That cute furry thing in the previous post was found at:
Apparently, there was nothing interesting there, besides the cannon, and Mr Francis Light standing at the main entrance.This time with a buddy of his. Scratch poles are more fun. Miawww.
Anyway, thats not the point. I flew to Penang with a purpose. I wanna visit people sekaligus, but I ended up slapped with a major change of plans. Haha.
Initial plan was I go to Penang, meet up with the rest of the family. Period.
But instead, drop the whole thing, and I have 6+ hours to spend; occupy myself with whatever I could do with that Island, wait for sis to finish work and I'm suppose to go back to AlorSetar with her later that evening.
But no, scratch that plan. Mum and bro came. By that time, I already had plans to explore part of the island myself, from a very different perspective, on foot -.-"
So I insisted that they leave AlorSetar at a later time, so I can do whatever I can with the few hours I have. Meet at Gurney later.
It's my first time at Penang Airport. Arriving there I meant. As far as I can remember, I've been there only once when I was still a budak, to send my maid off.
Nothing to should about. And from the air, it looked old. But the bird's eyeview of the sea was fantastic. Loved how the vessels sail at a constant speed, with white foamy bubbles of waves trailing.
At the airport, I found no other means to get to the city, except taxis. I've read about bus No. 83 but they are no where to be seen. City buses would be a better way to view the surroundings of the city cos they make stops all around. Taxi's the way.
Rm38 to Georgetown. Worth the price if its shared by 4. Unfortunately, I'm a single soul.
My ride was a white Perdana, driven by a nice Malay guy.
Oh, why Georgetown? I don't know. I just wanna go to Fort Cornwallis. Not much hype about that place, but there's something about the cannons that catch my attention the last time I past by that place.
Mum said, "Go there to see what? To get your skin burnt? Nothing to see there."
Me: "Have you been there before?"
Mum: "No *giggles*
Me: -.-"
So I decided to drop by that place this time. Manage to grab a map from the counter as I leave with my coupon. Can't just walk out there and hail a cab. I kinda like this system. No throat-slitting.
Once I settled in the white Perdana, taximan asked me where I wanted to go, "Georgetown mana?"
Me: Er, Fort Cornwallis.
Taxmian: Ok.
Me: Kupon ini.. untuk Georgetown, boleh pergi Gurney?
Taximan: Boleehhhhhh..Mana pun boleh.
Me: Oh. Fort Cornwallis ke Gurney jauh tak?
Taximan: Jalan boleh sampai, tapi jauh juga.
At this point, I was trying to make up my mind: Gurney or the Fort.
The Fort it is.
Cut the story short, I ended up walking all the way to Gurney Plaza. I am not quite sure how far it is, but its not a short walk.
But I loved the stretch leading towards Gurney.
And I got tanned~
Pardon me for the abrupt ending. It's hard to type when my mind is split. hehe
Friday, July 27, 2007
The Long Walk
Posted by iamjamiesher at 1:31 AM 9 drop(s) of dew
Whatever makes them Purrrrr
Cats can sense Death.
Cute furry animal they are. And owh, I can spend the whole day watching and playing with them. (and ohhh - dogs too!)
Posted by iamjamiesher at 1:24 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The Muka Karipap Menyampah
I've never felt so angry before.
Nevermind why. It's ...
I'm typing on my new Compaq Presario V3521TU Lappie. Eye candie.
Works like crap. I can't get the scroller on the touchpad to work, and the budak at the store tried to do things I already tried at home. So Dong.
Oh. Correction, its not mine. My sister's~
I still like my Dell though its ugly. More user friendly, and even the keys on the keypad is strategically placed.
I had a day of looooonnnngg meeting today. Two sessions. -.-"
And for the first time, I get so pissed with this so-called BA cos he doesn't know how to shut up.
People who attend the meeting are experts at their own field, and he acts like he knows all.
Dah lah tak fasih, wanna talk fast and he sounds worse than DonaldDuck. Crack voiced.
Menyampah kao kao.
"One curious question"
"One more question" (before people can answer his previous question)
"I don't see why you need to do that" (when people had been using it for years)
He don't understand the constraints of time zones.
Because he kept questioning why can't we do trading 24/7 since we are already in the internet age" (Hello~ dealers work 24/7 ka? You replace everyone larrrr! Doink~)
"NONONO. I'm saying when its all good. Not during system downtime. Why do we need manual intervention???"
Nor can he understand the possibility of hardware failures. And also the fact that there are inter-system communication and channels have DOWNtime tooo~ (which is frequent~)
And the bomb was, I'm sitting right opposite him.
Everyone was raising their voice and trying to explain. He will then raise his voice even though he was only talking to the person next to him. What's his problem?? Acting all big shot.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:58 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Monday, July 23, 2007
So much Love
We see the best of someone when they are put under a very difficult situation.
When it comes to things that are close to home, I break far more easily than I thought I would.
I've shed more tears in days than I ever had in years.
I pray for you to be well and I'll be there.
May you have the strength to fight it.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:09 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Sunday, July 15, 2007
What's next?
Life is so monotonous right now.
I should just quite my job and take a year off and go travel.
Harry Potter craze is immense. Insane, really. They should set up a counter or two or half a counter for those who didn't wish to be part of the Potter craze yet. Let us watch the lao ya movies, please.
So heartless.
I'm a big fan of Starbucks. (Not that you don't know of, I just wanna say it again). I vowed to quit coffee. I had a tall BananaJavaChip just this afternoon. One time only-larh. They serve tea too. So chill~
I'm forever hungry these days. Food is a blessing.
Seen some new places this weekend. I'm so full of it right now. Lots to think about and consider.
Cure my sweet-tooth urges please.
I should take a flight off to Penang this Friday and meet my parents, and grandma.
So much babbling.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 7:49 PM 5 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Mo Ngan Tai
"Mo ngan tai."
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
p/s: By the way, Justine lost. Short of a Wimbledon to complete a career Grand Slam.
I'm mourning.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:26 AM 1 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
The game is not healthy anymore.
When playfulness becomes competitive, its ruined.
It's a challenge to remain nonchalant when you are subjected to those elements, but its not impossible.
You know its only a game, and it should stay that way.
They constantly push you to the edge, apart of me threatens to leap off the cliff.
In this case, Ignorance is Bliss.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:56 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
One after another.
I couldn't take it. It's not too late for me to care now, and I'm trying.
People I care about are too far from where I am.
It's all uncertain. The anticipation is a pain.
The fact that I don't know how bad things are isn't helping me much.
I can cope.
Just that I'm sometimes lost. Lost in my own labyrinth of thoughts.
Nothing silly, no worries.
It's OK to question your own questions. Keeps me sane.
Though often I find no answers, nor can I provide.
I wish I could do more with friends around me, but no.
Was it me, or was it them?
My thoughts told me that it doesn't have to be that way. I can do better.
I tried too hard, perhaps?
I'm a no nonsense person when it comes to certain things. It's hard to fake it.
I end up hurting people, cos the truth hurts more than any lies.
I just want to wish my friends well. Thanks to Sumatra, we might need those surgical masks pretty soon.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:12 AM 0 drop(s) of dew