Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Random Thoughts
There's a line called Limit.
We don't draw this invisible line, but one has to adhere to it.
To find understanding and respect for each other is like finding the perfect soil to grow your seeds in. If it was about pushing limits, I would like to ask why is it necessary?
Just so the strongest thrive? Are we being such pessimists that we need to constantly push ourselves as well as others to see who rise and fall?
Personal challenge is necessary.
Death is taboo.
The recent weeks brought too many grim news, I find it hard to cope, even though I wasn't directly affected.
My blessings are with the family members coping with the loss. I can't say that I understand how they felt, but I just hope they have the strength and courage and peace of mind to cope.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:15 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Labels: cope, Death, personal challenge
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
I'm just being competitive and pursuing what is right.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:59 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Friday, July 17, 2009
Of Time and Bomb
Out of curiosity? How much time do I have?
Life is about taking risks, they say. Take especially the wrong ones, I'd say. When does the learning stops? We get experience from all the wrong moves we make, but where does it end? How do we know we came out the better, and not repeat the same mistakes again and again?
Whoever came out with this "learning process" must have been very successful in the marketing business for being able to "package" even bad experiences nicely.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:33 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Monday, July 13, 2009
Never would anyone imagine reading the headline that says "Iceland Goes Bankrupt".
California too, is at the brink of a financial meltdown with the State issuing mass IOUs to businesses who maintain contracts with the state of California. There is some kind of irony that the once sure-getter will not be paying businesses in monetary terms, but issue papers instead to buy time for recovery. As for us, we are not really affected by the global meltdown. Or so we think. Either that or we we clearly have been disillusioned by the media cover up and still think "It's not THAT bad".
However it's not all gloom. We welcome another California. No, not another state in the United States, but this California:
In a twist of irony, the same name tells a very different story.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 7:38 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sometimes we are the victims of our own creation.
What's the use of uber up-to-date security measures that came in the form of Passwords when after all the painstaking implementation and forcing poor staffs to remember MORE passwords (also more advanced patterns needed - involving symbols, numbers and caps? And throw in at least 10 cycles before a password can be reused?)
We have our workaround to this too. Write those passwords down and leave it lying around the desk or better, stick on the monitor for easy reference, to avoid the hassle of having it reset by a third-party helpdesk (I email you you email my boss my boss email back to you) which is obviously involves alot of work and TIME and any time consuming redundant process that directly affect work productivity will then affect our KPI and subsequently our Bonus. That's alot to risk.
My vote, write them down. Yes. That's my vote.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 6:11 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Endless Spirals

I rarely write about my dreams anymore. I can't seem to remember them like I used to in detail. Makes me wonder if I've lost that ability? Like all others, I don't always know what's coming ahead of time. Like the rest of us mortal souls, we can only see what's ahead when we go round the bend. Come what may, I always tell myself, what's more important is the capacity and ability to cope and deal with whatever the Higher powers may throw at you.
Life stories can be very interesting, the worse it is the better; people are willing to spend hours listening to you. Of how much crap can one take, how bitch people can be, and how shitty people make your life and the list goes on. On the other hand, listening to someone telling how they overcame shitty situation is indeed a bore. Instead of enlightening, people might even think of you as a self-absorbed.
People don't have to know how much you've gone through to understand and accept you as a person. You don't have to be bitter and feed off sympathy to make your life interesting. You know your worth and no one should ever pull you down from where you once stood tall.
We can never prepare ourselves for what's yet to come, but we are in full control on how we want things to proceed.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:01 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Monday, June 08, 2009
Whispering Devils
I've been wanting to watch this but don't seem to be able to find time. I'm getting the dosage of break I need now out of TL-ness. So I get to slack everyday and not worry about work until the end of the month.
I realised that I have got used to the daily routine of waking up each day, get out of bed, leave the house and get myself on the roads, just like tens and thousands of other people get stuck in the daily crawl.
When I take a break, I find myself still thinking about work, worry about not going to bed early, worry about not getting enough rest, had some voices in my head telling me tomorrow's a work day and all the anxieties that come with it. It's annoying. Very annoying.
Now that I've got what I needed, to leave all the thoughts at work behind, I seriously need to get my mind Off it.
May the dark force be with me.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:30 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, June 04, 2009
We Never Change
I wanna live life and be good to you.
And I wanna fly and never come down.
And live my life and have friends around.
We never change, do we? no, no
We never learn, do we?
So I wanna live in a wooden house.
I wanna live life and always be true.
I wanna live life and be good to you.
And I wanna fly and never come down.
And live my life and have friends around.
We never change, do we? No, no
We never learn, do we?
So I wanna live in a wooden house,
where making more friends would be easy.
Oh, and I don´t have a soul to save.
Yes, and I sin every single day.
We never change, do we?
We never learn, do we?
So I wanna live in a wooden house,
Where making more friends would be easy.
I wanna live where the sun comes out ...
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:18 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Random Blabs
I recently read a note written by a friend somewhere online. It struck me instantly, on how people change over time; that with each event that took place in one's life, we're slowly changing. We will never be the same person we used to be, whether we like it or not because every single thing you experienced in life leaves a mark in you.
Things happen. We forgive, forget and get over it. Back to square one, or so you thought. Every square one might not be the same as before. Because as a person, we grow. It's a constant process and it's not in our control to stop changing.
We sometimes fail to understand events that take place in our daily lives, people's reactions, choice of words, every conversation you've had, every single person you knew, strangers alike,how things unfold they way they did.
Beyond control they were.
It's up to us to not let ourselves be affected.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:52 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Friday, May 22, 2009
Oit, DONE!
We work with impossible bosses with impossible deadlines. Impossible deadlines means losing your sanity and when you have a bunch of cockoo people, things don't go in a straight line.
On top of that throw some of the most impossible people ..
"I want this, yesterday."
"Meeting starts at 9. If you're here at 9, you're late."
Impossible deadlines puts everyone under pressure. This is a chain reaction. Your boss give you impossible deadlines because his boss is giving him the same impossible deadline, if not worse. So he's simply "cascading" his pain to you, and subsequently you to others.
I want this line and this paragraph to be amended. Change all the reports.
1 months later (testing included), DONE!
We need to change this field, change the layout, change the colours. We need to interface with this this and this to get maximum slice of the pie! Get this done, no matter what.
3 weeks later, DONE!
I am not happy with this. We're incompetent. We need to revamp this entire system. Find a replacement.
You will notice how different things used to be and how things are now. Small things used to take longer time to be completed. As time goes by, the more impossible, the more massive the project size, the shorter time it takes. We don't like things to complicate things and we like to keep the peace.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:27 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
The Laws of Attraction
In Hokkien, they call it "miao yen".
In Bahasa Melayu, "Jodoh Kucing"?
In English, I haven't figured out a term for this yet.
Honestly, have you ever been stared at by cats?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:08 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I'm sitting in this hall listening to a lot of crap. I couldn't keep count of how many times I rolled my eyes.
It's no doubt that everyone is affected by the slowdown in the economy, white collar workforce not spared. Even though The mothership Did not face direct hit, but everyone seem to be jumping at chances to blame it on the economy and make some quick cash.
I'm absolutely TL.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:28 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Find me a readable piece of news
Or does it come quite easily? Just a glance?
Or do we always act smart and always think that we were right about everything?
A wound might heal over time.
A scar remains for the rest of your life.
There are things I don't know how to deal with.
It's far beyond what my current state of mind is capable of.
Or so I thought.
I've got some thinking to do.
See ya.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 5:06 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Winds of Change

We don't know what space looks like.
Where's the starting point and where exactly is the end point.
Scientists claim that it's expanding and accelerating as days go by.
New planets are discovered, way beyond our solar system.
Could there be another planet like Earth?
Weather's gone crazy
Wild fires, flood, storm and drought
Humanity fighting new diseases and viruses
People dying
Lakes are drying
Glaciers melting
Oceans rising
Nothing is as predictable anymore.
Is it time for us to be responsible for the damage we've done to our planet?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 4:46 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Mud Pot
Was it the unimaginable pain in the past that made me the me today?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:04 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Monday, April 20, 2009
Life events are things that aren't things you can forget.
Painful past experiences somehow leave a deeper scar.
But so does every other events, they leave a mark somewhere in your memory.
They can't be erased. You live with it for the rest of your life.
So what does it mean when people say they're Over something?
It simply meant you got over that particular event, that it
does not hurt like it used to.
You are able to talk freely without getting emotional.
That's getting over something.
But like I said earlier, these memories aren't erased.
Some point in life later, you can still find yourself recalling the moments
when you heard songs, saw things, go to places that reminded you of the past.
You find that you're still able to recollect those memories.
In full detail.
The difference now is that, past events were already in the past.
At that point of time, there are things to be told, things to clear before you can move on.
Not everyone can practise this, and they rather leave it in the dark, or chose not to deal with it.
Time can tell a story.
Time can heal alot of pain.
But if you choose to avoid, it's never going to solve itself.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:24 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Friday, April 17, 2009
What is Wrong?
pissed-me... (9:43 AM) xxx1
pissed-me... (9:43 AM) was wondering if you can send a few deals and also cancel them
xxx1... (9:44 AM) I will do it around 10am today
pissed-me... (9:44 AM) okay
pissed-me... (10:20 AM) xxx1..
pissed-me... (10:20 AM) sent?
xxx1... (10:21 AM) not yet.... I'm working something on the DR Server now.
pissed-me... (10:21 AM) so when can you send
xxx1... (10:21 AM) 10:30am please
pissed-me... (10:22 AM) ok\
pissed-me... (11:00 AM) in yet?
pissed-me... (11:18 AM) give me a time when you are convenient
pissed-me... (11:18 AM) cos i need to send the deal logs
pissed-me... (11:23 AM) xxx1
pissed-me... (11:23 AM) need your cooperation
xxx1... (11:23 AM) hold on....please I have some urgent matter to attend now.
pissed-me... (11:27 AM) for how long
xxx1.. (11:27 AM) not sure yet
pissed-me... (11:28 AM) give me a time
pissed-me... (11:28 AM) production?
xxx1... (11:28 AM) yes...
pissed-me... (11:28 AM) who else can help me send deals
pissed-me... (11:29 AM) xxx2 ok?
xxx1... (11:29 AM) she is tied with another testing now
pissed-me... (11:31 AM) xxx3?
pissed-me... (11:31 AM) or only u can send?
xxx1... (11:31 AM) all of us are tied with various testing now
pissed-me... (11:32 AM) then why you tell me 1030
xxx1... (11:32 AM) Something pop up
pissed-me... (11:32 AM) so just tell me whn can i expect you to send a deal
xxx1... (11:33 AM) just try this afternoon....
pissed-me... (11:33 AM) its for the setting for our production testing
pissed-me... (11:33 AM) i need to provide vendors with the logs
pissed-me... (11:33 AM) cancellation from k+ are not reflecting in our prod
xxx1.. (11:33 AM) sorry. I can't help you now
pissed-me... (11:33 AM) how long does it take to send a few deals
pissed-me... (11:34 AM) believe it wont take much of your time
xxx1... (11:34 AM) please leave alone me now.... I need time to think my problem now...
KNNCCB. What tactful reply was that?
Anyway my problem became his cos all I have to do is just cc the necessary people. Do we have to go to that extreme to get things done? What about building some people relation amongst team mates? I guess for this individual, it just didn't happen. I need to be mean and obsessed with getting my things done, one way or the other. So screw you.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:13 AM 2 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, April 11, 2009
What's in a Password?

Truth to be said, I am one unhappy owner of at least 8 passwords (or so) I needed in order for work to progress smoothly.
And not to forget the tediousness of having to request for my passwords to be reset via 'proper channels', the amount of time it takes to relay from one party to another to finally come a full circle back to me.
Some geniuses came up with password creation policy, which is an oxymoron. Oxymoron. Why you'd ask? Isn't that necessary to ensure that strong passwords are created for maximum security?
Hello there. It works when you have only ONE password to remember.
When you have 8 fancy different passwords, I think people spend more time sending reset ID forms rather than spend it doing what they are paid to do.
Plus, when you keep sending reset ID forms to your boss the whole day to reset different passwords, it only make sense that they get annoyed too.
So, we the concerned employees, will resort to writing them down (on papers, notebooks, STICKY NOTES) and place them on the desk, for convenient reference.
It defeats the security purpose right away, no?
On another note, here are some funny passwords I came across.
It's funny how we are 'guarded' with fancy password creation policy (most of the time obliged to)
They are pretty fed up with it. So fed up with the matter that they get expressive:
User ID: ******66
Password: mangkuk3
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:49 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Totally Annoyed

We, the citizens of this country can call ourselves the victim of bad leadership.
Everywhere we turn, we see non-competent people leading the pack.
What's with the satay-ing culture of pleasing a**holes who cared about nothing but profit?
What about the 80mio fiasco of running only 33 laps?
Ouch. That stinging wound sting real bad.
We, the taxpayers funded that fiasco we have no say over.
Was the Meteorology Department not relevant in reversing the decision?
What about the drivers concerns?
After all, they are the ones driving this event.
Just plain satay-ing.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:45 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Monday, March 23, 2009
Cloudless Sky
Posted by iamjamiesher at 6:32 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Walao Ehhhh
This evening, had been Terrific.
The traffic was so bad, I took more than 30 minutes just to get out of the carpark. Something is really wrong with this city, looking at how bad the jam was. I took a total of 2 hours to get home.
Just to get home!
If I hadn't forget my staff tag today, I wouldn't be stuck in this mess.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:19 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Hello There
So many years had passed. Where am I now?
Am I getting there?
Where would I go from here?
Am I trusting what I am believing now?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:09 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, February 19, 2009
People are generally uncomfortable with changes.
It's hard to accept a change, when all your life had been organized in a certain way.
A change is necessary to help you adapt to the situation.
As you slowly embrace the change over time, why is it so hard for people to accept the changes you've made?
Are they reluctant?
Are we just plain stubborn?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:08 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Monday, February 16, 2009
Ungodly Hour

Don't talk, don't say a word
Cause your eyes they tell me more than your words
Don't go, don't leave me now
Cause they say the best way out is through
And I am short on words knowing what's occurred
She begins to leave because of me
Her bag is now much heavier
I wish that I could carry her
But this is our ungodly hour
I know you're leaving now
Cause i held on to my way tightly
Stay still until you know
Tomorrow finds the best way out is through
And i am short on words knowing what's occurred
She begins to leave because of me
Her bag is now much heavier
I wish that I could carry her
But this is our ungodly hour
Love this song. Just love this song.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:56 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Circles of Life

I haven't been updating my blog for a while. So many things had been happening in my life that needed attention. Majority of my time were spent at work. Work poured in endlessly. Just the daily grind we called Life.
People under pressure were generally cranky. They get short tempered. Anything can tick them off. I find that rather amusing, I like to pull their triggers. Those little things make me laugh. I have my fair share of worries and things to take care of, to finding a way to amuse myself about all that fuss makes it easier to swallow.
It makes life more colourful too.
I came to a point in my life where I start see the bright side of things like never before.
There had been a few rollercoaster ups and downs, but I managed to ride out them nasty waves. There were hardships to deal with on a more personal aspect of life. With all the joy and fun comes the cold hard reality. It really bites when it bites.
It takes a lot to understand what your own needs are.
It won't be a straight line race to the finish line.
It's not a straight line race and I am racing against it.
Having Hope gives something to look forward;
Having Faith solidify the aim of making things happen;
most importantly, to have complete Trust is the foundation we will be building a future on.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:56 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Walk On
To do or not to do.
Again, I was doing things based on feelings alone.
There were tough moments.
There were moments I broke down.
But this time around, it was easy to see where the thorn was.
I'm walking on thin ice and feeling oddly good about it.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:21 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Happy Chinese New Year
Happy Chinese New Year.
It has always been the time of the year where I look forward for family dinner, gatherings, social gambling and social boozing.
(wth.. hate it or not, little bit of alcohol creates the warm atmosphere and it gets people talking!)
This time around, it'll be a very memorable one.
There were moments.
But I'll be smiling.
Have a good one, people.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:22 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Monday, January 12, 2009
Looking Back
This is the year that was, 2008.
It had been a rollercoaster year.
There are things that I've done wrong, I could have done it differently.
There were no regrets in any of the events that took place in the course of 2008.
I've learnt to trust my gut feelings, instead of obeying the logical mind behind this face.
I've also accepted that there are things that you can't explain by words alone.
There is more to it than words can describe.
I learnt to trust my feelings.
Like I never did before.
I used to be a logical thinker.
Things must be practical, backed by facts and visuals.
It had always been that way.
It had been like that because of my upbringing.
I was taught that feelings alone will not get you what you want.
There are still room for occasional bursts of impulsive acts.
Spontaneity is still very much part of me.
For a better 2009. Cheers. Happy New Year everyone.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 7:20 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Friday, January 02, 2009
Happy New Year
Happy New Year everyone.
how's the celebrations?
Mine was superb. I Overslept and missed the fireworks. In a haste I grabbed my camera and went out only to realised I left out my memory card.
Would you believe that? Anyway I can get a good view from my place, can see the one at Genting and various parts of KL. Just missed the perfect photo opportunity, cos I did not do my homework and slept instead.
Anyway, here I am sitting at the airport waiting for the next flight out cos I Overslept. Read again: Overslept. Gah. Signs showing, I'm getting old. I blame the good weather and too much sleep the evening before. Sigh.
Happy New Year, folks.
(licking my own bitter wounds for not being punctual. And definitely paying a hefty price)
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:23 AM 1 drop(s) of dew