
Monday, January 12, 2009

Looking Back

This is the year that was, 2008.

It had been a rollercoaster year.
There are things that I've done wrong, I could have done it differently.
There were no regrets in any of the events that took place in the course of 2008.
I've learnt to trust my gut feelings, instead of obeying the logical mind behind this face.
I've also accepted that there are things that you can't explain by words alone.
There is more to it than words can describe.
I learnt to trust my feelings.
Like I never did before.

I used to be a logical thinker.
Things must be practical, backed by facts and visuals.
It had always been that way.
It had been like that because of my upbringing.
I was taught that feelings alone will not get you what you want.
There are still room for occasional bursts of impulsive acts.
Spontaneity is still very much part of me.

For a better 2009. Cheers. Happy New Year everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year...
Happy Chinese New Year too.