This country is heading in the direction where we can't count on the police to guard our safety anymore. We never see improvements, we never see crimes get solved, hopes of finding Sharlinie is slowly fading away, and all we get to see are new bikes zipping around the city on escort duties.
Why do they even need that in the first place? Okay, maybe I am guilty of being ignorant of why the police force needs the use of motorcycles. Traffic, Patrol, Pursuit, Escort. I know, I know. And why did they replace the entire fleet of old 500ccs for these new man-toys? Justifiable too, old ones are expensive to maintain. You get my drift.
Nothing is not justifiable in this country, yes?
Then something genius struck.
It could be that when a man was not a policeman yet, he was ordinary. Like other average Joes. Plain and bland. No different from any other guys you see on the street. No ego to show off. Or he does, but he doesn't show off publicly.
So when this average Joe joined the police force, he was awarded with a badge, that reads Royal Malaysia Police. Note the word royal. Diraja man, don't play play.
So Royal, gua takutSo with the badge, comes the responsibility of protecting the people and preserving peace.
So ex-average Joe now walks around with the badge (as per above) on public display; exercising his rights of telling people what is right and what is wrong. Job well done. So from being ego-less it swells into the size of a badge.
But being with the Police force comes with a whole lot of perks. You get to ride bikes all day and everyday doing absolutely nothing, but cruising. At other times, there are duties that require of him to do some escort work - making way for the fake VIPs through KL's insane traffic. That was that.
So when you couple a powerful piece of machinery - the bike, and the all-access all powerful badge, his ego is now is big as the wheels of his bike.
Honda VFR800 on the left, Honda ST1300 on the right. Hence, they needed the bikes. So as to strike a balance between ego and work. Otherwise, tak boleh pakai. Need duit kopi.