaps we should becareful of the amount of trust we offer? People often take those (with good qualities to offer) for granted. ALWAYS listen to both sides (whenever you can, if you can't, Dig deeper) =P Trust your gut feelings. (But that doesnt work on a person who based their judgement on logical and practical thinking, Damn~ )
Its 1236am right now, and I'm typing away in the dark, listening to my favourite songs on my playlist. Surprisingly I found peace.
Had been making fun of the line "Ni you mei you Jiang". I find it hilarious. At the same time I am disgusted at the kind of teenagers the schools are producing in our country. Smart ones are getting smarter (academically) while others simply linger around the average line, bopping up and down or sink to the very bottom. Bullies in school had been there all these while, just that this time around, HighTech Malaysians are able to capture the ugly scenes and post it on the Internet for the world to see. Eye opening I would say? Agree? By the way, installing CCTV in schools is the most outrageous solution I've ever heard to curb bullies. Upbringing of a child plays a major role in shaping the kind of person they grow up into. Parents are the first to be blamed. Educate the parents perhaps? Maybe PM Bad-awi have something to say about this?
I'm still a big fan of Toon Dr. M.
*shall not discuss further.
Ni you mei you jiang?! Ni you mei you jiang?!
Mei you jiang ni jiu huan shou!
Gosh. I should really shut my big mouth, NOW. I don't want to put myself into that tough situation. Such chicken. Sue me.
smack me smack me smack me harD! =P
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:15 PM 5 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Planetary Talk
Last week....
I was introduced to someone who called himself "god". The moment you hear "god" it makes you think which shameless moron dared to liken himself to God. Shameless. I L.O.A.T.H.E him before he even speaks. Too much ego too much pride. And I didn't talk to him, thats a choice I have. The worst thing is that he confirms the fact that he falls under THAT category, which I don't even want to start discussing here. And that people who fall under that category behaves just the same. I Loathe.
Most of us understand that computers at the workplace are meant to be shared. But shared as in doing your things on the same computer, not snooping around and checking out what you peers had done at work. That's what makes him the nameless shameless. So damn kiasu. I'm just so pissed I decided not to talk to him again. Moronic.
On another note..
I get the thrill of speaking in military walkie talkie style.
Do you read me, over?
Roger that.
(Thamby and Venus =P)
Venus and Neptune are not friends. They are violent planets that destroys other planetary objects that came in their way. Including each other's ways. Thamby and Nept stays in KobengLand.
It never fail to amuse me in so many ways. Makes me smile to myself while sitting in front of the computer, and look silly. I'm glad.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:41 AM 7 drop(s) of dew
Fahrenheit 9/11

I'm surprised.
I'm not a big fan of Belukar Administration, and by watching the film, it fans the dislike I had for the Administration.
It's simply the most honest film ever made.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:24 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Fuel My Mind. NOW!
Primax3. Latest from Petronas.
Believe me, gives your car the Uuummph you need. Power. No not the Power Ranger/ Ultraman/ Superman kind of power, gives your car Power-laH.
But since its Malaysia's state owned oil and gas company, why is it so hard to find a Petronas station? Why is it that Shell and BP stations continued to dot the Klang Valley like nobody's business while Petronas stays as rare as Enzo Ferrari? Ok. I can't compare two different things. But seriously, its hard to find, Hello? Help?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 1:20 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
No, not me.Stars are Blind.
I thought it was Gwen Stefani's new single. Paris does sound like Gwen.
Then I thought, finally she's doing something that is against the definition of dumb blondes.
StarsAreBlind, surprisingly I kinda like that song!
On a different note ...
I've never watch a single episode of Paris and Nicole's The Simple Life. (*Whoops, I'm still talking about Paris, scratch different note)
No. I did not finally made up my mind to watch that, but it was by mere coincidence that I finally see what its like. I'm not a big fan, no offence.
But upon seeing that show on TV, I guessed its true that stars are blind. They have no idea what feels like for those who had to work hard the make ends meet. All they did there were to mess things up, bring chaos, fool around and have a good time. Welcome to the new-age Reality shows. See how much things have changed. From Gossip Mags to Television, to online Broadcasting. I blame Technology.
End note:
I'm a BIG fan of Gwen Stefani. Not PH. Couldn't be bothered about Reality TVs.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:53 AM 3 drop(s) of dew
Fly Dive

What better ways to ruin a nice cup of coffee? Mr Fly decided to take a dive into my Caramel Machiato, cos he figured that he needed a coat of caramel to make him a ladyfly killer.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:43 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Expensive Hobby
I've been playing too much lately that I don't realise how much my cash is flowing outwards. Haha.
So much for the love of the game.
Technology is zipping past at blinding speeds. Everyone embrace new techs like a new religion. Following trends, keeping themselves up to date with the latest gadgets, go all out to transform themselves into a new age techies. Ah, not to forget, among the gadget freaks, lies those who are against tech-nifying themselves, the rebellious lot.
Ideantifiable patterns in a Gadget Freak :
1. More likely to include gadget-discussion in conversations.
2. Can name (in full) all gadgets that their eyes caught sight of.
3. Able to give you a full list of brandnames when asked for recommendation.
4. Most likely to carry the latest in everything; cellphones, PDAs, mp3 players, Laptops, BLUETOOH receiver stuck to the ear all the time (except napping time) *pretty much a VERY mobile person...A person so equipped with gadgets, I think that the excuse battery flatout/out of coverage is not effective anymore - practically not useable, cos you make yourself Highly available through the different channel you provide yourself with..
5. MEN : are more interested in gadgets than other woman. (signs of being gadget-obsessed)
6. WOMEN : finds gadgets more interesting that a yummilicious man standing in front her. (you're losing out to gadgets, guys)
What are we turning the world into? A world where real life interaction can be reduced to a minimal? Just for the sake of saving time and the cost of moving around; promising an ever expanding wallet that comes with all the other necessary savings? (Not forget to mention, the ever expanding big fat ass that comes with the expanding wallet...)
Big ass men in big ass cars, but driving ever so slowly I thought he might be thinking that he's cruising down Long Beach, California, taking in the scene, in his big-arsed car, ignoring the rest of the working class people. Guess what, big arsed car is so big that it left no space for people to overtake him. Just Grrreeeaaatt...
Anyone knew what to do to cure memory overload? Human memory, I meant.
Love my work, and I'm not settling down with a boring job just yet. The excitement keeps me going. Gets me out of bed every morning. I'm officially married to work. Cheers.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:39 PM 0 drop(s) of dew