If you follow my blog often enough, you will notice that I absolutely
lorrhh mata.
And my brush with them today didn't mend anything.
So as usual, I was patiently stuck in a jam that was finally moving. I was so accustomed to the bad traffic that I have stopped complaining about it. It's an everyday thing. As common as potholes on the streets.
From my rear mirror, I can see white and blue rotating lights. *rolled eyes
Like how Moses split the Red Sea, that's the effect of the audio and visual warnings to other road users. Splitting for someone in a bloody car so much lesser than the divine. Bah.
I damn TL okay. Not like I'm gonna stop just because that bloody car is passing. I was moving along slowly since the rest had opened up enough for the entire convoy to pass. Then I heard this constant honking from behind, turns out it was one of the policeman on his expensive bike, angrily gesturing at me to STOP MY CAR RIGHT THIS MOMENT. Frantically "flapping" and pointing. Damn
ahgua okay. You look ugly flapping in that white uniform. Gah.
I actually laughed at him flapping.
Then he shot me a long cold stare. *watch where you're going dude...
And then continue "flapping" and pointing.
I didn't slow down one bit. I so wanted to give him a finger. Damn flapping cop.
After his stuck up VIP drove past, so did he. If he actually stopped me and slap me with a
saman, I'd be happier than to stop for him. Bloody hell.
Woi stop! *flaps and points
Stop or else! I shoot you arrrrrr...*nah..