A mother's broken heart. One with shattered hopes and dreams of seeing her offspring becoming somebody in life. It wasn't high hopes she placed upon them, it's just what a mother would want for them, a sufficiently good life. A mother's wasted efforts to pave way for a better future when all others failed.
A child's responsibility. A child old enough to understand the consequences of his/her actions should know the difference between right and wrong and should to be capable of obeying
the unwritten law of being filial.
Part of growing up is being under constant peer pressure. It's a subconscious thing we feel that drives us to do things that we otherwise won't see ourselves doing. It gives you that sudden uumph that makes you brave for one second, and do whatever you did in that mere second.
Friends are the most important people, besides your immediate family members, that might permanently affect the way your life take shape. For better or worse. Put the wrong company, the inability to reason and prioritize together and go figure. Can't exactly blame their friends entirely, cos sometimes its not a choice. It happens by chance, when reasoning is something they hadn't learnt at that point of their lives, yet it was the time when they were introduced to the worse of all companies. Using age as a scale of which we place our expectations on is however not quite fair due to differences in personal and psychological maturation, expectations does not correspond to a particular age for every person.
The pain root deep into the parents hearts. Deep down they knew they have to do something about it, but simply ran out of steam by now. Realisation of their wrongdoings doesnt come by overnight. After all, Rome wasn't build in a day. But what are the options they are left with?
I pray for things to get better.
We are in an era where technology are indirectly pushing crime rates higher. During our age, we don't skip classes just to go to the internet cafe. Gone are those days where you see kids running around in the front porch, making up imaginary cooking sessions made out of leaves and treebranches. We can do everything with a couple of clicks on the mouse. Couple of key presses and we're done with what used to take an entire morning of running around town. It's a matter of convenience, but I guess everyone abuse it. Couch potato reinvented. Perhaps the cause of the rising rate of obesity lies there. I'm not against everything wired. In fact I do most of my things in front of the screen. Bills and everything else. I'm strolling that line for a living yo~. It's just that the drastic changes it has on people nowadays that sometimes gives me headspins.
p/s: Oh peeps, check out PointBlanc's IpohMali. Its a great song with fantastic lyrics. (He was former PoeticAmmo's rapper)
Sunday, January 21, 2007
A Child's Duty
Posted by iamjamiesher at 7:46 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Damn. I was about to write a piece about my thoughts when a lizard attacked a 6 legged insect that omits a foul odor...
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:28 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Straightjacket Feeling
Hate is a strong word.
It's a four letter word we always confuse with anger and confusion.
It's a Four letter word besides the F word we often abuse.
It's the word we use on things we don't like.
It's the word we use on people we don't fancy or had something against.
Love is an equally strong word.
It's a four letter word we always confuse with liking and infatuation.
It's a four letter word besides Miss that we often misuse.
It's the word we use to describe our fondness for someone or something.
It's the word we use on people we claim to like or had something for.
But how can we hate someone we claim to love? Or used to love? It had always been a gray area, love and hate. Without any clear line seperating two of the strongest emotions a person can ever experience, we rely solely on our own judgements. It takes a strong mind to get over all the emotional attacks thrown at you. Self-destruction is by choice, it's not the only way out.
Before you start screaming that your life is giving you a hard time, think twice. It happens to everyone else. It's a test of will, faith and trust. It takes a lifetime to forget someone. A quest you might never find an ending. It's something you'd have to live with for the rest of your life. Along with decisions we might regret, or be grateful that you made.
It's these experiences in life that will make us a stronger person.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:02 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
"There are some experiences in life which shouldn't be demanded twice from any man" - George Bernard Shaw
Home sweet home.
Grass is greener, air is fresher, time crawls.
What's better than waking up each day (un-military style~) to a hot cup of coffee and breakfast served?
What's better than getting out of bed each day just to have breakfast with ya family and go back to sleep?
Anyway, I took sis' CLK to KL. Pleasant ride. Maiden trip out of town, and so far south to central Malaysia. But I reckon it was a pleasant one. And oh, the news that grazed the cover recently, the tropical storm, I experienced it first hand.
I drove with 150% care!Yummy. Perfect weather conditions.
Looks like a tornado/cyclone, but its not. Just a bunch of dark angry clouds.
You should be able to tell of why it took so long to get to the north as compared down south. Picturesque. Believe me, it looked even better off-the-picture.
Thong-wearing bus? Interesting.
I know..keeping your hands and eyes busy while driving is dangerous, but I can't resist~
Does that make you wanna go out of KL right this moment?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:02 PM 3 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, people!
Nothing new. I start the new year almost the same every year. Getting a ticket for faulty tail lights was so last year. This year, it was a "blast". I meant it, literally. The year that was ended with a game of badminton, junior against the seniors. The match ended a draw, cos we ran out of time. All of us got ourselves a good shower (a cold one~) and headed to Neway, Cheras. I'm just a bathroom singer, not public. (I still don't understand why we had to travel all the way from Megah to Cheras for the same place we can get at Bandar Utama. It's not like anyone's gonna spend the final moments of 2006 in a cramped room singing our lungs out) Or why a karaoke session at all? Why not we just pig out on food and talk crap instead? Don't bother reading.
The session at Neway began with us pigging out on food, cos we're all drained of our final reserves of energy to do something else. And then the singing session. Ladida.
I noticed the little notice reminding the patrons not to throw cakes and stuff in the room - Dont dirty the place. Will charge additional RM200 for that. Well I thought, its nothing to be bothered about. Nobody's playing with cakes tonight.
Cut to the chase (You don't expect me to give you names of the songs they sing, don't you?), came the countdown. The 10 numbers counting down. ... 3,2,1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
Genius. Came the spraying of the most forbidden of substances. Someone was turned into Santa. Hey, I thought christmas was over, we wont need it until end of this year. I wasn't Santa for that night, but I think I had a mouthful of the foul smelling "substance". Before any of us got up, the Neway guys are already at our door. Perfect. Now the whole room looked as though something just exploded. -.-"
Thats when the RM200 I cant be bothered about came into the picture. Haha. They were gonna charge that to our bill. Ironically, we're all laughing at the whole incident as if it was a Joke. Thank goodness we have someone with us who managed to do some of the talking with the "more important people" there. We were spared but we had to do the cleaning.
What did I do for New Year you might ask? I was wiping a black PVC couch. Heh.
It's a brand new year. Some things never change.People still campout at coffee places. Looked as if it will explode anytime. Anytime.
My new year resolution is to quit coffee. Again. I opted for smaller cups (the only problem is that its a single shot of pure espresso, served in a tiny little cup). Potent as hell. I still love the pastries they have. Tell me I'm gonna quit soon. I mean it.
Happy new year everyone!
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:49 PM 0 drop(s) of dew