
Thursday, November 23, 2006

It's going out of Control

Rape cases are almost regulars on the dailies. Not surprised and is almost completely unfazed. We only shake our heads in disgust, and thats that. What more, since our politicians can come up with the most peculiar-sounding comments, why should we bother then?

Someone called up earlier on, telling me that her half a year old kitten is pregnant - I'm a cat lover (also other animals in general). So which perv feline would do that to a barely a year old kitty? Gee. I guess in the cat society, there are evil-minded cats too. Perverts. After all, we've all heard of the glove-stealing feline. No big deal, its just another title that cats earned.
Apparently the kitten wasnt raped. It was because of her gatal-ness, she went "clubbing" day in and day out, and ended up getting herself pregnant; she should have stayed home like others. I guess cats learn from our politicians as well, hence the infamous remark : women get raped because they dress sexily. DuH.

So what do we do to the pregnant kitten? Someone asked if vets can perform abortion for a cat. Heh. Seriously, I'm not sure if there is such a thing. If the termination of a human pregnancy is unacceptable (according to our Laws), what about cats? Will the cat owners be subjected charges against infringement of a ridiculous law we might not be aware of?

Considering the options that the kitten has, the worst is yet to come.
1) Kitten carries on with the pregnancy, gives birth to a litter of kittens, but didnt have the slightest idea of how to take care of the newly born kittens - kittens emerge in a thin,membranous sac which is bitten off and eaten by the mother cat. That's not all. Newborns will have to be kept warm by its mother, otherwise they are at risk for death due to exposure. Sounds scary, don't it?

Thats not all, what about choosing a location to give birth? Cats are private animals. They prefer hidden places with no one else present. Sometimes we think that we're being nice by setting up a place for your cat to give birth in, but most of the times, that will not happen. (People have a bad habit of doing things you try to refrain yourself from doing)

So what does an inexperienced and immature kitten do? Giving birth in the bushes seemed like a good idea. Dense leaves give enough shelter and privacy, away from people.

But, is she aware of the other dangers of giving birth in the dense bushes? Fireants. I've seen what fireants can do to newly born kittens. Believe me, its not a pleasant sight. It was painful. One of my cats, once gave birth to a litter of kittens in the midst of the bushes. Guess thats what she learnt from her own mother - that's where she was born. Selecting the wrong location exposed her kittens to the unexpected danger - fire ants. Leaving her kittens to fill her empty stomach, she left them unprotected. While their fur is still damp from the membrane that they were born in, it attracts the fireants. In minutes, the kittens are almost entirely covered by fireants, and they were unable to defend themselves. I'm sure you are aware that fire ants can inflict a painful sting. Imagine being bitten all over. The cries led me to find out where the kittens are. By the time I found them, constant twitching made them look as if they are having spasms, which is actually their reaction to each sting. I cringed, and immediately start removing the ants from the kittens. Squeezing smacking pinching them flat. The mother cat stood by as I tried to remove the ants. There's nothing she can do. The panic look made me go faster. Each bite leaves a sensation a sensation similar to what one feels when they get burned by fire. Their tender skin covered by the minimal of fur was not enough to protect them from the stings. They did not survive the ordeal. My cat spend a couple of hours licking clean her dead kittens, spend hours with them. She knew it was all over. Guess cats have emotions too, and it shows in their faces. It was a sad picture. I lost my appetite for 2 days. I cried. I still get goosebumps each time I think about the whole incident; even when I was typing this. It was a bad experience. But my cat learned from her mistake, bringing up a litter of 4 in the next pregnancy, all cute and cuddly and healthy.
*Source: Years of cat/dog observation at home

2) Hungry male cats who takes kittens as food. -.-"
The most disgusting one I've even encountered was seeing a male cat with a kitten's head between his jaws. Enough said. Thats sick.

Missed my late cats and dog.

p/s: We know that this world is going crazy when sick things happen.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

2's Company, 3's a Crowd

Alot of things happened lately. I never saw this coming, not this one. I almost freaked out when I found out.

I guess I had some sort of phobia regarding certain things. I'm not gona drop names, and to those who knows what I am talking about, bingo, those who doesn't, go figure!

It gives me chills just thinking about it.

You see this group of people with common interest. It stops there. Normal conversation revolves around that common interest that we have and all things general. In your mind, you draw lines clearly, as not to allow them to penetrate into your private life, you feel there is no need to. It's funny how intuition decides for us who we can trust and who we cant. Sometimes its not entirely about trust, its about being comfortable telling things that you normally need to dig your guts out to tell. However, there are times when you meet people that you simply felt ever so comfortable to talk to, and you can just yak away about your private life as if its just another ordinary story.

But what if some people tries to cross that invisible line that you've carved in your mind? Unnecessary dramatical stories, unnecessary questions that require answers, unnecessary phone calls and short messages. The frequency? Endless.

From their point of view, you are their close friend. Just because you never fail to lend an ear each time they need to spill their inner thoughts? What if you only see them as just friends? Not that close friend we-share-every-single-thought kind? It has to be mutual, isn't it?

They cannot understand the fact that being part of a group doesnt mean that everything has to be done together. What is wrong if you choose to mingle more with certain group members whom you click well with, or already share a close bond with? The fact that if the entire group were to hang out together, chances are the number of topics discussable revolves around that same old thing, cos you simply refuse to go further.

It's a big mess right now, and I didn't quite like the idea of someone I'm not willing to be held answerable to calling up all the time asking me where I am, what am I doing and who am I with.

And the fact that some other issues pop up out of nowhere, freaks me out now. Period. I feel threatened and stalked. Buddy-stalked.

Mess. Mess. Mess.

I crap a whole lot here. Too much input. Needed output. I just dont feel comfortable.
My definition: 2-3's company, more than that its a crowd~

Sunday, November 12, 2006


A new place that I fell in love with. A single factor that can draw alot of Wuahs and Uhhs and Ahhs and make my jaw drop is architectural wonders. Unfortunately I didnt have my camera with me, and have to make do with my bloody phone camera, which apparently didn't quite let me down by capturing the beauty of the moment. Simply stunning.

After dinner we went round for a spin around the Garden City/Intelligent City, the view was simply breathtaking. This is not my first time here; I've been here countless of times, day or night, but the view last night simply blew me away. Turning left from the traffic lights, onto the Seri Wawasan bridge, my jaw dropped almost instantly. The bridge came into view, along with its stunning array of white lights illuminating each and every arch.

It simply gives you that instant ummph that you need, making you proud of what Dr M had done for the country. His visions. And his accomplishments.

Our beloved nation, had come a long way. Cities proceeded to grow into megacities, everything else seemed to be catching up with other megacities around the world. However, our society never seem to grow out of its old shell. We never learn to better ourselves, and judge things with a open mind.

Every now and then, we have "interesting" articles in the dailies, about people who held important positions blurting out blunt comments when questioned. Regarding the CCTV incident, this was the response: "If the dress was not sexy, the incident would not have happened. " This is simply unacceptable. In fact it made the rest of us commoners chuckled and be embarassed with such a weak excuse.

Instead of trying to move the country forward, we're moving backwards with insignificant issues being given HUGE attention.
Mat rempits.
Heh. Perhaps if given that our public transportation is efficient, safe and RELIABLE (breaks down too often dontcha think? =P ), perhaps we wont have despatch boys riding kapcais around town in the day, and REMP-ing the streets at night doing supermans!
Bahasa rojak.
I still don't see whats the fuss about already-there signages that combined English and Malay words. Touch 'n Go? It was introduced eons ago, and why is it that it suddenly became an issue now? Instead of looking into other aspects of our society, they waste their time fighting over small issues like that. Sentuh dan PERGI!! Tag Bestari? It's hard to imagine. Countless of names simply flood my mind right now, and I cant imagine what its like if they are all ripped off and replaced.

Most of us thinks that we are on par with the rest of the world. Think again. We think that we are an open-minded bunch of people. Are we, really? Are we the
magnanimous people that we claim to be? Are we ready to be acceptant of differences in norms? Why is there a definition for social norms in the first place? Just to fit in nicely as just another piece of puzzle on the street?
Close friends around me, ybmaht included, will understand what crap I'm speaking about here.

We have a long way to go, dont we? Dont agree with me? I shall shoot you and blow you up. *grins* Malaysia spells FUN.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

When Patience comes second

This is what happens when people get impatient of the road. Although the road clear ahead, with slight drizzle gentle dotting your windscreen, this trailer simply skidded off the road, causing an almost 5km of cars lining up behind the obstructing trailer...


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Scrolls and Robes, Math and Symbols

Graduating from the best universities doesn't make you a smart person.
After all, its all in the papers. And oh, a scroll, you get to put on that Harry Potter robe (minus the broom~) and the wide smile on your face.

OK. I'm kidding. It's a big deal! It is!

It makes me wonder how our brain ticks. How does symbols are being deciphered and interpreted by our brains? How did it ever mean anything at all? How do we reason things? Those math geniuses who could untangle complex mathematical equations with a breeze, is the ultimate WOW factor.

The next time you hit the streets, Look left and look right. Look around you. Everywhere you see are people who had at least a degree.

But why is it so hard for some to understand simple words and clear images?

Can you see what this fella is doing?

Has universities and higher education made students a much complex individual that prevented our brains from operating in simple mode?