You can get so lost in other people's song that at times you forget the existence of your own song.
You get influenced by it.
And allow yourself be carried away.
Cast doubts on yourself.
You let people's song to determine what should have been your own, is this how it should be?
You try to change your song so much that you eventually forget how your own song goes, the way it flows, and what makes the lyrics of your song. At other times, you get tired of listening to people's song that you start to make your song be known, got over the top by your self-declared superiority; you simply tune off people' voice. You go on and on and on singing your tune, but have you ever thought of stopping for just one moment to listen to others? You've got your goals set on something, have others not?
Should you pause and think for a while?
Never occur to me that I have my own song to sing. *sweat*
my dear, its not a literal translation. haha. ponder.
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