I'm not going to miss this. I caught them in action during a pocket show, and it was awesome!!!
Friday, December 28, 2007
One heck of a Crack!
New Year's 'round the corner! Count your blessings and start Living!
I met Positive Tone's founder! One heck of a cool guy!

"I don't care how much it's going to cost me, just bloody FIX it!"
I'm sorry, money can't fix a fractured wall of Trust. No amount of dollar plaster and cash cement will ever be enough to patch the mess up. That damage is irreversible. What about collapsed walls? Go figure!
Some even use money to buy Love. Their so-called-beloved would stick around because they get free meals (plus lodging), party free (including free flow of liquor) and throw in a wardrobe makeover; absolutely FREE. I love you unconditionally (just make sure that wallet's loaded) =P
So you can start and wonder what will happen when some day (touch wood!) in the future, you were cut off from your source of income? Hmm, interesting.
Who do you think you are, Paris?
Even Paris Hilton had to lose what she thought was "already in the pocket".
So whoever said life isn't fair?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 1:32 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
People are still obsessed with JCo donuts.
"The flour is different, it's richer! Creamier! Sweeter!!" "It's the weather I think!!"
Why compare? It never ends.
Why can't they just be happy with what they got and just shut up and enjoy it?
(Please note that this does not apply career-wise.)
I this, you that, I did, did not, would be, will do, will be, should do, should go, shall do!
Let's just wait til it comes to our shore, shall we? And stop whinning like a baby. You're irritating me. *rolls eyes at the nearest cubicle*
Christmas is so commercialized.
Mystique has the lousiest sound system, no speakers at the back of the room, I get echos from where I'm standing.
People robbed the Christmas tree. Poor thing. By the end of the celebration, "he's" stripped clean of all ornaments and was found leaning against a pillar instead of towering above all.
Talk about Christmas spirit vs Malaysians.
Babbles: I've seen a growing rubbishbin. It's spooky, believe me, it growS! And it stinks!
Posted by iamjamiesher at 3:16 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Bells Rings!
These mata-mata makes life difficult.
But I rarely see these mata-mata and also dewabersihanKL (DBKL) carry out their routine Jalan-Jalan Keluar Saman anymore. Why? No festivities coming around? Or have they just got their big fat bonuses that will last them until the new year comes? ...
"I'll be on annual leave from today till 26 Dec 07.
27 - 28 Dec 2007 ( on leave but working in the morning)"
He might as well not tell me that he's going to be on leave. On leave but working? -.-"
I am looking for new challenges in life. Thus ... hire me please.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Babbles: Facebook is getting more wackier. I just got Audited by Janice Ng. I found out where to get Brown Brothers for quite a reasonable price!
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:51 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
1. A person is only as good as ... the things he/she does.
2. Friendship is always ... taken for granted.
3. To love is to ... willingly submit yourself to emotional torture. =P
4. Money makes ... an important accessory to support life.
5. I miss ... being a chronic shopper.
6. My way of saying I care is by ... listening to people.
7. I try to spread love and happiness by ... sharing alot of laughter. You can make people smile when you smile. =)
8. Pick the flowers when ... its for someone special.
9. To love someone is to ... allow someone into your private life and vice versa.
10. Beauty is ... very subjective.
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was ... how dark and skinny I am!
12. When I was twenty one, I remember ... being closest to my family despite being away from them. And I still am! =)
13. I am most happy when ... Friday comes!
14. Nothing makes me happier than ... going to sleep at night knowing tomorrow's a holiday!
15. If I can change one thing, I will change ... what the gomen monkeys consider immoral.
16. If smiles were ... able to cure deadly diseases, I'd be happy to smile 24/7.
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could ... eliminate the need to work and significance of making a living.
18. If you want to ... be fake (and undetected) ... then you have to ... make sure the rest of us are either blind or mute.
19. Money is not everything but ... it could do alot of help.
20. I smile when ... I hear from my family, when I listen to my favourite song, when other people happy, when I see my friends etc.
22. When I am happy, I ... can't stop grinning.
23. If only I don't have to ... work ... then ... I'll get to spend time travelling!
24. The best thing I did yesterday was ... being more tolerant on the road and give way!
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title ... "My Fantastic Piece of Life".
26. One thing I must do before I die is ... bungee jump off Auckland Bridge.
27. Doing this meme, I feel like ... jetting off to New Zealand and leap off that bridge!
Tagged: PurpleRose, Az, Zulee, all readers!
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:24 AM 1 drop(s) of dew
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I have OCD
List things you're obsessed with.
- I vacuum in straight lines.
- I peel my apples in circles, top to bottom.
- I arrange my milk cartons; choco left, milk right.
- I arrange things in my suitcase, I can pick things out of it without looking.
- Wardrobe's colour coded.
Gawd, I'm such a bore.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 7:30 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Friday, December 14, 2007
I joined the pathetic-kiasu-line a couple of weeks ago.
I got out safe and sound, and in one piece; an hour later.
It's amazing how long queues can attract more people to come join it. Perhaps it was the typical mentality at work; any stores with lots of people sure serves up good food. ... That says it all.
I decided get some of those back to AS.
No. I did not buy so much because "the queue is long and I have to get MAX donuts from there - call auntie uncle grandma grandpa friend's cow and see if they want any". I come from a big family =P
While I did not do what I did, the rest of the people standing in the line, most of them are holding out their cellphones, punching numbers, taking orders. Ah. Great.
Auntie: An neh, an neh!
ManStandingBehind: (huh?)
Auntie: (whispers) An neh, can you help me buy a dozen, glazed donuts?
ManStandingBehind: (-.-") Er...er..Okay. 12 ar?
Auntie: Yes Yes. I give you money, you buy for me, OK?
ManStandingBehind: OkOk.
Like that also can. *rolls eyes* He's a Malay guy btw, and what the hell's with an neh an neh?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:22 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Friday, December 07, 2007
ex-Movie Freak
I'm guilty of doing this at work. HA.HA.
I have the time so SUE me. or FIRE me. =)
Anyway, it's absurd that my world rank is still in the millions (down from 6M), despite having answered ALL the questions they have in their database.
Each correct question gets you 10 points. I answered a total of 645 correct, out of .. I'm not sure how many I answered. Wrong ones didn't count here. I certainly had answered more than 645 questions.
Those who wish, here's the link:
p/s: I still love catching movies at the cinema, just that I do it a lot lesser now.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:06 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
I am infected with Kuda Trojan. Damn you Kuda. Amat frustrating. And I personally felt "infected" with some kind of horse virus. Ugh. Can someone who's celik virus please help?
Any effective ways to clean this besides AVG?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:23 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Chasing One Tiny Ball is NOT Easy
I've been watching football recently, Interesting, but nothing beats Formula 1 and Tennis. I'm looking forward to next year's night race in Singapore the Kiasu Land. Maybe I should go for the Sepang race too, but I hadn't done that! Don't ask me why, but I haven't been really supportive of the local race, cos I loathe thinking about how corrupt this country is and its frustrating how things are handled here in our Bolehland. They offer lousy race packages, and mind you, its hot here in Malaysia. For now, sitting still for 2 hours in front of the TV will do, but if ever I get the chance to watch a race overseas, I'd be delighted!!
Anyway, for one, I don't read the papers anymore, save Sunday Star and foreign sports section. The rest are all rubbish.
Watching football is easy, playing one certainly isn't. I'm not talking about real football, I played on my game console. Damn bloody hard to score a goal! And for a start, I am only playing amateur mode, not pro! There wasn't much support in automatically switching players, and most of it is done manually, including play strategy. I don't have a bloody strategy! I took England, can't even beat Poland. Then I realised I was the one calling the shots and controlling every player. Ahhhh, my bad. No wonder I lost miserably. Cos England didn't make it to the next EURO! I should try Senegal.
*switches on console*
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:56 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Why Life is fair the way I see it?
I'm not really a chicken person, but I just had KFC X-Meal just now. The thought of it makes me want to throw up. Anyway, the Indian guy behind manning the counter was a patient and nice guy. The word Indian wasn't significant. Just being specific. I just saw how rude Malaysians could be. Where's your manners?
"Oh shoot, I forgot to put them on today."
It's a small outlet OK, and there aren't alot of places for people to move around in it. When I walked in, there was quite a long queue, 3-4 people ahead of me. Given only one man taking orders, it took a while before it's my turn. There was a lady standing at the side from where I queued up. She's got her food in one hand, while she kept checking on her watch, and fidget non-stop. How annoying. She finally lost her patience and barked at the Indian guy, "Where's my nuggets?!"
The guy just smiled at her, turned and got her her bloody nuggets, apologized for keeping her waiting and kept smiling. Bloody woman just snatched her nuggets and left. Drama. Ok, he's abit slow, but slow and steady. Calm.
There's this guy standing in front of me. He got his order, turned around and just ran into my shoulders, expecting me to SIAMMMMMMM and make way for him to pass. Wth! Not even an excuse me (or any version of that). He just bulldozed his way through. I so wanted to slap his bloody cap so he could see where he's going. Mo.
In the end of the day, I got my food, no one got hurt.
You will never understand the pain a person has been put through, unless you experience for yourself. Putting yourself in their shoes only gives you half the perspective, and you are in no position at all to advise but to just keep your thoughts to yourself and just be there for them.
People often suffer from other people's decisions. Hastily made decisions, doing things just for the sake of wanting to do it without thinking thoroughly and weighing the consequences of their actions, slap-dash attitude and selfishness. I am saddened that people around me has to suffer from the actions of these irresponsible people. Yeah right, they say Everything happens for a reason. But it's a choice whether they want to let that happen, they were privileged enough to have that say, and they abused it. When the time comes, they just move on, and left you cold.
Only through hardship can lessons be learned. Only by going through difficulties can you wise up. Only by putting yourself through pain can you learn to appreciate. So what did you lose from the bad experiences people out you through? Nothing. You gained. So much more.
Life is fair. That's what I learned.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:09 PM 1 drop(s) of dew