Escort. Escort Escort Escort?
Call girls? Male prostitutes?
Not on Malaysian roads at least. Certain people who think of themselves as "Highly important or People in Power" need not be stuck in traffic jams like other lesser citizens. They will need a huge envoy of police on bikes will honk their way through congested roads, angrily knocking on people's car windows if you fail to budge in time, making just enough way for some big ass Bentleys or Rolls Royces to inch their way through.
And for what?! Just so you can show the world that you were truly someone in Power? Why not take it a notch higher? Fly-larh! The skies are clear for now.
And the wailing sound of the siren. I so loathe.
Every morning we had to endure long hours of bad traffic jams to get to work. If you feel that you have other more important matters to look into than wasting your precious time getting stuck in traffic jams, Tunku tunku, datuk datin dan para menteri besar dan kecil sekalian, this is what you should be doing, tell us why roads get so clogged up? Cos we have done little to battle the jams. Shame on our public transportation network. Shame on those managing it.
I wonder where our taxes go? On your big ass Rolls Royce? And also the big ass bikes that served nothing more but an escort?
Certain vehicles were equipped with a siren because it really helps in cases of emergencies, alerting other road users to make way. It saves lives, and of course we will make way, no time wasted. But what do you think of a vehicle (the same one) which hit the roads every morning almost about the same time everyday, but always with the siren wailing? They simply abuse the exception given to them.
Maybe the RMF can start spinning in a decent income simply by escorting so called VIPs and earn a bomb doing it. Why bother doing what you were supposes to do in the first place? Little work, handsome pay. What's the difference between this and call girls?
I miss Dr. M.
*Picture courtesy of iStockPhoto