
Monday, June 09, 2008

Read Like You're Rolling

Politics are boring stuff so I am not going to repeat whatever you can read in TheStar or any other papers you can get your hands on. Whether or not it will be doing us any good what the by election results, damage was done.

Now, leave us alone.

On another note, I have a couple of unfinished books. But I have this little habit of getting new ones before I can finish what I have. Some books are just easy to read, meaning you can just go on and on and on flipping those pages. Some, in my case, I read the same page, same paragraph and the same line over and over again, and I can't seem to go anywhere. Some of the books had this depressing element, but being difficult to read is the whole point, ain't it? I am suppose to learn from understanding difficult things. BAH..c'mon, read on!"

You wouldn't believe this is how I read. Hopeless. Is that how you read difficult books?

Okay. Then I thought maybe I should try something light. So one day, I went through the books on Thamby's shelf (cos all I have in hand are depressing) and picked "Can you keep a secret?" Sophie "Kinlala" Kinsella. Certainly. Before I knew it, I was flipping pages after pages until ... I finally fell asleep at 49. Damn hopeless lor.

Anyway, I've got myself 2 more new books. What did I just say?

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