Need to be a more patient person? Try the Traffic Therapy.
It's no small feat to navigate through this sort of heavy traffic every morning.
In fact, it's a new challenge everyday. It takes the workforce of the entire Intelligence Agency to figure out the Optimum time to depart and the estimated time it takes to reach your destination. Isn't that a Cool Job?
There's an old saying, Time is money. A more appropriate saying for the 21st century motorists, Time is Everything. It amuses me sometimes on how much impact a 2 minutes delay made so much difference on the roads. I mean the traffic. Who knows that forecasting the traffic would boom into something as big as forecasting stock market shares or FOREX rates!
Traffic 101 :
1) Consider The time you take off.
2) Keep a constant watch on the level of traffic already on the road.
3) Assess the situation. (Assess all lubangs and every inch of space spotted.
4) Stick to the moving lane, of course. Static ones drives you up the wall..
5) We Malaysians need to be more considerate people. Allow those who cut queues to chip in in front of you. Don't curse or wave anything obscene at other. Be nice. (What I meant was, add extra buffer time for each car that chipped in right in front of you.)
6) Watch as magic unfolds in front of you. Be amazed by how a two lane street doubled to a four lane. Maybe 5.
7) Traffic Lights. They are to be ignored on mornings and evenings. Watch out for White gloves. And oh, you've got to triple the time of the usual stop at red lights. (Note: Extra extra buffer time) And also, you've gota put in Extra Extra time in this case, cos you'll never know when an entourage of 500ccs and golden plated expensive big ass cars are coming your way. They have the right to stop all other moving objects to make way for them.
You should be prepared for the Malaysian Roads. Good Luck.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Traffic 101
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:09 PM 5 drop(s) of dew
Work Overload?
Self explanatory.
My point is...Work does not always end up this way.
All we need is a little balance between work and play.
Play as hard at work as you did at play.
But of course put on that serious face you need when its time to work. (and a serious mind)
I can see how that situation (referring to the picture above) is potentially harmful.
It reduces your happiness level, and you don't get as hyped as you did before, even on Fridays.
The next time your Co offers you a Laptop, dont jump for joy, Ask for a Desktop, so that work stays where it should be, at the office, not tagging along wherever you go.
You wanna object my claims, want to tell me that it simply show how Irresponsible I am, I'll tell you that's crap.
Because if you're happy doing what you do, work won't have to follow you home. You'd be more than happy to finish what you think you had to.
Everyday satisfaction is far better than once off satisfaction that come by after long periods of depression? That's not right. Why torture yourself by making your environment such a depressing place to be in?
Smile more. We need that daily shots of laughter. Talk about something else besides work over meals. Work doesn't need to tag along everywhere. If you don't control work, it'll control you. Being a Workaholic isnt necessarily bitter. They know what keeps them going. Determined individuals.
Which is why we need this :Every office building must be "equipped" with this. A very positive Reinforcement, don't you agree?
*Provided the Expenses are fully paid by respective bosses.
Who said we can't make the world a better place to work in?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:13 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Privacy? I beg your Pardon?!!
M Tower. 12th floor.
The place where everyone else can use everybody elses' computer.
I was "Online" but not literally. Cos someone else is using mine.
Cant use pc based msn, had to use webbased version.
No Thamby, cant use Meebo, M blocked 'em all!
ILoveIM is what I'm using, something next to Lousy.
At least it allows you to show ya pictures,
and shows that you're connected.
But I wonder why messages are often Lost In Transit,
they never reach me.
*hey!! it rhymes!!!
Dear Venus,
"I am not am jus tryin to tell everyone dat we r livin in reality instead of FANTASY ! "
So we thought we're just one of the planatery objects.
we can flyyy...
Play with bomb dust n you play with shit dust.."
*We make reality a little animated, cos reality's ugly..
plus, I did enjoy the bombing, cos you cant do that in real life~*
I'm a dreamer, so sue me.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:57 AM 6 drop(s) of dew
Friday, July 14, 2006
Elevator, a Major Health Hazard
Just like any other elevator systems in tall buildings, the ones in M Tower is no different. There are different sets of elevators; serving the lower levels and the upper levels.
They are numbered :
I used to be on the 25th. So each time I get into the elavator, it'll always reach the 25th first, therefore I'm the first to get out. Likewise when I'm going down to the lobby, you can almost think of it like it's just one floor down, cos it goes all the way without stopping. Pleasant ride each day...
Until I moved to the 12th. the 12TH!!!...
Look at the numbers again. It's the last floor of the Lower Level!!!
Last time, a typical ride on the elevator would be like this:
From Level 1, going up.. *zaaaappppp* *Beep* Tingkat 25.. *Smiles happily and steps out..
From Level 1, going up (I've never been on an empty elevator car, yet~)
*Fingers punching buttons on the elevator wall *punch*punch*
Buttons light up as they were punched (and it lights up the fire in me too..)
The More buttons that light up, the more I'm burning..
Stops at 3, 5 and 6. Should go all the way up.
Manage to grin a little.
However, it was shortlived.
Ground to a stop, picks up Passangers from 7th. He punched button number 8.
*great.. smacks head
Passenger from 7th got off at 8th, Passenger from 8th hopped on, punched button number 10.
*I'm burning already. 2nd degree.
Passenger from 8th dropped off at 10th, Passenger from 10th got in! Punches button number 11!!!!
I was fuming. Seriously. Third degree burns.
After Passenger from 10th got off, I finally make it to the 12th. Ugh. Can you see how easily a good morning is spoilt? Haha. Damn it.
And oh, the Same case applies for the way down from 12th floor. Literally makes a stop at every other floor, I wanna cough blood and die in there.
I finally understood why people from the upper floors always pull a long sour face and sigh non stop. Because they have to stop at ALMOST every floor all the way down!!!
I finally understood...
Posted by iamjamiesher at 7:48 PM 8 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Dangerous Jobs
10 Most Dangerous Jobs.
Introducing the 11th entry.
11. Anyone in IT industry..
I wish I could buy my PM a few more shots of laughter. He really needs it.
If only laughter is for sale.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:29 PM 6 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Posted by iamjamiesher at 3:36 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
He Who Has the Right to Hog the Street.
Malaysians are ranked third rudest in the world?
I'll tell you that it is much deserved. We didn't get there by chance. We earned it.
What happens when an expensive big ass car came along, head to head, along a narrow single lane road? Share-share laH~
Common sense of space tells you that 2 cars can fit into a single lane. It's either you have bad sense of space, or your license is bought by sumbat-ing money into the tester (is that what they're called??) pocket, you're a loser either way.
Common sense also tells you that when two cars meet head to head along a narrow lane, move to the side laH~ But big ass car with big ass bald man behind the wheels, hogged the entire road. Drove right through in the middle. With no space left to budge so that big ass car can pass without scraping each other's side mirrors off, I stopped my small ass car. Until then only he came to his senses, to move to his side of the lane. So big ass man wasn't really happy that cheap small ass car didnt make way for his big ass car. So he pulled his car right next to mine, and gives a stare. I stared back, long and hard. I'm disgusted. Ptui~
Ptui Ptui Ptui~~
He who has the right to hog the street? Excuse my Ass.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 3:12 PM 4 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Rang a Bell
It's that special feeling that you had when you interact with someone, be it an old friend or strangers. Being comfortable and less threatened by the other party, and felt that you could open yourself to them.
There are times when you simply could not bring yourself to talk about certain things.
People judge people based on their own reasons and observations. There are alot of things that people could see from the appearance, but what's inside, they could only guess. Unless they hear it from that person, personally.
There are people who thinks they are some smart ass Morons who could read other people like a book. And even declare himself/herself as a Highly experienced person. No doubt that through experience we get all the help we need to wisen up and be a stronger person. But claming of being the "know-it-all" is just ridiculous, and you're making a fool out of yourself. Nobody can read another person like a book. Your mind simply came up with a "guideline" where you classify/categorized/group people under a certain label according to what your eyes fed your brain with. You're just plain guessing, and you got lucky. One time, two times, three times, four? Lucky.
When you still havent hear from the person yourself, you're still Guessing. So, stop acting smart.
We cannot always assume people know things without us telling. It's just doesn't work that way.
Assumptions can make a big mess out of a small thing.
The Truth might hurt but most people will be glad to hear it from you.
There's two sides in every story.
We'll never know who might sink a sharpened knife in your back. Perhaps we should becareful of the amount of trust we offer? People often take those (with good qualities to offer) for granted. ALWAYS listen to both sides (whenever you can, if you can't, Dig deeper) =P Trust your gut feelings. (But that doesnt work on a person who based their judgement on logical and practical thinking, Damn~ )
Its 1236am right now, and I'm typing away in the dark, listening to my favourite songs on my playlist. Surprisingly I found peace.
Had been making fun of the line "Ni you mei you Jiang". I find it hilarious. At the same time I am disgusted at the kind of teenagers the schools are producing in our country. Smart ones are getting smarter (academically) while others simply linger around the average line, bopping up and down or sink to the very bottom. Bullies in school had been there all these while, just that this time around, HighTech Malaysians are able to capture the ugly scenes and post it on the Internet for the world to see. Eye opening I would say? Agree? By the way, installing CCTV in schools is the most outrageous solution I've ever heard to curb bullies. Upbringing of a child plays a major role in shaping the kind of person they grow up into. Parents are the first to be blamed. Educate the parents perhaps? Maybe PM Bad-awi have something to say about this?
I'm still a big fan of Toon Dr. M.
*shall not discuss further.
Ni you mei you jiang?! Ni you mei you jiang?!
Mei you jiang ni jiu huan shou!
Gosh. I should really shut my big mouth, NOW. I don't want to put myself into that tough situation. Such chicken. Sue me.
smack me smack me smack me harD! =P
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:15 PM 5 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Planetary Talk
Last week....
I was introduced to someone who called himself "god". The moment you hear "god" it makes you think which shameless moron dared to liken himself to God. Shameless. I L.O.A.T.H.E him before he even speaks. Too much ego too much pride. And I didn't talk to him, thats a choice I have. The worst thing is that he confirms the fact that he falls under THAT category, which I don't even want to start discussing here. And that people who fall under that category behaves just the same. I Loathe.
Most of us understand that computers at the workplace are meant to be shared. But shared as in doing your things on the same computer, not snooping around and checking out what you peers had done at work. That's what makes him the nameless shameless. So damn kiasu. I'm just so pissed I decided not to talk to him again. Moronic.
On another note..
I get the thrill of speaking in military walkie talkie style.
Do you read me, over?
Roger that.
(Thamby and Venus =P)
Venus and Neptune are not friends. They are violent planets that destroys other planetary objects that came in their way. Including each other's ways. Thamby and Nept stays in KobengLand.
It never fail to amuse me in so many ways. Makes me smile to myself while sitting in front of the computer, and look silly. I'm glad.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:41 AM 7 drop(s) of dew
Fahrenheit 9/11

I'm surprised.
I'm not a big fan of Belukar Administration, and by watching the film, it fans the dislike I had for the Administration.
It's simply the most honest film ever made.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:24 AM 0 drop(s) of dew