
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Numbers numbers everywhere

Britannica Concise Encyclopedia defined Mathematics as:

"Science of structure, order, and relation that has evolved from counting, measuring, and describing the shapes of objects. It deals with logical reasoning and quantitative calculation. Since the 17th century it has been an indispensable adjunct to the physical sciences and technology, to the extent that it is considered the underlying language of science."

Mathematics is Life itself.

Most people agree that those people who celik-Math, were the clever ones. I couldn't agree more. I was never good at Math, recalling how I was made to sit at the first row so that it's easier for me to get up and do math at the board. More often than not, my final answers are always wrong even though the way I derive it was correct. Careless? Clueless? I have no idea!
I got an A for that subject when it mattered most, but (hehe) I returned all those to you adi,
Mrs. Ng. I don't know why, but I memang dong at Math.

Equations are often used to state the equality of two expressions containing one or more variables.
For any value of x, it's always true that x-x = 0.

Identity. See, You earn nothing!

I'm not here to poke fun at Math. With all due respect (to Math), we should apply what we've learned, don't we?

Random Equation
Two's company three's a crowd.

Energy is when you have Money * Square of BoomingCareer.
Kidding. Energy can come from many other sources. Such as appreciation of Life.

Strictly Inequal

From a social ladder point of view, please substitute a with a person of a lower rank in the social hierarchy, while b is the so called "highest of them all", and substitute c with career.
So when a + c, b is always greater. Even without c, "I still think I'm greater than you are!".
b = b*tch

Now, who says Math is irrelevant to Life?

P/s: Mak Leong will kill me for this. Haha.


Anonymous said...

hehehe...good one for a laugh especially base is NOT clear at THIS very moment :p

iamjamiesher said...

HAHAHa. kesian-nyer~
i bump into the target, worse.

Anonymous said...

huish, i'll go back tmn golf and tell mak leong.

Anonymous said...

huish, i'll go back tmn golf and tell mak leong.