
Monday, March 13, 2006


Hadnt had enough sleep lately. Imagine being wide awake when your body seems to be shutting itself down. Eyes wide open. And of course, with that, I had eyebags deeper than the Mariana Trench off the Philippines. Chronic. Incureable.

Been talking to a LongLostFriend, ALYW yesterday. Made me realised how long we hadnt been talking to each other. So we tried to make up for the lost time all in one shot. Talking about every single thing that went on in our lives. Interesting. *Except for the part where you decided to put me on the Other "ToIgnoreList" of people. HAHa! Im so gona sue you for that! Better make sure ya cellphone is with you all the time. After all, isnt that the purpose of a Mobile phone? For you to be mobilised. Its Not meant to be kept in a Bag. They feel lonely too.

For the first time, I was asked to show my IC, because I ordered an alcholic drink and obviously I dont look like I could drink, Legally? *WTF?! Kiddo.Underage? Doink. My sis couldnt help but to laugh. Laughed hard. My gawd. Your comment? =.='''

I have no rights to say that you hadnt learn anything. Perhaps you didnt learn what I thought you would learn? You're back to where you belong now. You never belonged to where you let yourself into, by accident or by intention. Learn to put yourself into others shoes. I never claimed to be a perfect person. Im a learner.

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