
Friday, July 21, 2006

Traffic 101

Need to be a more patient person? Try the Traffic Therapy.
It's no small feat to navigate through this sort of heavy traffic every morning.
In fact, it's a new challenge everyday. It takes the workforce of the entire Intelligence Agency to figure out the Optimum time to depart and the estimated time it takes to reach your destination. Isn't that a Cool Job?

There's an old saying, Time is money. A more appropriate saying for the 21st century motorists, Time is Everything. It amuses me sometimes on how much impact a 2 minutes delay made so much difference on the roads. I mean the traffic. Who knows that forecasting the traffic would boom into something as big as forecasting stock market shares or FOREX rates!

Traffic 101 :
1) Consider The time you take off.
2) Keep a constant watch on the level of traffic already on the road.
3) Assess the situation. (Assess all lubangs and every inch of space spotted.
4) Stick to the moving lane, of course. Static ones drives you up the wall..
5) We Malaysians need to be more considerate people. Allow those who cut queues to chip in in front of you. Don't curse or wave anything obscene at other. Be nice. (What I meant was, add extra buffer time for each car that chipped in right in front of you.)
6) Watch as magic unfolds in front of you. Be amazed by how a two lane street doubled to a four lane. Maybe 5.
7) Traffic Lights. They are to be ignored on mornings and evenings. Watch out for White gloves. And oh, you've got to triple the time of the usual stop at red lights. (Note: Extra extra buffer time) And also, you've gota put in Extra Extra time in this case, cos you'll never know when an entourage of 500ccs and golden plated expensive big ass cars are coming your way. They have the right to stop all other moving objects to make way for them.

You should be prepared for the Malaysian Roads. Good Luck.


Anonymous said...

hmmm, come to think about it,
am actually quite patient den..

everymorning n evening, n it has been for almost half yr bfore n after london... not bad!

well thx to RUDY & JJ in de morning n my collections of CDs on the evening =P

iamjamiesher said...

you're always late for work...
so..shud lup...
doesnt matter already whether or not you have patience or not. =P jahanamlah engkau..

Anonymous said...

hahaha darn you!
give some face pls...
always call ppl to shud lap!
you shud lap!

*stuff LEENEX in ur mouth*
sumbatttttt! NAH AMBIK

Anonymous said...

LEENEX? kakakakaa....... i suspect this came from me ;p kan haji?

iamjamiesher said...

give some face? the whole world didn't know that you came in late, including those from other department. I SO wish that someone stumble upon this blog and figured that you're you. haha!

Thamby Dearie..
Muhaha..Yeshie it came from you. Muhahaha. But all of us sebulat suara disagree that its pronounced as LeENEX..muahha!!!