Pick a local daily, find the similarity of most of the articles taking up space in the daily. Murders, snatch theft, rape cases, scams, court drama, corruption or something silly uttered by our politicians, works"wig"mnster. What's the problem with our country? Go figure.
Yet we were put into moral classes since we were young with the aim to make us better citizen. Where does that fit in now?
I don't have to go deep into discussion about our "current issues". It's out of this world. Nothing gets solved, all we got was more drama. Taxpayers suffer. And its even more painful to see how the money were spent on the most absurd of things and of no value to the people. Spending more to fix mistakes instead of making it right the first time. Wighead.
Mourning Nurin's tragic death. The f*cking retard (the one who circulate the pictures as well) should be stoned to death. Where did the headlines "We're closing in" went? And all the cock-talk about having enough evidence to charge those people. Where is it now? Yet today's headline read "woman released due to insufficient evidence to press charges". Is something wrong here? Hello? You ter-makan the evidences? >{ DNA tests can't go wrong~
Life is hard, but I am not blaming the ruling part-ie for it. But sometimes people were so unfortunate that they do not need anymore complications from the People in Power. No help offered, but all they can offer you is a brush-off.
Why am I so pissed? Because the voices of the people are not important anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if one day owning a blog is a crime. Leave alone writing one. Elections are up soon. Or is migrating an option?
Sugar level running low. Roti banana in zero gravity, anyone?
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