
Saturday, September 23, 2006


Dear Yahoo!:
How long does an average dream last?
Reno, Nevada

Dear Elizabeth:
Although it may seem like we're dreaming from the instant we fall asleep until the moment we wake up, the average visit to Neverland is actually far shorter.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, people spend an average of two hours dreaming each night. Dreams "almost always" occur during REM sleep, when the body experiences "rapid eye movement, loss of reflexes, and increased pulse rate and brain activity."

Your ability to remember your dreams depends a lot on your personality. Newsweek explains that introverts tend to remember their nocturnal adventures better than extroverts. In terms of the subject matter, males and females often dream about the same things. Again according to Newsweek, 73% of men and 74% of women have dreamed of falling.

OK, but how long does an average dream last? Depending on who you ask (or which site you visit), a dream can last anywhere from a matter of seconds to 45 minutes. We were unable to find an official answer, but this post from AnswerBag claims dreams last "about 15 minutes on the average." Dream Moods states people dream one to two hours per night, fitting in about four to seven dreams.

If, like us, you're wondering why you dream about showing up naked to piano recitals, these dream interpreters may help you find some answers.

*source: Yahoo!

Stumbled across this article when I was taking a break from work.

Introverts tend to remember their nocturnal adventures better than extroverts? haha. With such detailed recall of my own dream ... I'm officially an Introvert?? *grabs an "INTROVERT" sticker and sticks to forehead*

In fact, people dont always remember dreams probably because they got out of bed right away after waking up. Remember my military style wakeup procedures? With that, bet I couldnt remember a single bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeh, everyone wud sleep until the LAST'est minit, grabbing every second they can to sleep cukup cukup, den jump up from bed and get ready.
At least that's what i am. hehe