
Sunday, August 31, 2008


Cotton Hugs

I was surprised at the words that came out from her. She must have done a lot of thinking. Given the time she has to herself, I wasn't surprised at how far her imagination takes her, but I was stoned when she conveyed her thoughts at dinner table. It revolves around Life, Death and many other unfortunate events.

I was confused.

It struck in many way and I find myself overwhelmed by the mixture of emotions; was unsure which to react to and I was left dumb founded.

I didn't know what to believe. It was scary. Perhaps Death is still a taboo subject, I don't think I can openly discuss about it without being rattled. Regardless of whom it affects. A part of me just feels drained.


I watched V for Vendetta for the n-th time. I love the lines. I like the way V spoke. It was fictional, yes, but still it was brought to life in such a way that got me hooked and will continue to watch it for n times to come.

Happy National Day, Malaysia.

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