
Monday, April 10, 2006


I've been playing alot of badminton lately, twice a week perhaps? i think its great. gives my body a little bit of working out, real working out i mean. i walk quite alot daily though, to and fro train station and the Bank. Only recently i started to drive to work (tell me, Hiau or not? petrol prices up then only i start to drive. =.=) But it takes like 15-20 minutes to reach my workplace, without getting jammed or having to crawl bumper to bumper nor do i have to curse under my own breath (i don curse, but hey, thats what everyone else does!) I enjoyed the peaceful drive to work, with AllAmericanRejects screaming from the car stereo. Eh..I love their songs so much. And I bought the CD because I've got nothing else to buy. Surprisingly it turned out to be a great CD! Highly recommended.

Just this afternoon, Disney called. And screamed at me for putting that pathetically nice song as my caller ringtone. =P sue me sue me sue me! Asked me about movies she should watch. I can tell you that IceAge2 wasnt exactly that nice. Besides its animation that LOOKED SO DAMN REAL, even the fur moves according to the wind direction (According to penpal, it took years to complete this!) Thats why I paid attention the the fur each time there's a close shot of FUR. Haha. Muaha..Sorry, I've watched almost everything on the screens right now. =P im a certified movie freak. Pathetic, I know, but its just something I enjoy doing so much. And wei, stop "visualizing". *chuckles*

I have extra MMC cards here. Dont ask why. And I dont know what to do with it or whether I should do anything about it. Doink~ I think I have 32Mb, 128mB and 2 512mB. eh..doesnt look like I'm opening a gallery or MMC museum any sooner with my "small" collection of "masterpieces". I'm not gonna do anything about it. You you and you will stay there and collect dust.


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