
Wednesday, June 25, 2008


You can get so lost in other people's song that at times you forget the existence of your own song.

You get influenced by it.
And allow yourself be carried away.
Cast doubts on yourself.

You let people's song to determine what should have been your own, is this how it should be?

You try to change your song so much that you eventually forget how your own song goes, the way it flows, and what makes the lyrics of your song. At other times, you get tired of listening to people's song that you start to make your song be known, got over the top by your self-declared superiority; you simply tune off people' voice. You go on and on and on singing your tune, but have you ever thought of stopping for just one moment to listen to others? You've got your goals set on something, have others not?

Should you pause and think for a while?

The Moment

Like a sore thumb.
So strange.
So unusual.
So peculiar.
So accidental.

But still engaging.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


You want things easy, just ask.
If only it is that simple.
If only things can be answered by asking questions.

The danger of asking questions is that, you're only told things that you are told.
Now my question is, can you trust that? If yes, how much of the whole thing can you trust?

My answer is simple. I trust people easily.
I trust you and I do nothing about the new information I just heard.
It ends here. Ends in me.

I do not have the habit of playing 'God' and try to get my hands on everything and get it right.

Dangling Notes

I hadn't had that feeling for a very long time.
That very nice feeling of getting out of bed each day and look forward to start the day.
I dug out some addictive songs from my music library and I am now hooked to it.
The morning drive will be pleasant despite all the traffic jams I can foresee.

I think for now, I will just let people's music do the talking.

Intuitive Moments

It's about moving forward, to acknowledge that skill and to embrace it.

To not be reliant on a skill and technique; it doesn't always work in all situations.

It's also about restraint, to learn how to hold back and when to respond.

It's not all about immediate reactions.

It's about having patience and taking one step at a time.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Last Straw

In one way or another, everyone must have had their moments of 'the last straw'.
The final annoyance that's enough to drive you up and over the wall, so much to make you decide that Enough is Enough. For one last time, you've decided, it's for one last time.

People now are much more selfish than they were 10 years ago. People behave in a bizarre ways, react in strange kooky ways. I am one innocent soul.

What was real?

Come to think about it, the difficult time that you made me go through on my own was very selfish of you. Come to think of it now, I felt that those weren't real. All I can think of now is how disgusted I am. I need to look deeper into myself on why I am feeling that way.

How far can you go to forgive someone?

I chuckled over my naivety and yes, I've had my last straw and moved on, what about you?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What comes after this?

I discovered a different side of myself.

My thoughts are my best company.

Your mind gives you access to alot of things you don't know about yourself.

You can make the world spin backwards in your head.

Books open doors to a vast knowledge.

What personal freedom is, and what it really means to me.


What's next?


The ScapeGoat

Sometimes people get too comfortable with our job that we sometimes forget that they live paycheck to paycheck. Looking forward to payday each month doesn't seem to ring any alarm. They sit comfortably in their zone. Feeling secure and certain.

What if all of a sudden, they were to lose it all?
They are now face to face with their worst fear; losing their job.

All because he made 6 clicks too many, 6 mere clicks that cost 1.8bil.

All seemed too harmless. It's not the first time the system had faced complications. It has been happening all these while and rerunning it has always solve problems. But this time around, that particular error was generated by a hardware failure that triggered the system's rollback mechanism. It behaved like it should. You see, the thing that non-IT people don't understand is that, when multiple systems were at work, depending on each other, a million and one things could go wrong in between. Unreliable network, database overload, failing disk drives just to name a few.

A legacy system vs a 2 yrs old state of art system. They choose to blame the human. For his error. There's obviously a big loophole in the system.

Why are these people here? They're here with one aim: Prove him guilty. That full action should be taken for that offense.

What the hell are you talking about?

These people came with the intention to convict him. At this point, explanations no matter how technically detailed is not going to do any good, cos non-IT people don't give a shit. They just want a scapegoat, and they're done. It pains me to hear how people from different work backgrounds arguing a point that we all know will never reach a mutual understanding.

It's almost certain that termination will be the conclusion.
Six clicks were all it took.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Read Like You're Rolling

Politics are boring stuff so I am not going to repeat whatever you can read in TheStar or any other papers you can get your hands on. Whether or not it will be doing us any good what the by election results, damage was done.

Now, leave us alone.

On another note, I have a couple of unfinished books. But I have this little habit of getting new ones before I can finish what I have. Some books are just easy to read, meaning you can just go on and on and on flipping those pages. Some, in my case, I read the same page, same paragraph and the same line over and over again, and I can't seem to go anywhere. Some of the books had this depressing element, but being difficult to read is the whole point, ain't it? I am suppose to learn from understanding difficult things. BAH..c'mon, read on!"

You wouldn't believe this is how I read. Hopeless. Is that how you read difficult books?

Okay. Then I thought maybe I should try something light. So one day, I went through the books on Thamby's shelf (cos all I have in hand are depressing) and picked "Can you keep a secret?" Sophie "Kinlala" Kinsella. Certainly. Before I knew it, I was flipping pages after pages until ... I finally fell asleep at 49. Damn hopeless lor.

Anyway, I've got myself 2 more new books. What did I just say?