
Saturday, July 08, 2006

He Who Has the Right to Hog the Street.

Malaysians are ranked third rudest in the world?
I'll tell you that it is much deserved. We didn't get there by chance. We earned it.

What happens when an expensive big ass car came along, head to head, along a narrow single lane road? Share-share laH~
Common sense of space tells you that 2 cars can fit into a single lane. It's either you have bad sense of space, or your license is bought by sumbat-ing money into the tester (is that what they're called??) pocket, you're a loser either way.

Common sense also tells you that when two cars meet head to head along a narrow lane, move to the side laH~ But big ass car with big ass bald man behind the wheels, hogged the entire road. Drove right through in the middle. With no space left to budge so that big ass car can pass without scraping each other's side mirrors off, I stopped my small ass car. Until then only he came to his senses, to move to his side of the lane. So big ass man wasn't really happy that cheap small ass car didnt make way for his big ass car. So he pulled his car right next to mine, and gives a stare. I stared back, long and hard. I'm disgusted. Ptui~

Ptui Ptui Ptui~~

He who has the right to hog the street? Excuse my Ass.


Anonymous said...

Small arse car.....
normal la, malaysian drivers r all macam gangsta...

& i wonder how's da staring moment, sure tension in btween lol!


iamjamiesher said...

tension in between. You've got that right. that 3 second stare. I can still remember it. sheesh.

Anonymous said...

3 secs!!! Fuyoh... you're one great 'starrer'... bwahahahha...

Tension is one thing.

Make sure you don't do the same in Jhr. People here are not 'macam gangsta' ... they ARE gangsters.

That's why Will just wouldn't throw me in Starbucks whole day to finish a book or something. He just sumbat me in his room (a very comfy room) until he gets home.

iamjamiesher said...

HAHA! GangsterS already! I totally agree!