
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fly Me

All the hoopla about our first man in space is getting out of hand. Seeing the absurd headlines in the dailies is even more disheartening. Submarines and space explorations are still way out of our league. The so called important experiments carried out that had probably been done decades ago before us. Why is there such need? Cos the big G created it. All because they want to show the world that we've been there, done that; conveniently forgetting that we did that not in our own spaceship, we simply hitched a ride. Being called a tourist (because that's the ugly truth) is nothing to be proud of, neither would recognize the hero as an astronaut or a cosmonaut. There we were, spending billions to hop on technnologies that were developed by other countries and took pride in that.

There's no doubt that most kids around the country went ga-ga about going to space. As a kid, I was amazed by the vast space, and how much there was to explore. I took Dad's binoculars and camped outside the house while gazing up at stars, matching patterns with the ones I saw on my astronomy books and spot constellations. I stayed up to watch meteor showers; and I've seen lunar and solar eclipses. I poured over books on astronomy that I made Mum buy for me, mostly through postal orders from Readers Digest and also those I borrowed from the school library, lucky me, Mum was supportive of my odd reading habits.

Back then, the AlorSetar skies were not polluted, and there was not much artificial lights that lighted up buildings and streets, at least in my neighbourhood. Cloudless nights mean that I'll get to see of stars in the sky. Blackouts and power trips were very much a joy. That was when the dimmest of stars came to light, it felt as though all the stars were in attendance, in full view. I'd spend hours gazing up until my neck hurts.

I wrote down Astronomer/Astronaut as cita-cita in my report card during my primary years. Mum chuckled upon seeing that, and showed Dad. He grinned and asked me what does a person in that position do. I replied, "Go to space one day or work at NASA."

Does that childhood dream still stand? *waves* (second Angkasawan program~)

The fact that I've read so much about space lead me to think that it's simply a waste of money to send someone up there to do nothing, while there is still work to be done to improve the conditions this country which is clearly still underdeveloped and plagued by alot of unsolved internal problems. Space explorations can only happen when there is excess funds at your disposal.

If you tell me that you came up with a cure to cancer with the experiments you've done in space, then yes, you have my respect.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


If life was too easy, you'd never learn anything out of it.
If things were merely given to you, rather than you work hard for it, it would mean nothing.
If all you did was to take and never give, would you be proud about it?

A hard life is not bitter, it makes us stronger. It puts you deep into thoughts. It makes you think about why things happen, and how to get out. Subjective as it is, all it takes to work things out is to have a clear head, some common sense and a lot of patience. Giving up is out of the question. The thought of it is damaging; you'd probably never recover again.

Even the toughest person needs to be emotional. You break down and cry, not because you couldn't handle the pressure. You broke down and cry because you want it to work out so bad; but it did not. Yet. You cry because you knew that there were people who still care. In fact they were the people that cared the most. Just to hear them tell you that "You're gonna be OK" meant so much.

Only by going through hardship regardless of what kind can truly make a person appreciate the things they have.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Can I get a ...

Last night's race must have been the highlight of the season. Great work by Ferarri. Fantastic teamwork shown by both Felipe Massa and Kimi Raikkonen, then new world champ. I almost forgot about the race and went to sleep, and after receiving the first sms report after the 10th lap, I got up, turn on the TV and was glued for another 2 hours.

Earlier on last evening, I was watching a documentary on NGEO, on the famous prancing horse's mega factory in Maranello, Italy, I was awe strucked. Famous as it is, I have never actually visited a Ferrari website before. I was only gila about the Ferrari Formula 1 car, watch races and also collect model cars. (including those sold at Shell for MYR4.90)

Everything is about perfection. It's awesome. The process of building the ultimate race car was detailed in that documentary, eye opening.

The working environment there is one to die for.

Can I get a job at the Prancing Horse? *waves

I'd rather be on a production line, doing monotonous jobs rather than being unhappy and forever complaining about how other people are scheming against me. That's paranoia. It's a matter of interpretation. And if one can't even talk to his/her parents with respect, won't think twice about respecting people deemed lesser than he/she is.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Of Grapes and Ticking Clock

I hate waiting. No, not waiting for people, I have alot of patience for that. Waiting for the time to come by. I hate.

I am more of a spontaneous person. Like, snap lets go. But I've learnt the hard way that some things don't work that way. It has to be planned and carefully thought of.

Tick tock tick tock tick tock ...

Anyway, my parcel finally arrived. I don't know if it was a smart thing they do; where they put a clause (with the smallest font) at the bottom of the redemption form, stating that shipment of goods will take 2-3 weeks to reach. So I don't know exactly when it will arrive at my doorsteps. It was my laptop bag. Its official (through the phone conversation with sis) that I will be using the new bag instead of my sis, cos this bag is Fugly. Why in the world would I want to trade my previous bag for this one? Because a backpack is easier to carry around than a sling. Notebooks aren't light, you know. Not exactly trade, we exchange. That's the only downside of choosing goods online and let the goods be shipped to you, while all you did was move your fingers and click. Other than this, I can't think of anything bad about online shopping.

(and sorry Thamby that you need to drag yourself ke depan pintu in your pj; and that your sweet dream was distrupted =P)

I hate seeded grapes. When I bought it yesterday, I forgot to ask if it was seedless. Grandma told me the seeds can be eaten, no harm. But I don't think our body can digest that, and it'll perhaps come out from your dubur as deco. Ugh. I am not be able to grab a grape, pop it into my and chew happily and swallow. It's so Potong Stim. I'd be busy spitting out seeds and in the end, I'll be segregating seeds and flesh, and I hate that. Hate is a strong word, and I overused it here. Tells you how annoyed I am~

(thanks thamby(again) for putting it into the fridge. ampun ampun, I forgot when I left this morn)

Time's up =) Good Friday people!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

One Pissed Citizen

I came across this line "Don't judge people from their outlook, cos you won't know where they might come from".That might work a decade ago, but now, I don't think its safe to say that anymore.

Pick a local daily, find the similarity of most of the articles taking up space in the daily. Murders, snatch theft, rape cases, scams, court drama, corruption or something silly uttered by our politicians, works"wig"mnster. What's the problem with our country? Go figure.

Yet we were put into moral classes since we were young with the aim to make us better citizen. Where does that fit in now?

I don't have to go deep into discussion about our "current issues". It's out of this world. Nothing gets solved, all we got was more drama. Taxpayers suffer. And its even more painful to see how the money were spent on the most absurd of things and of no value to the people. Spending more to fix mistakes instead of making it right the first time. Wighead.

Mourning Nurin's tragic death. The f*cking retard (the one who circulate the pictures as well) should be stoned to death. Where did the headlines "We're closing in" went? And all the cock-talk about having enough evidence to charge those people. Where is it now? Yet today's headline read "woman released due to insufficient evidence to press charges". Is something wrong here? Hello? You ter-makan the evidences? >{ DNA tests can't go wrong~

Life is hard, but I am not blaming the ruling part-ie for it. But sometimes people were so unfortunate that they do not need anymore complications from the People in Power. No help offered, but all they can offer you is a brush-off.

Why am I so pissed? Because the voices of the people are not important anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if one day owning a blog is a crime. Leave alone writing one. Elections are up soon. Or is migrating an option?

Sugar level running low. Roti banana in zero gravity, anyone?

For Better Days

I had a hard time forgetting you, my love. And I had difficulties adjusting to my new love.

Maybe I refused to accept the fact that we had to go seperate ways.
Maybe it was hard to leave someone you're so acquainted with.

After all these years.

I felt as if I was the foreign object placed beside you, a mere accessory. It felt as though I barely knew you, but still we got together, and it was by choice.

Now that we are together, I must confess that I can't promise you all things nice; you're in for a hard time. Your future will be of littered with harsh conditioning, rain and shine. Please bear with me as I try to smooth things out.

For better days. Cheers.

Monday, October 08, 2007

When I was 12

Even before I took up serious badminton, I rarely spend time at home. Mornings in school, and a brief afternoon at home. When the clock struck 5pm, I HAVE to go out. It felt as though I was programmed that way. Of course, there was some sort of attraction out there which is so hard to resist.

When I got my first REAL bike, a Lerun mountain bike, I'd spent afternoons just cruising around the neighbourhood. It was fun. There were ugly scenes aside from the fun too: The terror of getting chased down by a bunch of gila dogs. I was on two wheels and a chain, how to outrun a bunch of dogs on 4 legs?! I got so pissed at times when I got chased down by the same gila dog over and over again that I dropped a few kicks on its head instead of working my legs on the pedals and try to outrun them. I never let them scare me though, cos they can't bite while on the run. Just trying to scare you ofF~

My neighbourhood was a large one. A few residential areas lumped into a one. I can't imagine myself growing up elsewhere. Football field, basketball court, badminton court. Skating rink, sepak takraw, tai chi, line dance. You name it, we've got it, besides gila dogs. But hey, it makes the neighbourhood complete!

I grew up doing alot of running around. One leg jump? I don't know a proper term for that, but its basically splitting the gang into 2 teams, and each of us in a team need to try to chase the others (hopping on one leg!) and tap those from the other team, until they were were all tagged and out, or until you got too tired to continue and pass to other member from your team. If you failed to tag all of the people in the other team with your last person, then its a restart. Torture. But its amazing how we managed to come up with ways to effectively lunge at opponents, suddenly thrusting ourselves towards them and cornering them; otherwise you wouldn't be able to catch any, they're all too fast.

Imagine the blistering heat of the afternoon sun. We play at the cemented skating rink (nobody skates there,anyway). The surface burning hot, so hot you can fry eggs on it. And oh, we play barefooted. -.- I'd lost count of how many blisters I had just having spent one afternoon playing. Then rest for the next 2 days, recover enough, then I'd continue. Even if I was suppose to be resting, I would make my way there and watch others or sometimes played with blistered feet.

Other times, we simply play tag. You can see 15-20 people running around the cemented square with iron handrails forming a full circle in it. I just love running around like that. I was one of those kids who despised rainy days. I would sit out and wait until the last drop of rain is gone, and poof, I'm gone too.

Life was so carefree then, all I care about is curing blisters and basking in the sun. Friendships were born throughout the daily activities, and it was much safer back then to play away from home.

Tag, anyone?

Sunday, October 07, 2007


tagged by Thamby Dollah

Instruction:-Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

* Here are 6 weird things about me *

1#) I am obsessed with public manners; the one that will make me cringe without fail is nose-digging. Ugh. I haven't figured out why is it that I always see that act everywhere I turn. It was just me who noticed people in action, others are either not bothered or they didn't noticed at all~. I did not realise this was weird, until someone told me "Can you like stop catching other people in the act of cleaning their nostrils?" Spitting is equally sucky~

2#)I have weird facial expressions that doesn't usually mean anything. The only time when I am expressionless is when asked about something personal. Actually people told me that I actually do that. (including you, Thamby~)

3#)I had a thing for maps. I read maps about cities that I have not been to (or might not set foot on, ever) and generate a mental picture about the information I get from maps. For? I don't know, its a kind of obsession. So if you see me in bookstores, I'd probably be reading maps. Should try Amazing Race Asia~ I need brains to complement me, anyone?

4#)I am guilty of digging peanut butter from the tub. Enough said. I don't do that with ice creams though, I don't know why. Only peanut butter, and when I was still small, Milo.

5#)I talk to my cats and dog. I don't know about you, but I think they understood what I said. These animals are not just animals without brains, they do, and they understand feelings. I grew up having them as company, as I was a quite kid back then. Quick tempered kiddo. Pets don't complain nor make noise about my mistakes, but if they were unhappy, they bite. Action speaks louder than words.

6#)I can stare at something and let my mind just wander off. Be it a wall, trees, the sea, or just any other objects or place. It gives the impression that something is bothering me or that I was depressed, because I was staring madly at nothing. Like "What were you looking at?? There's nothing there!"

Gawd..i took 3 days to finish this. This is tough. Tagged : Zu. And any other readers who wish to do this.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Can I have more sense?

I don't know if too much work has a side effect in the form of losing my alertness to other things going on.

Anyway, I think it did. I'm officially Dumb.