
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Manners, excuse me?

The more gadgets there are, the worse things seem to get. People get really wrapped up in their little technological world, and they forget that there are other people out there.

Loud conversations in public places, or "cell yell" is the worst of it all. Cellphones obviously are the big big big thing. People use them anywhere and everywhere. Too convenient and useful that people let politeness that should have come with it slip into oblivion?

*For God's sake, at the movies, turn off your cellphone. I dont wanna pay RM10 to be sitting next to some guy chitchatting with his girlfriend on his cellphone. Not just the cinemas, it includes events like funerals, school graduations, libraries as well. Thats just wrong.

"This rudeness has deteriorated public spaces, according to Lew Friedland, a communications professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He calls the lack of manners a kind of unconscious rudeness, as many people are not aware of what they're doing or the others around them." Perhaps you could turn around and tell the person "Do you mind?" which I personally think it wont sound mean because sometimes they just dont realise what they're doing. *We're kind enough to remind them

Spare us the intimate details of your relationship problems, breakups and even what's for dinner. We're essentially subjected against our will to someone else's conversation. It takes what was a public common space that is parcel out and divided into small private space. If you were to politely ask them to talk quietly, they would comply with chagrin. Makes you feel that its your problem, like you dont understand that loud cellphone use is normal in public. (=.=''')

Its not just cellphones. As WiFi continues to grow in public places, it starts to get troublesome when people use it in cafes or coffee shops, and they just camp out there forever. They'll even put together three tables so that they'll have room to spread out. Thats just not right. If you go to someplace like that, you stay there 20 minutes, finish up whatever drink you have and then leave. It's not your living room. Public places are not to be abused. Sounds Malaysian to you?

p/s: there are times when you HAVE to take that particular call, even when you're in the middle of something nonetheless just as important. But its not like you were yelling into your cellphone, while the rest of the people around you just keep quiet and listen. In fact, conversations like that are kept brief and short. Courtesy still prevails over bad wireless manners, and you took the call because you felt that there's a need to tell the caller that you're actually in the middle of something, instead of rejecting calls? *which will prompt them to try calling, nonstop until you pickup? Someone use to tell me that "when you start to play with your phone, you're showing signs of boredom". I don't see how that "theory" came about, because you're "playing" with your phone because there's a caller on the other line whom you decide to tend to? Argh..

Such a paradox. You be the judge.

Cell phone use seems to spur the most debate on wireless manners. Here are some etiquette tips, which like most good manners, are common courtesy:

# Stop noise pollution: Don't shout into your phone and keep the ring on as low as possible. Or better yet, keep the phone on vibrate.
# Off means off: Respect the rules of any location, including planes, schools, churches and restaurants.
# Take it in private: If you're expecting an important call, turn the phone to vibrate or silent mode. Then, to take the call, excuse yourself to the lobby, restroom or outside where there are fewer people.
# Be aware of personal space: No, not your space, others'. Keep several feet away from anyone when on a call.
# Know when to call: Just because you have someone's cell phone number, don't assume you can call it at anytime.

Source: LetsTalk.com


Anonymous said...

"If you go to someplace like that, you stay there 20 minutes, finish up whatever drink you have and then leave." <--- OMG, and I thought it was fine for me to spend half the day reading my book in Star Bucks. Gees, NOW i know i had a "unconcious rudeness" problem. Kekeke...

iamjamiesher said...

... perhaps that doesnt apply to a LESS busy starbucks outlet?