
Monday, May 28, 2007

Apocalypse with a capital "a" means Revelation

Little things that makes you laugh.

What if we were told that the world is going to end tomorrow? What would you do?
Will you still care about your status in the society, the amount of money you make, the car you drive, the place you live in? Will the chase for material greed still go on?

If humans unite at world's end, I'd rather it be doomsday.
If status, gender, race and religion don't matter anymore, I'll welcome doomsday.

"The end of the world is a great equaliser - who gives a rat's behind about race, religion and social status when your brain is about to be eaten?"

Thursday, May 17, 2007


*thinks hard*

What the heck. Why is it that each time when I'm driving my car, I have all those thoughts running through my head (those things that I wanna blog about!!); but when I am sitting here trying to type it out by recalling those thoughts, I get nothing!

This is frustrating...

Ever divide rationality into categories?

Let's say you were eyeing something expensive at the mall. You heart says go for it. But your mind tells you that you should get the hell out right now. Then comes the rational-thinking-process. You've decided against the urge. You tell yourself that you will not buy it this time, because its an unnecessary waste of money. So you do whatever necessary to get yourself out of the stressful situation you put yourself under; by removing the stress factor.

A different look at this matter. Let's say Money is not an issue, at all. Rational thinking might not be needed after all. You get what you want and when you want it, with your monetary power. *removes alot of stress factor, doesn't it?

Whenever there is a stress factor, there is the need for the ability to reason. But how some people just couldn't see how things are simple and straight forward is still beyond my comprehension. They complicate things that are far from complicated. Add more stress factors to an already stressed out mind. Rational, they claim they are.

You need logic and sense to be rational. Not the ability to twist facts just so it's easier for you to take in.

Learn how to appreciate things that you have. Be grateful and thankful that you have what you have today; achieved what you had achieved today. Greed only takes you as deep as your pocket, moderation takes you beyond.


Screw that last post.

What goes around comes around. *Repeat 100x*



I never felt so defeated all my life.
Makes me want to just stab and club you with each and every single tool I can find here.

So pissed, I am.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Get Lost in Music

I want to do nothing except to get lost in music with my trusty sidekick.

What's on my playlist is *secret*.

Do we look Weak?

Do we look weak when we let ourselves succumb to emotional letdowns?

Or do we pride in being able to pick ourselves up from the shittiest moments?

If ever we could avoid anything like this, there won't be any chances to better ourselves and also be a stronger person emotionally and mentally.

When people talk to you about their emotional sufferings, listen instead of offering your-point-of-views. Most of the time people who are in deep shit usually have part of their brains shut; simply means that they just cannot absorb things regarding issues close to them at that point of time.

I am starting to think that I'm a little bonkers. Heartache is a pleasure. It triggers my mind. It makes me think. I enjoyed putting the pieces of puzzles together. The prize for putting it together; priceless. It just thrills me.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


I was on my way to meet up my friends at one of my friend's place, a two storey shop lot. The commercial centre was a quite remote, away from the bustling city, amongst a rapidly developing housing estate but scarcely populated.

A total of 10 lots per block. A 2 metre wide pavement lined the shop front. White flourescent lights illuminate the otherwise dark area. The entire stretch of shops are lighted up.

I walked down the walkway towards my friend's place. Weirdly enough, its totally dark from where I stand. I was at the car park next to the stretch of shoplots. My friend's place would be the second last unit from where I stand.
I was never afraid of the dark, so I walked on. Being mugged was the last thing on my mind. Never crossed my mind either. Almost 10 metres to the entrance, I see shadows of people moving in right in front of me. One, two, three, four, five, six. From their silhouettes, they are obviously men. Besides that my earlobes picks up sounds of grunts and alot of spitting. Argh..bloody disgusting.

I filled my thoughts with the possibility of being mugged for real; it just comes spinning into my conscious mind. As if on cue, I found myself speeding up the stairs, while trailing me were heavy stompings. I knew I was in trouble. I don't have time to figure out what was actually happening. I screamed for my friends to let me in, as the stompings get louder, they are getting nearer. Faster, damn it! Friends saw my terrified face and the moment I got in, I hit it shut, and locked it immediately.

Beast of men they were, they try to break their way in. Beasts they were, it gets harder with each blow towards the door. There is no such thing as steel grill or any form of reinforcement governing the door. The knob is the only silver shiny thing you can find on the door. Damn it.

While the door could still take in a couple more hard blows, I am worried about one thing: the knob. It seemed to loosen with each blow. Bang bang bang, and more bangs. The knob holding back the threat is now vulnerable, it was about to get ripped off.


Fantastic dream.
I don't remember what happened after the guys got in. I remembered being assulted, and was asked to hand over things I can't recall. It's about me and door knobs. Door knobs.

Hey, give me a number for door knobs, I think I should get a bit of windfall through all the knobs I dreamnt of. haha.
Don't play play, if ever you dream about Andy Lau, there's a number for it too. So what not for a knob, huh?! =P

4 In the Morning

I don't even know if I meant what I said.
Emotions were strong, the feeling was intense.

But what does it all mean? To me? Was I in for another round of getting things messed up?

I could not give you the kind of acceptance you get from other people.
I am well aware of that, and nor was I hoping for things to change.
Things happen for a reason, and I have every piece of evidence to back that statement.

I am not who I used to be.
Complicated things are not complicated anymore.
Difficult issues are a breeze to me now.
I saw through it.

Been there, done that. Nothing else too difficult.