My patience expired 2 seconds ago. Dead and buried.
Or so I thought.
I got a name.
An anonymous virtual connection.
A lot of visuals.
In many ways, the guessing game is on.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Sorry, try again.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 6:05 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Walking Away from a Possibility
I wasn't given a chance to make it happen.
I tried to but it just didn't.
What makes it so hard to catch your line of vision?
Across the room, across that space.
I was there all along, so were you.
I've never felt this for a long long time.
It's all about to become a distant memory.
I was forced to walk away and wasn't left with any options.
Walking out. Waiting for a miracle.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 5:56 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
We Learn
Sometimes it just makes me wonder if we ever learn from past mistakes. Sometimes the situation makes it so tempting to make you give in for the second time. And the second time around, with you being aware of the consequences and possibilities of history repeating itself, you are at the verge of allowing possibilites to become reality.
But its not all bad, not all the time.
Discovering for yourself what really makes you tick is somewhat a huge finding.
I'd say that its a gray area that I am ready to explore at the moment.
You'll never know whats around that corner until you go around it. Risky as it is, I guess I'm prepared.
Without risks there can be no returns; I lived by.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:11 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
A Spike in my Wallet
Comfort shopping is my weakness.
Oh let me correct this, its not comfort shopping, I wasnt comforting myself through hurting my wallet. Hehe.
It was something you lay your eyes on. But did nothing when you first saw it.
Then it just keeps playing in your mind, kept playing and kept playing.
In-born talent to remember things to the details. Certain things.
Until one day I just couldnt take it anymore and the result was :A spike in my wallet.
Many of us are aware of the harm that UV rays can do to us, although most of us took care of the skin, and more often than not, forgot about the eyes. I'd rather get sun burnt that be blind.
Hence the need for protection.
*sounds so damn self-comforting
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:00 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Mindful Babble
Bummer. I was trying to complete and post a bulletin on friendster when the connection just went poof. Only on Friendster. Bulletin are quite fun things to do ya know (kudos to those who came up with lists of questions that seemed to tackle a person's emotion all round).
So lets put that Friendster thingy behind. I've been trying to refresh the page and all that, without copying my post in the first place, so its all lost now. That was a darn Long posting Okay... and its now lost. Bah.
Freak weather we get these days. Its chilling at night when I sleep. But the feeling was just nice, I dread to get out of bed in these perfect sleeping conditions.
Its funny how you get yourself used to the people at work each and every day. One scan at the work area and you know who's in and who's not. It's also amazing how a simple smile can make people's day. You don't have to know them to acknowledge them. It's a kind of respect you show for people. Smiles and nods are polite, but staring is rude.
I guess I'm just pleased with how things are right now.
"Do you know what a compromise is?
Its not bending the law, its an agreement reached by mutual concessions."
A compromise wont hurt you in the long run.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:50 PM 0 drop(s) of dew