
Sunday, November 12, 2006


A new place that I fell in love with. A single factor that can draw alot of Wuahs and Uhhs and Ahhs and make my jaw drop is architectural wonders. Unfortunately I didnt have my camera with me, and have to make do with my bloody phone camera, which apparently didn't quite let me down by capturing the beauty of the moment. Simply stunning.

After dinner we went round for a spin around the Garden City/Intelligent City, the view was simply breathtaking. This is not my first time here; I've been here countless of times, day or night, but the view last night simply blew me away. Turning left from the traffic lights, onto the Seri Wawasan bridge, my jaw dropped almost instantly. The bridge came into view, along with its stunning array of white lights illuminating each and every arch.

It simply gives you that instant ummph that you need, making you proud of what Dr M had done for the country. His visions. And his accomplishments.

Our beloved nation, had come a long way. Cities proceeded to grow into megacities, everything else seemed to be catching up with other megacities around the world. However, our society never seem to grow out of its old shell. We never learn to better ourselves, and judge things with a open mind.

Every now and then, we have "interesting" articles in the dailies, about people who held important positions blurting out blunt comments when questioned. Regarding the CCTV incident, this was the response: "If the dress was not sexy, the incident would not have happened. " This is simply unacceptable. In fact it made the rest of us commoners chuckled and be embarassed with such a weak excuse.

Instead of trying to move the country forward, we're moving backwards with insignificant issues being given HUGE attention.
Mat rempits.
Heh. Perhaps if given that our public transportation is efficient, safe and RELIABLE (breaks down too often dontcha think? =P ), perhaps we wont have despatch boys riding kapcais around town in the day, and REMP-ing the streets at night doing supermans!
Bahasa rojak.
I still don't see whats the fuss about already-there signages that combined English and Malay words. Touch 'n Go? It was introduced eons ago, and why is it that it suddenly became an issue now? Instead of looking into other aspects of our society, they waste their time fighting over small issues like that. Sentuh dan PERGI!! Tag Bestari? It's hard to imagine. Countless of names simply flood my mind right now, and I cant imagine what its like if they are all ripped off and replaced.

Most of us thinks that we are on par with the rest of the world. Think again. We think that we are an open-minded bunch of people. Are we, really? Are we the
magnanimous people that we claim to be? Are we ready to be acceptant of differences in norms? Why is there a definition for social norms in the first place? Just to fit in nicely as just another piece of puzzle on the street?
Close friends around me, ybmaht included, will understand what crap I'm speaking about here.

We have a long way to go, dont we? Dont agree with me? I shall shoot you and blow you up. *grins* Malaysia spells FUN.

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