Primax3. Latest from Petronas.
Believe me, gives your car the Uuummph you need. Power. No not the Power Ranger/ Ultraman/ Superman kind of power, gives your car Power-laH.
But since its Malaysia's state owned oil and gas company, why is it so hard to find a Petronas station? Why is it that Shell and BP stations continued to dot the Klang Valley like nobody's business while Petronas stays as rare as Enzo Ferrari? Ok. I can't compare two different things. But seriously, its hard to find, Hello? Help?
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Fuel My Mind. NOW!
Posted by iamjamiesher at 1:20 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
No, not me.Stars are Blind.
I thought it was Gwen Stefani's new single. Paris does sound like Gwen.
Then I thought, finally she's doing something that is against the definition of dumb blondes.
StarsAreBlind, surprisingly I kinda like that song!
On a different note ...
I've never watch a single episode of Paris and Nicole's The Simple Life. (*Whoops, I'm still talking about Paris, scratch different note)
No. I did not finally made up my mind to watch that, but it was by mere coincidence that I finally see what its like. I'm not a big fan, no offence.
But upon seeing that show on TV, I guessed its true that stars are blind. They have no idea what feels like for those who had to work hard the make ends meet. All they did there were to mess things up, bring chaos, fool around and have a good time. Welcome to the new-age Reality shows. See how much things have changed. From Gossip Mags to Television, to online Broadcasting. I blame Technology.
End note:
I'm a BIG fan of Gwen Stefani. Not PH. Couldn't be bothered about Reality TVs.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:53 AM 3 drop(s) of dew
Fly Dive

What better ways to ruin a nice cup of coffee? Mr Fly decided to take a dive into my Caramel Machiato, cos he figured that he needed a coat of caramel to make him a ladyfly killer.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:43 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Expensive Hobby
I've been playing too much lately that I don't realise how much my cash is flowing outwards. Haha.
So much for the love of the game.
Technology is zipping past at blinding speeds. Everyone embrace new techs like a new religion. Following trends, keeping themselves up to date with the latest gadgets, go all out to transform themselves into a new age techies. Ah, not to forget, among the gadget freaks, lies those who are against tech-nifying themselves, the rebellious lot.
Ideantifiable patterns in a Gadget Freak :
1. More likely to include gadget-discussion in conversations.
2. Can name (in full) all gadgets that their eyes caught sight of.
3. Able to give you a full list of brandnames when asked for recommendation.
4. Most likely to carry the latest in everything; cellphones, PDAs, mp3 players, Laptops, BLUETOOH receiver stuck to the ear all the time (except napping time) *pretty much a VERY mobile person...A person so equipped with gadgets, I think that the excuse battery flatout/out of coverage is not effective anymore - practically not useable, cos you make yourself Highly available through the different channel you provide yourself with..
5. MEN : are more interested in gadgets than other woman. (signs of being gadget-obsessed)
6. WOMEN : finds gadgets more interesting that a yummilicious man standing in front her. (you're losing out to gadgets, guys)
What are we turning the world into? A world where real life interaction can be reduced to a minimal? Just for the sake of saving time and the cost of moving around; promising an ever expanding wallet that comes with all the other necessary savings? (Not forget to mention, the ever expanding big fat ass that comes with the expanding wallet...)
Big ass men in big ass cars, but driving ever so slowly I thought he might be thinking that he's cruising down Long Beach, California, taking in the scene, in his big-arsed car, ignoring the rest of the working class people. Guess what, big arsed car is so big that it left no space for people to overtake him. Just Grrreeeaaatt...
Anyone knew what to do to cure memory overload? Human memory, I meant.
Love my work, and I'm not settling down with a boring job just yet. The excitement keeps me going. Gets me out of bed every morning. I'm officially married to work. Cheers.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:39 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
The Cure
Think you need to be a more patient person?
Try KL's traffic jams. Results guaranteed.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 1:12 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Friday, June 16, 2006
Thai Experience
The Thais sure know how to make big money. Cabaret show after dinner.
Highly entertaining and amusing. Impressive collection of costumes. I wonder what a Cabaret Show in Malaysia would be like, if its ever going to happen anytime soon.Watching that, while digging into flame grilled pork cutlets and sipping Hennessy can be quite fun. She stole the Limelight. Among so many other girls. And Oh, put my Parents in the picture, you reckon it must be quite a Show, eh? Certainly not to be missed. The Shes, btw, used to be Hes, more precisely, a Kathoey.
Malaysians should learn from Thais. Car-Pooling is THE way..
Posted by iamjamiesher at 2:32 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
The World Needs a Change. Big Change
Everybody whines and complains about the everyday jam they have to go through, in the mornings and in evenings.
I was thinking that why not some genius come up with a more brilliant plan to fully utilize the 24 hours given to us? Certain sectors taking the daylight, while others work by night. Perhaps with that we'll manage to balance out the volume of traffic, ie spreading the load across 2 "sessions"?
Alright, that's never gonna happen. But at least let me think that I'm a smartie pants. Make my day.
If you wake up one morning, to find the streets completely deserted, it'll make you wonder if the the aliens invaded earth and kidnapped the rest of the people while you're deep in REM.
Anyway, it's something next to IMpossible.
On another note...
We don't realise the little annoying habits we have, until we discover it one day. Have you ever forgotten to wear your watch one day, and spend the rest of the day constantly looking at your wrist, only to be reminded that you forgot to wear it today? In my case, the ring on my forefinger, which I'll play with it most of the time, move it around the finger, using my middle finger and thumb. Time crawled yesterday. I blame my ring.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 2:20 PM 4 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
A Thing for Numbers
While I was driving to work this morning, I had a rather rude encounter with lady driver, Malaysian style. She conveniently swerved in from nowhere and nearly hit my car. @#$%%*& (yes..I did curse~)
It carries the registration number : 4777. And I thought 47 (read in chinese and you might get the idea? - Dead). I have a thing for numbers, no, not calculations, but my mind does a quick shuffle with the numbers, and came up with permutations of the set of number. So with so much time spent on the roads, I guess I'm all about numbers now~ (I am sensitive to certain numbers, and I can permutate that REALLY fast. Like ZAP~)
But this particular morning, after the 4777 encounter, I saw 5777. *raised eyebrows* Hmm. Coincidence. My mind had already wandered off, thinking perhaps I'll get to see more of the 777 series?
I was stuck in a rather unusual crawl today, along the Besraya Highway. Not that it bothers me at all; I was entertained by Hitz.Fm's Morning Crew Rudy and JJ. Ever noticed that the songs played by the DJs always sound better than those you have on CD - even though they're the same song? I've tried playing the tracks on the CD randomly (to confuse my mind and make it believe that its just like Hitz.Fm - without a DJ and commercial breaks), I'll still find my itchy hands reaching for the "Next" button, or I'll keep replaying the same song that I liked. Perhaps there's no Next button when a song is played on Air, and I HAD to listen to it or switch Stations. But the thing is, no matter how much I dislike a song, I'll still listen to it (with an exception : KTownClan..I cannot tahan..). To make it worse, my car stereo comes with a cute lil' remote control, which means that I don't even have to stretch out to reach the "Next" button. Technology..sheesh..
Out on the roads...
I saw 6777. At another turn, 3777 and 2777!!!
*raised both eyebrows*
OK..Did I just saw 2,3,4,5,6 & 777, on the same stretch of the road?
It must be cool to have 777 on ya car number plate~ B*tch~
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:40 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
I'm so done with people betraying my trust over and over again. To me it was a harmless friendship, which I thought was going in a positive direction, but I'm always the one getting disappointed big time in the end. When harmless friendship was used to feed another's fantasy, it becames negative in every way. Not that it mattered much to me where all these are heading, but I just hate it when people start to take my efforts for granted.
I guess that I've come a long way to get the where I am today. I'm just like everyone else, learning from each day and turn them into valuable experience that I might need in the later days.
I was left speechless. Not angry, but disappointed of how I was manipulated in a way that I never imagined. All those things that seemed harmless to me now makes sense to me, that I've finally see the whole picture of how things are, from another perspective. Devastated.
With this encounter, I guessed that I've learned enough to keep myself more private. It's just disappointing to see my sincerity flushed down the drain just like that. In fact I was a private person all along, but I learned to open up to people to gain their trust, by going all out.
I just one innocent person trying to make a living. Leave me alone. =P
Sheesh. Did I manage to make anyone shed a tear or two? Chill. Just one of the bad eggs in the basket.
When I got home yesterday, I saw a HUGE lizard on the wall. *gasps* First lizard encounter. *grins* That "whiteguy" must have loads to savour in that cosy place of ours. Watch out. Serving Sticky Meeky thingy soon.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:44 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Sunday, June 11, 2006
You've been MindFucked
Imagination has no limits.
It destructive when you actually believed in something someone else cooked up.
Your guts were endlessly warning you about it, but you often give the decisive power to your head.
And its a MindF*cking (copyright Thamby) piece of intel to discover.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:03 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
From McD, Next to Somewhere
damn~ The previous location closed down. I know, I'm odd to be there at this hour. Haha. Screw Liberty.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:50 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
From Starbucks, Somewhere
Time crawls. 2 more hours to go. I'm taking 2 days off, will be heading to Southern Thailand.
I'm leaving this mad dough chase. Opting for a place where people speak a different language I don't comprehend.
I'll have fun, don't worry.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:00 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
When Dogs Howl...
It was past midnight and I was still wide awake. I was way past my usual bedtime. My room was dark, it was cold and the only sound reverberating around the 4 walls of my bedroom was the sound of the fan blades spinning rapidly.
(Followed by barkings of probably a pack of dogs..)
Howls & barks, howls and barks.
It went on for half and hour or so.
I lie on my bed and listen to them howl. I was expecting a dogfight to ensue, but it don't seem to happen. More howls and barks. Howling..could only mean one thing. According to people, dogs howl when they see things. I can feel the hair at the back of my neck standing..
I dozed off soon after.
This morning, I was listening to the radio as I drove to work. JJ and Rudy taking the airwaves as usual. When they mentioned about what a special day it is today, the first 666 of the century, the howlings suddenly made sense to me now.... Barks and Howls. =$
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:08 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Monday, June 05, 2006
The Name of the Game
There's only one thing that can bring people from different background and places together, Sports. I'm still badminton-crazy, crazier than I used to be. The best thing is that, I've met people who have 10 times more enthusiasm than I do. Beat that. Investment bankers, lecturers, music teachers, those who work 9-5, brokers, students too.. People of different age groups, young adults and adults, those in mid 30s, mid 40s. We share the passion for the same game.
The fun of playing with a team who shares the same passion is beyond words could describe. I've always thought that it was all over ever since I gave up playing competitively. All over as in not getting anymore chances of playing due to the fact that I'm now here in a new place (5 years ago) whereas the rest of my badminton buddies were all scattered round the country. To start looking for people to play with is not easy, especially in college when most people I've met have never even play sports before. How disappointing.
My first outing with the team was a friendly match in Malacca. We travelled there in 2 cars, 9 people in total. The entire journey there was nothing but fun (besides getting stuck in a Massive jam all the way). Wacky ringtones (courtesy of Deane), when she start playing those with a tad too much vulgarities, all of us were laughing our stomachs out in no time.
I last went to Malacca 5 7 years ago. How much things changed. Looked different from what I remembered. A bunch of hungry monsters they are. Therefore, the first stop, the famous cendol store, which is located right opposite the Christ Church. Refreshing on a hot and sunny day. We proceed with the friendly game held at a badminton hall in Bukit China. 2-3 hours of serious badminton got everyone exhausted by the end of the session. We hit the showers, and we're out hunting for food. We stopped by the a shop which apparentlymakes the best "thong sui". Well, when people acknowledge a shop as the best, it makes everything taste nice, cos you've just been planted with a piece of intel that tells your brain, its good food you're eating (besides the fact that we're all Starving...) *grins* we cleaned out plates.
Immediately after that we walked around the corner, for satay (so can you imagine how much these people are capable of eating?) First round : 25 chicken, 25 beef. -_-''
Finished in less than 15 minutes. Second round : 20 chicken, 20 beef.
-_- 2 of the girls, only ate part of it. As in, eating only the top part, and not the fatty bottom. So they passed it to the other girl. Meaning to say, if they ate 10 each, the third girl ate 20. -_- and I bet her stomach is made of rubber. hehe.
Jonker Street was next. It was almost the same concept as Petaling Street back in KL, but somehow it felt different. Alot of cafes, Live music, alot of foreigners, and I absolutely loved Cafe Geographer. There's one thing about Jonker Street (or Malacca), Pineapple. Everywhere there are people selling pineapple tarts (and anything made from pineapple : cookies, juices and all other byproducts made from Pineapple..).
Narrow one way streets, LONG shophouses, satay, riceballs. I fell in love already.
I think my craziness can get me anywhere just to play the game I loved.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 2:38 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Friday, June 02, 2006
Unaffected by Urbanisation
I woke up to a bright sunny morning, it's rays piercing through the light drapery on my curtain rails. I've been sleeping for the last 10 hours. More than sufficient amount of shut-eye. Gentle wind from the outside seemed inviting, blowing ever so softly, stirring up the air around me. Softly stirring.
I saw myself standing by the balcony, taking in the scene, Ocean, as far as the eye can see, and the horizon, which creates an illusion of a fine horizontal line dividing the sky and the ocean. Geometrical perfection.
I'm at a beach front house, overlooking the Pacific. The sun, the white sandy beaches, the ocean, clear blue sky.I went out soonafter, wearing a white-Tee and boardshorts, with my shades on. Mode of transportation, a dune buggy. It's a rather common sight to see people moving around the small beachfront town in buggies, bikes, rollerskating and skateboarding on the streets, fairways and alleys. Young skaters challenged each other to pulling off kickflips, grinds and sick tricks, making the small town their ultimate skatepark.
On the beach, seas of sun worshippers found paradise. Armed with tan-lotion, shades and hats, they brave the scorching hot sun.
Off the beach, surfers looked like buoys drfting out in sea, trying to catch a wave or two. Most of the time, waves are gentle, far from the kind that pro surfers would be dying to catch, the perfect pipe. Most of the surfers out there were beginners, just trying to get a feel of what its like surfing, and trying to grab useful tips on balancing oneself on the surfboard, and surf.
I thought to myself, this must second to Paradise, if places were to be ranked in ascending order of Serenity.
Unaffected by urbanisation, highrise buildings are still at a minimal. People here are in touch with their surroundings, nature. A expansive animal kingdom, where animals roam freely in their natural habitat, which was also part of a reserved dense forestry. In this particular Zoo,
visitors do not walk around from an enclosure to another to see the animals. They travel in buggies. Dune buggies. I am the Zoo Keeper. Most of the visitors were adults, while the kids can enjoy other tour arrangements. Locals can either come with their own buggies, or rent one for a minimal price. While you might be thinking that dune buggies are meant to be used on sand dunes and beaches, it can do so much more.
The use of buggies is to create a feel of getting off the beaten track, going off road. The main focus is not only on how well you could manoeuvre that machine (and make it behave just as you wish; duH its a machine, there's no such thing as bad machines, only bad drivers) but to
experience pure nature and the animal kingdom. Special platforms and tracks were made to ensure that the weight of the buggies crossing (plus the drivers perched on top...) were evenly spread out, thus minimizing the damage done to the forest floors.
Animal spotting is not something visitors were guaranteed of. Most of the time, with a little bit of luck, they'll get to spot 3-4. Predators dont especially roam in broad daylight. But most of the visitors didnt mind, cos they were having even more fun riding the buggies than the actual
purpose itself. However there are daredevils who chose to ride in the cover of the dark night, which is also one of the options they get to choose from while deciding which tour package to take. Risky as it is, its obviously the most rewarding.
Every morning, my day starts with a ride along the tracks, carrying out routine checks ensuring that its safe. Being familiar with almost every inch of the forest, I could easily find my way around, although to most people, the place looked the same in all directions. It's like a fun ride through the dense forest every morning, which of course I enjoyed doing, with a co-partner, but there are other important stuff that we had to keep in mind, safety. We race each other to get to checkpoints and lookout points, and carry out checks on foot before returning to our buggies and proceed to the next checkpoint.
I woke up soonafter. It was a dream. I pretty much recall every detail.
A rather abrupt ending. *grins* Use your imagination.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 6:00 PM 0 drop(s) of dew