
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Muka Karipap Menyampah

I've never felt so angry before.
Nevermind why. It's ...

I'm typing on my new Compaq Presario V3521TU Lappie. Eye candie.
Works like crap. I can't get the scroller on the touchpad to work, and the budak at the store tried to do things I already tried at home. So Dong.
Oh. Correction, its not mine. My sister's~
I still like my Dell though its ugly. More user friendly, and even the keys on the keypad is strategically placed.

I had a day of looooonnnngg meeting today. Two sessions. -.-"
And for the first time, I get so pissed with this so-called BA cos he doesn't know how to shut up.
People who attend the meeting are experts at their own field, and he acts like he knows all.
Dah lah tak fasih, wanna talk fast and he sounds worse than DonaldDuck. Crack voiced.
Menyampah kao kao.

"One curious question"
"One more question" (before people can answer his previous question)
"I don't see why you need to do that" (when people had been using it for years)

He don't understand the constraints of time zones.
Because he kept questioning why can't we do trading 24/7 since we are already in the internet age" (Hello~ dealers work 24/7 ka? You replace everyone larrrr! Doink~)

"NONONO. I'm saying when its all good. Not during system downtime. Why do we need manual intervention???"
Nor can he understand the possibility of hardware failures. And also the fact that there are inter-system communication and channels have DOWNtime tooo~ (which is frequent~)

And the bomb was, I'm sitting right opposite him.

Everyone was raising their voice and trying to explain. He will then raise his voice even though he was only talking to the person next to him. What's his problem?? Acting all big shot.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, am still fuming like there's a lifetime supply of gas