
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Fantastic 48 hours, bite a tyre, drink some oil.

The last 48 hours had been crazy. It felt like a never ending rollercoaster ride. Problems after problems poured in.

Earthquakes put the entire region on high alert. And oh, some Malaysians are so kiasu that they want to own everything other people has, and see everything other people has seen. Doesn't matter if it is dangerous, cos it'd be cool if I can tell my grandchildren that I've came face to face with the killer tsunami! Frontliners~

You know you're in for a long day (& night) when certain party point fingers at you without fail whenever things go wrong. They were trying to find fault, and not solve the problem at hand. And I find it amusing when cornered people come up with the lamest of excuses to buy his way out. Don't be so Dong ok? We can see what you were doing from our side, it's like a live webcast! We saw what you did OK? Why don't you just admit it?! We joined a bridge set up by the other party. Problem is, we don't know what the problem is. They on the other hand, were quick to relate the problem at hand with a similar problem that happened last year. And before you know it, they dug their noses in and start digging aimlessly. Worse of all, they'd rather spend time trying to find connections between the previous problem and the one they have now, and throw it right back at you. Donkey. What I find amusing (in the midst of chaos) was that how terribly wrong communication can be when you speak the same language but at the same time, not quite similar.

Cinabeng: Har-lohh???
FluentGuy: Hello?

Even a simple hello sounds so different. Forget about explaining the situation.

I can finally go home by 3am. Guess what, diligent matas were manning roadblocks.
I thought to myself, "Ahh, perfect (rolls eyes)... It's 3am, my tired eyes and pale looking face, and with this hair, I'm alone, I've got a bottle of water next to me, what do I look like?!"

Looked like I've just got out of a club, drunk, driving and trying hard to lower my alcohol level with LOTS of water! That's what I thought. That's exactly what the police were thinking too.

Police: "Hi, selamat malam. Mau pergi mana? (so civil~)
Me : (rolls eyes) Balik rumah. Baru habis kerja.
Police: Kerja? (Gives a skeptical look) Kerja di mana? *chuckles*
Me : Maybank. Ada masalah.

(and all of a sudden I realised that I made myself look like the greatest liar of all.)

Police: *chuckles* Masalah? Ya kahh? Tiup satu kali.
Me : (WTF!) APA? Tiup macam mana?! (hey, dong, I've never done this before!)
Police: Macam ni. (Turned to his side and blew)
Me : (rolled eyes - it will be low as hell, sial!) FFFUUUUUTT!
Police: (looked at the reading, at me, and waved me off)

Ugh. Sometimes the more you try to explain things, the more you complicate it.
And my 4 wheels and a steering wheel burnt a large hole in my pocket.


Anonymous said...

alamak, babe.. sorry, but i have to laugh about the roadblock part... hehehe.. so boloh mia meh? of cos can smell whether u smell like alcohol bo mar... badak mia me-mata... anyway, hang in there.. *hugs* on the bright side, new kereta worrr... should be happy! :)

iamjamiesher said...

blessings in disguise.
kekekek. dong hor. muka hamsap punya mata.