
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Random Blabs

I recently read a note written by a friend somewhere online. It struck me instantly, on how people change over time; that with each event that took place in one's life, we're slowly changing. We will never be the same person we used to be, whether we like it or not because every single thing you experienced in life leaves a mark in you.

Things happen. We forgive, forget and get over it. Back to square one, or so you thought. Every square one might not be the same as before. Because as a person, we grow. It's a constant process and it's not in our control to stop changing.

We sometimes fail to understand events that take place in our daily lives, people's reactions, choice of words, every conversation you've had, every single person you knew, strangers alike,how things unfold they way they did.

Beyond control they were.

It's up to us to not let ourselves be affected.

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