I'm not going to miss this. I caught them in action during a pocket show, and it was awesome!!!
Friday, December 28, 2007
One heck of a Crack!
New Year's 'round the corner! Count your blessings and start Living!
I met Positive Tone's founder! One heck of a cool guy!

"I don't care how much it's going to cost me, just bloody FIX it!"
I'm sorry, money can't fix a fractured wall of Trust. No amount of dollar plaster and cash cement will ever be enough to patch the mess up. That damage is irreversible. What about collapsed walls? Go figure!
Some even use money to buy Love. Their so-called-beloved would stick around because they get free meals (plus lodging), party free (including free flow of liquor) and throw in a wardrobe makeover; absolutely FREE. I love you unconditionally (just make sure that wallet's loaded) =P
So you can start and wonder what will happen when some day (touch wood!) in the future, you were cut off from your source of income? Hmm, interesting.
Who do you think you are, Paris?
Even Paris Hilton had to lose what she thought was "already in the pocket".
So whoever said life isn't fair?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 1:32 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
People are still obsessed with JCo donuts.
"The flour is different, it's richer! Creamier! Sweeter!!" "It's the weather I think!!"
Why compare? It never ends.
Why can't they just be happy with what they got and just shut up and enjoy it?
(Please note that this does not apply career-wise.)
I this, you that, I did, did not, would be, will do, will be, should do, should go, shall do!
Let's just wait til it comes to our shore, shall we? And stop whinning like a baby. You're irritating me. *rolls eyes at the nearest cubicle*
Christmas is so commercialized.
Mystique has the lousiest sound system, no speakers at the back of the room, I get echos from where I'm standing.
People robbed the Christmas tree. Poor thing. By the end of the celebration, "he's" stripped clean of all ornaments and was found leaning against a pillar instead of towering above all.
Talk about Christmas spirit vs Malaysians.
Babbles: I've seen a growing rubbishbin. It's spooky, believe me, it growS! And it stinks!
Posted by iamjamiesher at 3:16 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Bells Rings!
These mata-mata makes life difficult.
But I rarely see these mata-mata and also dewabersihanKL (DBKL) carry out their routine Jalan-Jalan Keluar Saman anymore. Why? No festivities coming around? Or have they just got their big fat bonuses that will last them until the new year comes? ...
"I'll be on annual leave from today till 26 Dec 07.
27 - 28 Dec 2007 ( on leave but working in the morning)"
He might as well not tell me that he's going to be on leave. On leave but working? -.-"
I am looking for new challenges in life. Thus ... hire me please.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Babbles: Facebook is getting more wackier. I just got Audited by Janice Ng. I found out where to get Brown Brothers for quite a reasonable price!
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:51 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
1. A person is only as good as ... the things he/she does.
2. Friendship is always ... taken for granted.
3. To love is to ... willingly submit yourself to emotional torture. =P
4. Money makes ... an important accessory to support life.
5. I miss ... being a chronic shopper.
6. My way of saying I care is by ... listening to people.
7. I try to spread love and happiness by ... sharing alot of laughter. You can make people smile when you smile. =)
8. Pick the flowers when ... its for someone special.
9. To love someone is to ... allow someone into your private life and vice versa.
10. Beauty is ... very subjective.
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was ... how dark and skinny I am!
12. When I was twenty one, I remember ... being closest to my family despite being away from them. And I still am! =)
13. I am most happy when ... Friday comes!
14. Nothing makes me happier than ... going to sleep at night knowing tomorrow's a holiday!
15. If I can change one thing, I will change ... what the gomen monkeys consider immoral.
16. If smiles were ... able to cure deadly diseases, I'd be happy to smile 24/7.
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could ... eliminate the need to work and significance of making a living.
18. If you want to ... be fake (and undetected) ... then you have to ... make sure the rest of us are either blind or mute.
19. Money is not everything but ... it could do alot of help.
20. I smile when ... I hear from my family, when I listen to my favourite song, when other people happy, when I see my friends etc.
22. When I am happy, I ... can't stop grinning.
23. If only I don't have to ... work ... then ... I'll get to spend time travelling!
24. The best thing I did yesterday was ... being more tolerant on the road and give way!
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title ... "My Fantastic Piece of Life".
26. One thing I must do before I die is ... bungee jump off Auckland Bridge.
27. Doing this meme, I feel like ... jetting off to New Zealand and leap off that bridge!
Tagged: PurpleRose, Az, Zulee, all readers!
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:24 AM 1 drop(s) of dew
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I have OCD
List things you're obsessed with.
- I vacuum in straight lines.
- I peel my apples in circles, top to bottom.
- I arrange my milk cartons; choco left, milk right.
- I arrange things in my suitcase, I can pick things out of it without looking.
- Wardrobe's colour coded.
Gawd, I'm such a bore.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 7:30 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Friday, December 14, 2007
I joined the pathetic-kiasu-line a couple of weeks ago.
I got out safe and sound, and in one piece; an hour later.
It's amazing how long queues can attract more people to come join it. Perhaps it was the typical mentality at work; any stores with lots of people sure serves up good food. ... That says it all.
I decided get some of those back to AS.
No. I did not buy so much because "the queue is long and I have to get MAX donuts from there - call auntie uncle grandma grandpa friend's cow and see if they want any". I come from a big family =P
While I did not do what I did, the rest of the people standing in the line, most of them are holding out their cellphones, punching numbers, taking orders. Ah. Great.
Auntie: An neh, an neh!
ManStandingBehind: (huh?)
Auntie: (whispers) An neh, can you help me buy a dozen, glazed donuts?
ManStandingBehind: (-.-") Er...er..Okay. 12 ar?
Auntie: Yes Yes. I give you money, you buy for me, OK?
ManStandingBehind: OkOk.
Like that also can. *rolls eyes* He's a Malay guy btw, and what the hell's with an neh an neh?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:22 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Friday, December 07, 2007
ex-Movie Freak
I'm guilty of doing this at work. HA.HA.
I have the time so SUE me. or FIRE me. =)
Anyway, it's absurd that my world rank is still in the millions (down from 6M), despite having answered ALL the questions they have in their database.
Each correct question gets you 10 points. I answered a total of 645 correct, out of .. I'm not sure how many I answered. Wrong ones didn't count here. I certainly had answered more than 645 questions.
Those who wish, here's the link:
p/s: I still love catching movies at the cinema, just that I do it a lot lesser now.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:06 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
I am infected with Kuda Trojan. Damn you Kuda. Amat frustrating. And I personally felt "infected" with some kind of horse virus. Ugh. Can someone who's celik virus please help?
Any effective ways to clean this besides AVG?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:23 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Chasing One Tiny Ball is NOT Easy
I've been watching football recently, Interesting, but nothing beats Formula 1 and Tennis. I'm looking forward to next year's night race in Singapore the Kiasu Land. Maybe I should go for the Sepang race too, but I hadn't done that! Don't ask me why, but I haven't been really supportive of the local race, cos I loathe thinking about how corrupt this country is and its frustrating how things are handled here in our Bolehland. They offer lousy race packages, and mind you, its hot here in Malaysia. For now, sitting still for 2 hours in front of the TV will do, but if ever I get the chance to watch a race overseas, I'd be delighted!!
Anyway, for one, I don't read the papers anymore, save Sunday Star and foreign sports section. The rest are all rubbish.
Watching football is easy, playing one certainly isn't. I'm not talking about real football, I played on my game console. Damn bloody hard to score a goal! And for a start, I am only playing amateur mode, not pro! There wasn't much support in automatically switching players, and most of it is done manually, including play strategy. I don't have a bloody strategy! I took England, can't even beat Poland. Then I realised I was the one calling the shots and controlling every player. Ahhhh, my bad. No wonder I lost miserably. Cos England didn't make it to the next EURO! I should try Senegal.
*switches on console*
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:56 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Why Life is fair the way I see it?
I'm not really a chicken person, but I just had KFC X-Meal just now. The thought of it makes me want to throw up. Anyway, the Indian guy behind manning the counter was a patient and nice guy. The word Indian wasn't significant. Just being specific. I just saw how rude Malaysians could be. Where's your manners?
"Oh shoot, I forgot to put them on today."
It's a small outlet OK, and there aren't alot of places for people to move around in it. When I walked in, there was quite a long queue, 3-4 people ahead of me. Given only one man taking orders, it took a while before it's my turn. There was a lady standing at the side from where I queued up. She's got her food in one hand, while she kept checking on her watch, and fidget non-stop. How annoying. She finally lost her patience and barked at the Indian guy, "Where's my nuggets?!"
The guy just smiled at her, turned and got her her bloody nuggets, apologized for keeping her waiting and kept smiling. Bloody woman just snatched her nuggets and left. Drama. Ok, he's abit slow, but slow and steady. Calm.
There's this guy standing in front of me. He got his order, turned around and just ran into my shoulders, expecting me to SIAMMMMMMM and make way for him to pass. Wth! Not even an excuse me (or any version of that). He just bulldozed his way through. I so wanted to slap his bloody cap so he could see where he's going. Mo.
In the end of the day, I got my food, no one got hurt.
You will never understand the pain a person has been put through, unless you experience for yourself. Putting yourself in their shoes only gives you half the perspective, and you are in no position at all to advise but to just keep your thoughts to yourself and just be there for them.
People often suffer from other people's decisions. Hastily made decisions, doing things just for the sake of wanting to do it without thinking thoroughly and weighing the consequences of their actions, slap-dash attitude and selfishness. I am saddened that people around me has to suffer from the actions of these irresponsible people. Yeah right, they say Everything happens for a reason. But it's a choice whether they want to let that happen, they were privileged enough to have that say, and they abused it. When the time comes, they just move on, and left you cold.
Only through hardship can lessons be learned. Only by going through difficulties can you wise up. Only by putting yourself through pain can you learn to appreciate. So what did you lose from the bad experiences people out you through? Nothing. You gained. So much more.
Life is fair. That's what I learned.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:09 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Friday, November 30, 2007
Random Rants
Reading the daily news only pisses me off more, all those fantastic things our ministers have to say.
"Liar Liar! Pants on fire!"
This morning, I was asked if I ever heard about the Elephant Sanctuary.
Me: (!!@#$%#$% WTF was that?) Never heard of that. Where's that?
Coll: "Well, elephants, a sanctuary for them in Temerloh, Pahang."
"We should be really ashamed of ourselves, I actually heard this from an Australian friend who works as a tour guide, bringing people from Australia on tours and that Elephant Sanctuary was one of the places he brought them to. So katak di bawah tempurung!"
Me: That's his job. Locals don't visit tourist traps. I'm not very much an elephant person, so it didn't matter. We did not even hear nor read about it because the media are busy cooking up lies. *Sigh*
Coll: -.-"
I've been wondering what flamed my anger for whatever is going on around this country had gone from bad to worse. It's beyond help. Vacate your post, you bloody hypocritical leech.
This is a personal blog which gets no more than 5 hits per day. Readers of my blog are people that I know personally. Chances are little that this blog is ever going to be discovered by other readers, by word of mouth or stumbled upon by chance.
This post is so disorganized. No particular topic. Random thoughts.
I did a 100/100 for my appraisal. Shall wait and see what Boss have to say. Looking forward to talk to him soon.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 1:42 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I am now 2 hours away from KL, up north.
Putting myself in some place where no one knows me, and neither do I the rest felt oddly serene. Even embarrassing things you do doesn't feel that bad when you don't know anyone here. I get 2 hours to spend on my own.
Things like walking up to the escalator, only to realize before you put your foot forth that you were heading in the wrong direction, I just laughed it off. People behind me were smiling at my silliness, and I found it funny too. The escalators here operates in a different direction. I got so used to life in KL and the arrangements there, and that little incident kicked some sense into me that life does not always follow well laid plans. Even the best plans have flaws.
I'm going for some red wine with the rest. Til then, adios.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:27 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Boss, is this a Joke?
Concentrating for hours on a go does at time leaves me with double visions. It's like you were so focused on one thing, and when you suddenly look up, everything is a blur, and I see worms in my eyes. Mata rosak lar tu.
Since I work on my own, I keep (the Boss) informed through email. Likewise him. (duH!)
But sometimes,

Boss, take a break.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:53 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Australians are a bunch of happy people. Aye? Don't you agree? I ask them how they liked KL, the only thing they managed to point out was that it's always jammed everywhere they go and all the time. People here seemed to always be in Rush mode. And with the clogged streets, comes pollution.
Potholes. Landslides. Collapsed buildings. Angkasawan joke. Why don't you, Minister, try wearing your wig reverse? Maybe that will kick some sense into your bloody little brain.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:39 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Virtual Help
1) You get to see pictures of people you know (and don't know)
2) You get to be in touch with people, by just looking through their pictures and descriptions.
3) It lessens the effort needed to be effectionate (and also to do physical harm to other people)
4) I can smack your head as if I'm standing next to you.
5) I can buy you drinks (without paying), and you don't have to fall out of a club drunk.
6) It prepares you mentally for what you're about to see in real life.
As of today, Friendster did more help than Facebook. Facebook is 1Mx more complicated that Friendster is, but the fact that it takes time to get Facebook organized means Friendster is much more simple and needed less time to maintain.
Preparing you mentally to meet someone usually work fine. Until today. That "babak" is still playing in my mind like an endless loop. Help. So Friendster magic doesn't work all the time. When the Menyampahness melimpah limpah, it just does.
Can I throw a cow at you? *chuckles*
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:10 AM 5 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Reverse, you Idiot
Reverse engineering, in non-technical terms, is where you take an end result, then track back the things you have done and what happened in order to get to that stage. Learn-from-your-experience kind of thing. You get my drift.
Someone said, "Hey, look at my blue tie!"
I'd say, "Hey, check out my blue hair!!"
Reverse engineering is common, idiot engineering is relatively new, to me.
Yes. Blue. In this case, reversal of action is not an option. There wasn't any option.
And yes, I've been carrying quite a number of disastrous crazy highlights, and it's still happening. Curiosity killed the cat, but hey, I've got nine lives! Curiosity nailed me this time!
There's this new hair colouring product that came in a tube. Something that resembles uhu glue in a stick. Initially I declined, worrying that I can't get the colour off, but I was told it is temporary - that was the reason I try putting on some crazy colour (but I wasn't told how long was "temporary" gonna be). I was offered to try it, and so I did.
People need not comment or say anything about it. The look on their faces did enough damage. Haha. And I've repeated like a million times why I did it. Curiosity.
I have came to terms with my new colour. Expect it to be there until the next haircut.
Wonder what mum would think about this? *ponders* idiot engineering full fledge
Posted by iamjamiesher at 1:28 PM 5 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Beware, Predators lurking around every bend
With all the posh malls decorating the city streets these days, it lures people out to discover and visit them. Cos every other people would have already gone there and will sooner or later ask you;
"Have you been there (yet)?"
Been there, so what? Classy as it is, it is still a playground for credit card predators. They'd probably been guilty of spoiling people's day by asking about people's creditworthiness. I was at Robinson's when I overheard a couple "harassed" by a CC predator (CCP) asking;
Pred: Do you have a Platinum card?
Couple: (looks at each other) Er, no.
Pred: Oh, then do you have a gold card?
Couple: Nope.
Pred: Oh, then what is your highest credit limit???
(then he went on and lalallala with the privileges you get with a Platinum card)
What's wrong with these people? It's not like people bring along their EA forms on shopping trips. Ugh. Dong!~ If you really mean fast approval, and that you trust your potential customer then offer one on the spot, instant approval without supporting documents. Dare you to.
Me: Yes.
Pred: Oh, from which bank?
Me: Maybank.
Pred: Visa or Master?
Me: Visa and Amex.
Pred: Would you like a HSBC Mastercard since you already had a Visa and Amex?
Me: Thank you but No.
Pred: Why not you just apply because we give fast approval.
Me: How fast is your fast approval, anyway?
(mistake, she thought I have a glint of interest)
Pred: Do you have your pay slip with you?
Me: HAHA - Who would walk around carrying a pay slip? (Siao ar?)
Pred: (chuckles) Your office is next door, right?
Me: I don't keep it in the office. Ok lar.Thanks but I don't need another card.
Kesian that girl. She's probably new. But then, what does fast approval mean? Means you need to spend time filling out forms, and at the end of the day you'll have to fax the signed copy them, along with all other supporting documents. All the hassle. And you dare call that fast approval? Trust me, they'll only go as far as making you submitting your application and they're safe. They'd probably ignore your calls when you ask for status. Haha.
The bank that your company maintains a current account with will probably have rang you. Preapproved - 1 Million times faster than fast approval cos its Pre. They just need a simple Yes or No.
I liked the layout. The criss crossing walkways mid air. And the way the play with natural light. However it's suffocating to be at the top floor, the high ceilings heated up and as the crowd gulped in oxygen, not breathe in order to gather view the structures above, it's simply breath taking. Those with their jaws dropped, tend to gulped in more air. Still its a such sight.
Can I study Architecture?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:00 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Fly Me
There's no doubt that most kids around the country went ga-ga about going to space. As a kid, I was amazed by the vast space, and how much there was to explore. I took Dad's binoculars and camped outside the house while gazing up at stars, matching patterns with the ones I saw on my astronomy books and spot constellations. I stayed up to watch meteor showers; and I've seen lunar and solar eclipses. I poured over books on astronomy that I made Mum buy for me, mostly through postal orders from Readers Digest and also those I borrowed from the school library, lucky me, Mum was supportive of my odd reading habits.
Back then, the AlorSetar skies were not polluted, and there was not much artificial lights that lighted up buildings and streets, at least in my neighbourhood. Cloudless nights mean that I'll get to see of stars in the sky. Blackouts and power trips were very much a joy. That was when the dimmest of stars came to light, it felt as though all the stars were in attendance, in full view. I'd spend hours gazing up until my neck hurts.
I wrote down Astronomer/Astronaut as cita-cita in my report card during my primary years. Mum chuckled upon seeing that, and showed Dad. He grinned and asked me what does a person in that position do. I replied, "Go to space one day or work at NASA."
Does that childhood dream still stand? *waves* (second Angkasawan program~)
The fact that I've read so much about space lead me to think that it's simply a waste of money to send someone up there to do nothing, while there is still work to be done to improve the conditions this country which is clearly still underdeveloped and plagued by alot of unsolved internal problems. Space explorations can only happen when there is excess funds at your disposal.
If you tell me that you came up with a cure to cancer with the experiments you've done in space, then yes, you have my respect.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:39 AM 1 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
If things were merely given to you, rather than you work hard for it, it would mean nothing.
If all you did was to take and never give, would you be proud about it?
A hard life is not bitter, it makes us stronger. It puts you deep into thoughts. It makes you think about why things happen, and how to get out. Subjective as it is, all it takes to work things out is to have a clear head, some common sense and a lot of patience. Giving up is out of the question. The thought of it is damaging; you'd probably never recover again.
Even the toughest person needs to be emotional. You break down and cry, not because you couldn't handle the pressure. You broke down and cry because you want it to work out so bad; but it did not. Yet. You cry because you knew that there were people who still care. In fact they were the people that cared the most. Just to hear them tell you that "You're gonna be OK" meant so much.
Only by going through hardship regardless of what kind can truly make a person appreciate the things they have.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:36 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Monday, October 22, 2007
Can I get a ...
Last night's race must have been the highlight of the season. Great work by Ferarri. Fantastic teamwork shown by both Felipe Massa and Kimi Raikkonen, then new world champ. I almost forgot about the race and went to sleep, and after receiving the first sms report after the 10th lap, I got up, turn on the TV and was glued for another 2 hours.
Earlier on last evening, I was watching a documentary on NGEO, on the famous prancing horse's mega factory in Maranello, Italy, I was awe strucked. Famous as it is, I have never actually visited a Ferrari website before. I was only gila about the Ferrari Formula 1 car, watch races and also collect model cars. (including those sold at Shell for MYR4.90)
Everything is about perfection. It's awesome. The process of building the ultimate race car was detailed in that documentary, eye opening.
The working environment there is one to die for.
Can I get a job at the Prancing Horse? *waves
I'd rather be on a production line, doing monotonous jobs rather than being unhappy and forever complaining about how other people are scheming against me. That's paranoia. It's a matter of interpretation. And if one can't even talk to his/her parents with respect, won't think twice about respecting people deemed lesser than he/she is.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:23 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Friday, October 19, 2007
Of Grapes and Ticking Clock
I am more of a spontaneous person. Like, snap lets go. But I've learnt the hard way that some things don't work that way. It has to be planned and carefully thought of.
Tick tock tick tock tick tock ...
Anyway, my parcel finally arrived. I don't know if it was a smart thing they do; where they put a clause (with the smallest font) at the bottom of the redemption form, stating that shipment of goods will take 2-3 weeks to reach. So I don't know exactly when it will arrive at my doorsteps. It was my laptop bag. Its official (through the phone conversation with sis) that I will be using the new bag instead of my sis, cos this bag is Fugly. Why in the world would I want to trade my previous bag for this one? Because a backpack is easier to carry around than a sling. Notebooks aren't light, you know. Not exactly trade, we exchange. That's the only downside of choosing goods online and let the goods be shipped to you, while all you did was move your fingers and click. Other than this, I can't think of anything bad about online shopping.
(and sorry Thamby that you need to drag yourself ke depan pintu in your pj; and that your sweet dream was distrupted =P)
I hate seeded grapes. When I bought it yesterday, I forgot to ask if it was seedless. Grandma told me the seeds can be eaten, no harm. But I don't think our body can digest that, and it'll perhaps come out from your dubur as deco. Ugh. I am not be able to grab a grape, pop it into my and chew happily and swallow. It's so Potong Stim. I'd be busy spitting out seeds and in the end, I'll be segregating seeds and flesh, and I hate that. Hate is a strong word, and I overused it here. Tells you how annoyed I am~
(thanks thamby(again) for putting it into the fridge. ampun ampun, I forgot when I left this morn)
Time's up =) Good Friday people!
Posted by iamjamiesher at 6:35 PM 1 drop(s) of dew
Thursday, October 11, 2007
One Pissed Citizen
Pick a local daily, find the similarity of most of the articles taking up space in the daily. Murders, snatch theft, rape cases, scams, court drama, corruption or something silly uttered by our politicians, works"wig"mnster. What's the problem with our country? Go figure.
Yet we were put into moral classes since we were young with the aim to make us better citizen. Where does that fit in now?
I don't have to go deep into discussion about our "current issues". It's out of this world. Nothing gets solved, all we got was more drama. Taxpayers suffer. And its even more painful to see how the money were spent on the most absurd of things and of no value to the people. Spending more to fix mistakes instead of making it right the first time. Wighead.
Mourning Nurin's tragic death. The f*cking retard (the one who circulate the pictures as well) should be stoned to death. Where did the headlines "We're closing in" went? And all the cock-talk about having enough evidence to charge those people. Where is it now? Yet today's headline read "woman released due to insufficient evidence to press charges". Is something wrong here? Hello? You ter-makan the evidences? >{ DNA tests can't go wrong~
Life is hard, but I am not blaming the ruling part-ie for it. But sometimes people were so unfortunate that they do not need anymore complications from the People in Power. No help offered, but all they can offer you is a brush-off.
Why am I so pissed? Because the voices of the people are not important anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if one day owning a blog is a crime. Leave alone writing one. Elections are up soon. Or is migrating an option?
Sugar level running low. Roti banana in zero gravity, anyone?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:20 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
For Better Days
Maybe I refused to accept the fact that we had to go seperate ways.
Maybe it was hard to leave someone you're so acquainted with.
After all these years.
I felt as if I was the foreign object placed beside you, a mere accessory. It felt as though I barely knew you, but still we got together, and it was by choice.
Now that we are together, I must confess that I can't promise you all things nice; you're in for a hard time. Your future will be of littered with harsh conditioning, rain and shine. Please bear with me as I try to smooth things out.
For better days. Cheers.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:25 AM 2 drop(s) of dew
Monday, October 08, 2007
When I was 12
Even before I took up serious badminton, I rarely spend time at home. Mornings in school, and a brief afternoon at home. When the clock struck 5pm, I HAVE to go out. It felt as though I was programmed that way. Of course, there was some sort of attraction out there which is so hard to resist.
When I got my first REAL bike, a Lerun mountain bike, I'd spent afternoons just cruising around the neighbourhood. It was fun. There were ugly scenes aside from the fun too: The terror of getting chased down by a bunch of gila dogs. I was on two wheels and a chain, how to outrun a bunch of dogs on 4 legs?! I got so pissed at times when I got chased down by the same gila dog over and over again that I dropped a few kicks on its head instead of working my legs on the pedals and try to outrun them. I never let them scare me though, cos they can't bite while on the run. Just trying to scare you ofF~
My neighbourhood was a large one. A few residential areas lumped into a one. I can't imagine myself growing up elsewhere. Football field, basketball court, badminton court. Skating rink, sepak takraw, tai chi, line dance. You name it, we've got it, besides gila dogs. But hey, it makes the neighbourhood complete!
I grew up doing alot of running around. One leg jump? I don't know a proper term for that, but its basically splitting the gang into 2 teams, and each of us in a team need to try to chase the others (hopping on one leg!) and tap those from the other team, until they were were all tagged and out, or until you got too tired to continue and pass to other member from your team. If you failed to tag all of the people in the other team with your last person, then its a restart. Torture. But its amazing how we managed to come up with ways to effectively lunge at opponents, suddenly thrusting ourselves towards them and cornering them; otherwise you wouldn't be able to catch any, they're all too fast.
Imagine the blistering heat of the afternoon sun. We play at the cemented skating rink (nobody skates there,anyway). The surface burning hot, so hot you can fry eggs on it. And oh, we play barefooted. -.- I'd lost count of how many blisters I had just having spent one afternoon playing. Then rest for the next 2 days, recover enough, then I'd continue. Even if I was suppose to be resting, I would make my way there and watch others or sometimes played with blistered feet.
Other times, we simply play tag. You can see 15-20 people running around the cemented square with iron handrails forming a full circle in it. I just love running around like that. I was one of those kids who despised rainy days. I would sit out and wait until the last drop of rain is gone, and poof, I'm gone too.
Life was so carefree then, all I care about is curing blisters and basking in the sun. Friendships were born throughout the daily activities, and it was much safer back then to play away from home.
Tag, anyone?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:23 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Sunday, October 07, 2007
tagged by Thamby Dollah
Instruction:-Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
* Here are 6 weird things about me *
1#) I am obsessed with public manners; the one that will make me cringe without fail is nose-digging. Ugh. I haven't figured out why is it that I always see that act everywhere I turn. It was just me who noticed people in action, others are either not bothered or they didn't noticed at all~. I did not realise this was weird, until someone told me "Can you like stop catching other people in the act of cleaning their nostrils?" Spitting is equally sucky~
2#)I have weird facial expressions that doesn't usually mean anything. The only time when I am expressionless is when asked about something personal. Actually people told me that I actually do that. (including you, Thamby~)
3#)I had a thing for maps. I read maps about cities that I have not been to (or might not set foot on, ever) and generate a mental picture about the information I get from maps. For? I don't know, its a kind of obsession. So if you see me in bookstores, I'd probably be reading maps. Should try Amazing Race Asia~ I need brains to complement me, anyone?
4#)I am guilty of digging peanut butter from the tub. Enough said. I don't do that with ice creams though, I don't know why. Only peanut butter, and when I was still small, Milo.
5#)I talk to my cats and dog. I don't know about you, but I think they understood what I said. These animals are not just animals without brains, they do, and they understand feelings. I grew up having them as company, as I was a quite kid back then. Quick tempered kiddo. Pets don't complain nor make noise about my mistakes, but if they were unhappy, they bite. Action speaks louder than words.
6#)I can stare at something and let my mind just wander off. Be it a wall, trees, the sea, or just any other objects or place. It gives the impression that something is bothering me or that I was depressed, because I was staring madly at nothing. Like "What were you looking at?? There's nothing there!"
Gawd..i took 3 days to finish this. This is tough. Tagged : Zu. And any other readers who wish to do this.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:32 AM 1 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Can I have more sense?
I don't know if too much work has a side effect in the form of losing my alertness to other things going on.
Anyway, I think it did. I'm officially Dumb.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:34 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
My Love
A lot of people have been around you. Beside you. Near you. In you.
I didn't like how other people treated you, those other than my family. So much disregard.
Years and years gone by, I am still seeing and wondering. Patience, patience. One day you'll be mine. Just be patient.
The time came. Like anything else, we needed time to adjust to each other's presence, but it didn't take long. I have been watching and learning all these while, it's not that hard. But it was short lived. I left town to further my studies. I had no choice but to leave you behind. I had to.
But three years later, you joined me in KL when I was in my third year. It made a lot of difference. Nothing has been the same since.
There were so much love I had for you. The years I spent caring, and making sure you were always at your best, I would rather starve just to make sure that you were alright. My heart shattered when I found out someone intruded your personal space and took everything you had with you. You son of a b*tch. Yet, you could still accompany me to my first job interview. Well, I didn't get that job, cos clearly my mind wasn't there, it was still in a state of shock, in serious denial and in pain.
You've been with me through thick and thin. Through the hard times. I remember those nights when I needed to just get out of that room and clear my head a lil bit, you were there with me. When I needed to escape reality for once, you were there with me. When sometimes the pain was just too much to bear, you were there. There was no one else I could talk to. You never ask, but you were all ears. Always unaffected by any disturbance, that's what I like about you. The long drives you took me on eases my mind, with the windows wound down, my favourite songs playing on the stereo. I felt calm.
It's hard to say goodbye now. You were a need, more than a necessity, but yet you brought so much joy and been to so many places with me.
The only pieces that I can take with me were also the ones that I put in. Memories stay forever.
I hoped for the best, and come a time when we meet again, I'd like to meet your other half.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:51 PM 3 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Small Talk
I decided to go back to Alor Setar at the very last minute. No fuss. Drove back, just pack, grab and go. I had a rather messed up state of mind the week before. I wasn't running from my troubles, I was facing more. But there were strangers along the way that had been kind enough to share their thoughts with me.
As it was still early, I decided to get dinner. No fast food. I chose a cosy place with rather relaxing music to ease my mind a bit while I dig into dinner. The place was rather packed, but at the same time still manage to give the patrons there some private space. I was seated a table near the entrance, a table for 4. As I was sitting around relaxing while sipping iced lemon tea, 2 men came in. I could tell one of them is a Malay in his 40s, but the other looked like he's of mixed blood, early 20s. Anyway, none of my business, people came for dinner too, heh.
The table next to mine was unoccupied, table for 2. But instead of taking the unoccupied table, the older guy asked if its OK for them to join me. I blurted "Yeah, its fine" in no time. There, I have two strangers joining me for dinner, sitting in front of me. Meanwhile there was a Chinese guy seated at the other table next to mine. I can feel that he raised his eyebrows a few times. He must be thinking I am crazy. Hey, you're the crazy one! He'd been fidgeting for quite some time, looking at his watch every now and then and letting out loud sighs. I figured that his date might be late. (hehe) - But that's not the point. OK. Back to my table.
So we started talking. Saw them with bags of stuff that look like they've been shopping. I asked if they were locals, as in orang KL. OlderGuy is from Muar, Johor while MixedBlood was from TitiGajah, Kedah! I was like "Eh! Sekampung!". I never realised meeting someone from back home (even though not knowing them) can get me so excited. Then this OlderGuy started talking about rempit-ing having existed since the 60s. The Teluk Wanjah roundabout every night. Rempits will gather there and put on crazy bets on crazy riders who try to bed their bikes just low enough to pick up the 20 cents coin in a matchbox, and not kill themselves. It's a roundabout! Then the stories went on and on. OlderGuy reminded me of Mr Najib (Don't know his long long salutation~), slow and steady, and at most charismatic.
FidgetingGuy ordered to waitress to cancel his order. Now that explains all the fidgeting. He's been waiting for ages. Poor guy. In the end he had to leave with an empty stomach and a forehead full of cold sweats, afraid of missing his trip home.
Out of curiosity, I asked OlderGuy what is it that makes him choose to share a table instead of taking one for his own, again I was impressed with his answer. He said "OK, I am not trying to be ala orang putih, but I do enjoy a stranger's point of view on things, and how far the conversation can take us. " I couldn't agree more. He went on "But not everyone can accept this kind of openness. There were countless of people, girls especially, whom I spoke to that thinks that I'm some pervert trying to ngorat dia orang". HAHA. Perah-santtaaaannnnnnnnn! MixedBlood chipped in saying that "It's not a matter of whether they were being exposed to being friendly to strangers, but its about knowing where to draw the line and zip your mouth when you know its not going to be good; not to jump to the conclusion that people are trying to ngorat you when you're not even attractive in the first place!"
I ventured further. I asked what do they think that made people think and feel the way they do, whether it was the upbringing, as in parents, or schools. Both said schools. I'd say both. Cos your parents must have told you at least once in your life "NOT TO TALK TO STRANGERS!!"
MixedBlood had been travelling around the world, lucky kid according to OlderGuy. While OlderGuy was someone who likes to mix around with the Chinese, he can even speak a bit of Hokkien!
My conclusion is, people who can mix around with other people regardless of races, seemed to be more open that those who only mix with their own.
Time flies. Conversations kept going throughout the entire meal, and I enjoyed talking to these people man.
It went on and on that we even forgot to introduce ourselves, and did it right just before we left. OlderGuy's Esa, while MixedBlood is Mazhar, of which he loathe cos he said it sounds like a girl's name, and would prefer to be called Maz.
We need more of these kind of people in this world, don't you agree?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:58 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I am angry with myself because:-
1) I have not been very considerate.
2) Because I am going through an extremely unlucky streak.
3) Like really unlucky situations of which I don't feel like talking about.
4) I couldn't be there for people who were going through a tough time.
5) How can I be so selfish and pushed so hard now?
And for what?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:54 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, September 15, 2007
It pays to be a different kind of Genius
Even in a game, you mind spins and twirls, figuring out in split seconds how to react and how to play your next shot. It's not just blindly returning the ball over the net and wait for your opponent's next move. It's a game plan. You plan your shot, deploy and execute. And of course there is always room for surprises. That's how a game goes about.
I admire the mental strength that players like Roger Federer and Justine had, because even the thought of playing in front of 15,000 people in a packed stadium sends chills down your spine. Your hands tremble, you make simple errors, and you are simply out of your game. Because the crowd and the atmosphere would be so overwhelming.
The way you see things on court can be applied to real life. Life is like a game. It's about timely reaction and your response towards it. Do you give up when you think its just isn't your day? You've lost the moment you said that.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 2:52 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Damn oh?
The last thing on earth that I need is more troubles. How naive.
If I managed to get through all the things thrown at my face at this point of my life, what else is there to fear? What is so hard at all?
If I have to change my lifestyle to accommodate my current situation, I can handle that. Take public transportations? No problem. What is so hard about it when its not like my first time squeezing with other people, inhaling lots of BO (don't have to remind me how ahem it smelt like), and sticky sticky people accidentally/purposely greasing you.
You know how cars get so worn out and aged through all the years of crunching miles and miles and more miles. Of course the most notable signs of a well-aged car is the bad pickup. It almost felt like its 10 times more heavier than it should be. Seriously, I have nothing against people digging nose in public (I'm being sarcastic, sorry), but I have to admit that I am always the one catching a glimpse of people doing it, publicly. There was this one time when I was on my way back home, I was driving on the rightmost lane, supposedly the fast lane. There was a old black Iswara Aeroback who nonchalantly swerved into my lane, while her index finger was busy digging into her right nostril. I guess that's what you do to power up your car? A clean nostril, or two. Anybody?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 2:28 AM 0 drop(s) of dew
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Fantastic 48 hours, bite a tyre, drink some oil.
Earthquakes put the entire region on high alert. And oh, some Malaysians are so kiasu that they want to own everything other people has, and see everything other people has seen. Doesn't matter if it is dangerous, cos it'd be cool if I can tell my grandchildren that I've came face to face with the killer tsunami! Frontliners~
You know you're in for a long day (& night) when certain party point fingers at you without fail whenever things go wrong. They were trying to find fault, and not solve the problem at hand. And I find it amusing when cornered people come up with the lamest of excuses to buy his way out. Don't be so Dong ok? We can see what you were doing from our side, it's like a live webcast! We saw what you did OK? Why don't you just admit it?! We joined a bridge set up by the other party. Problem is, we don't know what the problem is. They on the other hand, were quick to relate the problem at hand with a similar problem that happened last year. And before you know it, they dug their noses in and start digging aimlessly. Worse of all, they'd rather spend time trying to find connections between the previous problem and the one they have now, and throw it right back at you. Donkey. What I find amusing (in the midst of chaos) was that how terribly wrong communication can be when you speak the same language but at the same time, not quite similar.
I thought to myself, "Ahh, perfect (rolls eyes)... It's 3am, my tired eyes and pale looking face, and with this hair, I'm alone, I've got a bottle of water next to me, what do I look like?!"
Me : (rolls eyes) Balik rumah. Baru habis kerja.
Police: Kerja? (Gives a skeptical look) Kerja di mana? *chuckles*
Me : Maybank. Ada masalah.
(and all of a sudden I realised that I made myself look like the greatest liar of all.)
Police: *chuckles* Masalah? Ya kahh?
Me : (WTF!) APA? Tiup macam mana?! (hey, dong, I've never done this before!)
Police: Macam ni. (Turned to his side and blew)
Me : (rolled eyes - it will be low as hell, sial!) FFFUUUUUTT!
Police: (looked at the reading, at me, and waved me off)
Ugh. Sometimes the more you try to explain things, the more you complicate it.
And my 4 wheels and a steering wheel burnt a large hole in my pocket.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:20 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Dear Thamby and Haji Taib
Life as we know it, ain't easy.
Bust your ass working, crack your head putting a thesis together from scratch. Whoever said anything ever comes easy?
It's alot easier to only think of quitting whenever you hit a stumbling block. It's the fastest way out. But if you never try to make your way around that obstacle, you'll never learn.
When quitting is no longer an option, you know you're half way there.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:06 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Necessity: Electricity - OUT
Then I thought of the things I can do at home when I can't watch Astro.
No. Modem is connected to the phone cables, it has a high chance of getting struck.
Water heater. I've heard of stories where people get electrocuted when using the water heater during a thunderstorm.
Then the thought of a total blackout crossed my mind. Hey, what can I do if the electricity's out?
Honestly, I am not quite sure what to do. Besides sitting around. Pretty much immobilized.
We were pretty dependent on ... everything.
Can't use the kettle.
The fridge is useless. Everything melts.
Can't use the vacuum cleaner. Back to broom-age.
Can't recharge the cellphone or notebook.
No drinking water cos we can't boil any.
No lights.
No fan/air-conditioning.
No TV/Astro.
Elevators won't work. (22 floors x 2 is totally not COOL)
What if a blackout hit the entire city?
I wouldn't want to even think about it.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:19 PM 3 drop(s) of dew
Tears from Heaven
We can tell how far a storm is from us, by timing the interval between seeing the flash and the hearing thunder. Given the 1 second interval, I was practically in a storm.
I actually thought that I have heard more monstrous sounds of thunder when I was still small. Thunder and lightning comes along with the rain, without fail. The sound created resembles earsplitting explosions. I remembered staying up all night because I simply can't sleep with loud bangs threatening to shatter my windowpanes.
I was small kid then, with equally small eardrums, but I've always had ears that sticks out. That means I catch more sound waves that others with a normal set of ears. The crashes and booms were so overwhelming, I'd spend time under my blanket until its over. I recalled that my cousins did the same thing too. When we hear the first loud boom, we'd look at each other, eyes wide, cringed and then run cover. Cover as in under the blankets. And of course, occupy the most strategic and "safest" of all locations - the L shaped sofa, away from windows. It felt safe somehow.
But as kids, I think we were pretty creative. Very much different from what kids do today. I have my Power Rangers/BajaHitam/Flashman/Captain Planet and much more - experience. Mountain climbing. We even have safety harnesses, no kidding. We had our Stone Age experience where we lived in an imaginary cave. The Paleolithic period. (perhaps we watched too much Flintstones, but even the Flintstones were far more advanced than we were)
Teacher-student, Doctor-Patient (no touchy feely, we use doctor's kit), Eatery that served flowers and leaves, and my favourite was camping out under the shades of the leafy mango tree on a bright sunny day.
Then of course came other things. 5 against 5 open air badminton. There were so many of us, including neighbours. Grandma lined her flower pots in a straight line, dividing the grass and the cemented front porch. Guess what, that's our "net". And well, being child "pros", the 2 foot tall plants were getting the real beating, not the rackets. Not really "over the net", we actually did "through the net". Got countless of scolding for that, so we tried something else. I noticed that our neighbour is always NOT around. No cars and nobody at home. That's when we came up with the mother of all plans, use the wall (around 5 feet tall) as our "net". Hey this is far more realistic a net than the 2 feet tall PLANT. Of course, to start playing, we need someone to be at the other side of the net. My running jump with a little kick off the wall got me up and over. Every now and we have stray shuttlecocks up on the neighbour's roof and balcony. Whoops. We'd continue with a new one.
Of course we took turns to climb over the wall. Some just did it for kicks. And practiced wall climbing. Little did we realised that all those innocent "practices" left little foot marks on the white wall. Uh-oh. All of us got a good scolding. I think it was just as bad at our neighbour's side of the wall. Whoops.
No more badminton since. We were sent to a REAL hall to play. Better.
Oh, back to games we play. We had our version of paint-ball. No paint or balls in our case, we use water-guns. One of my cousin even had the GhostBuster water gun. Packs a whole lot of water! Cut the story short, we all ended up dirty and wet. It gets crazier when you put 8 kids to wash a car. Kids got washed instead. That entitled us another scolding. Haha.

This is what he used:
No paint, no balls. No Pain. But we can't really do this anymore these days. Water don't come cheap anymore.
I want to relive that part of my childhood, if not all.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:47 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, September 08, 2007
I need -
The back of my head is aching. Badly.
Burnt out? I don't know. But each time I started work, it attacks. You know, like sipek sakit but I can't feel it with my fingers when I try to massage.
I was suppose to go for a jog today, after work. But heck, everything didn't turn out quite as planned, especially when I try to plan just ahead of time. There were setbacks at work, plus, the weather was dark and gloomy today. It rained.
I needed to see the greens. Help.Matta fair. I'm coming.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 11:25 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Monday, September 03, 2007
When we think about something, there are always opposite things that come to mind, which kinda confuse us. When we say something, there are always other feelings that come up, which makes talking about feelings even harder.
Am I doing something just because it was what I was wanted to do sincerely?
Or am I just being sorry?
I couldn't help but to question myself when I do things and at the same time, I do not understand why I have such thoughts. Anybody out there feeling me?
Do you question your actions all the time?
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:35 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Monday, August 27, 2007
I need an Escort! NOW!
Escort. Escort Escort Escort?
Call girls? Male prostitutes?
Not on Malaysian roads at least. Certain people who think of themselves as "Highly important or People in Power" need not be stuck in traffic jams like other lesser citizens. They will need a huge envoy of police on bikes will honk their way through congested roads, angrily knocking on people's car windows if you fail to budge in time, making just enough way for some big ass Bentleys or Rolls Royces to inch their way through.
And for what?! Just so you can show the world that you were truly someone in Power? Why not take it a notch higher? Fly-larh! The skies are clear for now.
And the wailing sound of the siren. I so loathe.
Every morning we had to endure long hours of bad traffic jams to get to work. If you feel that you have other more important matters to look into than wasting your precious time getting stuck in traffic jams, Tunku tunku, datuk datin dan para menteri besar dan kecil sekalian, this is what you should be doing, tell us why roads get so clogged up? Cos we have done little to battle the jams. Shame on our public transportation network. Shame on those managing it.
I wonder where our taxes go? On your big ass Rolls Royce? And also the big ass bikes that served nothing more but an escort?
Certain vehicles were equipped with a siren because it really helps in cases of emergencies, alerting other road users to make way. It saves lives, and of course we will make way, no time wasted. But what do you think of a vehicle (the same one) which hit the roads every morning almost about the same time everyday, but always with the siren wailing? They simply abuse the exception given to them.
Maybe the RMF can start spinning in a decent income simply by escorting so called VIPs and earn a bomb doing it. Why bother doing what you were supposes to do in the first place? Little work, handsome pay. What's the difference between this and call girls?
I miss Dr. M.
*Picture courtesy of iStockPhoto
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:38 PM 3 drop(s) of dew
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Pod Blues
This had been my best companion, supplying music to my ears.
Problem is, the earbud covers (2 pairs came with the box) were so delicate that using every now and then kind of wore it off.
Listening without the TunePod sounds like crap. Drums sounded like the hitting of a overturned trash can. Wtf.
I can't bear with it, therefore:Now you know why Apple earns a bomb? By selling just TunePods, they can make a fortune already.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 8:57 PM 0 drop(s) of dew
Numbers numbers everywhere
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia defined Mathematics as:
Mathematics is Life itself.
Most people agree that those people who celik-Math, were the clever ones. I couldn't agree more. I was never good at Math, recalling how I was made to sit at the first row so that it's easier for me to get up and do math at the board. More often than not, my final answers are always wrong even though the way I derive it was correct. Careless? Clueless? I have no idea!
I got an A for that subject when it mattered most, but (hehe) I returned all those to you adi,
Mrs. Ng. I don't know why, but I memang dong at Math.
Equations are often used to state the equality of two expressions containing one or more variables.
For any value of x, it's always true that x-x = 0.

Random Equation
So when a + c, b is always greater. Even without c, "I still think I'm greater than you are!".
P/s: Mak Leong will kill me for this. Haha.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:41 AM 4 drop(s) of dew
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Stranger than Fiction
I had a strange dream last night. It happen rather too soon, soon after I hit the bed. I remembered hearing the grill door clanking and thought to myself,
"That's my cue. Disappear. Immediately."
I was checking my laundry, which was suppose to take up the entire drying area. Only managed to take up half. Hehe.
I went back into my room, fluffed my pillows, off the lights and drop dead on my bed.
This morning I woke up, felt the most bizarre feeling. It shot into my brains, I recalled everything.
I was in the room after I've heard the clanking of the grill door. Someone walked in and went into the bathroom soon after. I got out of the room, went out to the balcony and checked my laundry. Again. I tiptoed my way back to my room, through the living and the dining place. It was then I hear cursing and loud grumbles on why people are so inconsiderate and take up so much space at the drying area. How can anyone do this? Llalallalalal. The rest were just babbles. Can't hear a thing. I was so pissed, that I stomped into my room, gave it a good slam.
That's about what I dreamt of last night. I got spooked. It was planned that way, but it didn't happen, but it cross over into my dream.
But still ... my part time job is top secret. *Grins*
Posted by iamjamiesher at 10:48 PM 2 drop(s) of dew
10 Things
- Coordinate my hands and legs to work together and retrieve a shuttlecock with a racket *grins*
- Make ends meet.
- Spend time with my family, distance is not a problem. Travelling isn't a problem either.
- Be glad that I still have them.
- Be glad I have my partner in crime, Thamby
- We spy!
- Get lost in music with my Ipod.
- Spend time thinking about other more important things in life than monograms.
- Watch E! all day.
- Be Online all day!
- Speak canto fluently (such a failure :o)
- Earn a bomb monthly on interests I don't have to work another day HAHA
- Quit my job in an instance and take a year off to travel.
- Be a fake.
- Own a place I can call mine.
- Keep a dog/cat.
- Survive on Chocolate alone. Bahh (I never will haha)
- Get a new car.
- Buy my parents + me a trip to Paris. (Dad's romantic you know?!)
- Sleep until late afternoon on weekends because of the TV sound.
- M
- Acceptance. Face it.
- There are only two for now.
- Other things are not impossibible.
- It's a matter of time.
- Cancer.
- Pain.
- I'm glad for other things that took place.
- They happen for a reason.
- Reason to make you wiser.
p/s: Tagged: Thamby, Az, Zu (others who wished to be tagged, pls tag yourself =P )
Haha. Think hard.
Posted by iamjamiesher at 12:08 PM 0 drop(s) of dew