
Wednesday, February 22, 2006


it just had to rain each time its past working hour.just when everyone's ready to leave and happy to leave work behind for the rest of the evening, it just HAD to rain.urgh..
i hate to get wet.whoops..ok..thats a strong word.rephrase : i don FANCY getting wet in workclothes.

each time i get a carwash, it WILL rain soonafter.i've accepted that fact.haha.Dad has the same problem.I think i probably got that from him.the worst of all was that it rained all of a sudden WHILE my car is being washed.no joke.serious shit.=.='

this is not cnn.dont come here for juicy news about me.
capowner is the sweetest.
respected.loved and cared for.
the best thing that ever happened to me.

on the other hand :
i stil dun understand why u show the links to those B*****S from my course last time.Dont see the connection with the SQUARE. =P anyway i didnt purposely share the same name as J.Ang.hahaha.darN! why la..why?!

Darkos TP, dun turn my MZLD into something else..i know you're having a good time making fun of it (changing y to i).cilaka mia..
Eh, repost that please.Thats the best post ever!Yay! we live in boleHLand!


Purple Rose said...

PeeKaBoo! GoTcHa! BLeK!
Repost what???

Purple Rose said...

we're in such a mess, don't you think so? and pls don't use this identity to post comment on my blog. u know the consequences. love ya, babe. just love ya =)

iamjamiesher said...

Darkos Animals.that post.haha..its the best ever..

indeed, we're in a BIG mess.muahah..but mess are meant to be cleared.so no worries.