tagged by Thamby Dollah
Instruction:-Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
* Here are 6 weird things about me *
1#) I am obsessed with public manners; the one that will make me cringe without fail is nose-digging. Ugh. I haven't figured out why is it that I always see that act everywhere I turn. It was just me who noticed people in action, others are either not bothered or they didn't noticed at all~. I did not realise this was weird, until someone told me "Can you like stop catching other people in the act of cleaning their nostrils?" Spitting is equally sucky~
2#)I have weird facial expressions that doesn't usually mean anything. The only time when I am expressionless is when asked about something personal. Actually people told me that I actually do that. (including you, Thamby~)
3#)I had a thing for maps. I read maps about cities that I have not been to (or might not set foot on, ever) and generate a mental picture about the information I get from maps. For? I don't know, its a kind of obsession. So if you see me in bookstores, I'd probably be reading maps. Should try Amazing Race Asia~ I need brains to complement me, anyone?
4#)I am guilty of digging peanut butter from the tub. Enough said. I don't do that with ice creams though, I don't know why. Only peanut butter, and when I was still small, Milo.
5#)I talk to my cats and dog. I don't know about you, but I think they understood what I said. These animals are not just animals without brains, they do, and they understand feelings. I grew up having them as company, as I was a quite kid back then. Quick tempered kiddo. Pets don't complain nor make noise about my mistakes, but if they were unhappy, they bite. Action speaks louder than words.
6#)I can stare at something and let my mind just wander off. Be it a wall, trees, the sea, or just any other objects or place. It gives the impression that something is bothering me or that I was depressed, because I was staring madly at nothing. Like "What were you looking at?? There's nothing there!"
Gawd..i took 3 days to finish this. This is tough. Tagged : Zu. And any other readers who wish to do this.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Posted by iamjamiesher at 9:32 AM
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