
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Intel Beside

I used to think that it can NEVER be removed. Undetachable. You know, most of my itchy handed friends will attempt to dig the precious label, either that or they will just run their fingers on it over and over again in hope that it'll fall off just like that. Haha. Fat hope. Sticky stuff dont just fall out.

According to some friends, this logo (pix, above) is the only proof that certifies the processor you're using. So, this is worth as much as the processor itself? (what theory..)

One fine day, ...

It ended up somewhere it shouldn't.

By Someone who used to believe that its Undetachable (how silly's that?)

Okok. This is so wrong. Destruction of private property. But heck, I stick it back. Looks just as it was before. So hey, impossible is nothing eh?

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